Examples of the the word, magnificent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( magnificent ), is the 6541 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the city became part of imperial propaganda. Claudius was the first to hold, magnificent ,celebrations in honor of the city's anniversary, in 48 AD,800 years after
  2. A decade after its release, AllMusics Eduardo Rivadavia called Mob Rules" a, magnificent ,record ". The album was certified gold, and reached the top 20 on the UK charts
  3. 1410) Sigismund, were defeated in the Battle of Necropolis. Bayed built the, magnificent ,Flu CAMIF in Bursa, to celebrate this victory. Thus, the siege of
  4. Poet of Ujjain, Kalidasa at the 4th century CE. ROYAL PROCESSION: There is a, magnificent ,painting showing a king and queen with their attendants going in a royal
  5. Area, which allows free public access to the parliamentary proceedings and, magnificent ,views of the city. The Gendarmenmarkt, a neoclassical square in Berlin whose
  6. He went on to discover the North Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh with many, magnificent ,reliefs, including the famous Royal Lion Hunt scenes. He also discovered the
  7. Of Antares. As a suitable memory to this splendid victory he vowed to build a, magnificent ,home for the Order of Cistercians. It took another 76 years before this task
  8. A young man diving into the sea. Roman wall paintings, such as those at the, magnificent ,Villa DEI Mister (1st century B. C.) in the ruins of Pompeii, and others at
  9. 1147. The church later evolved into the Monastery of Alabama, one of the most, magnificent ,gothic monuments in the country. In the church are the tombs of King Peter I
  10. Mandala kingdom in the Mandala Mountains was founded around 1500 and erected, magnificent ,fortified structures, the purpose and exact history of which are still
  11. There was also widespread counterfeiting. Banks of that era were few and quite, magnificent , It would not do for churches to be implicated in these activities. Thus
  12. To the Nile Basin Agreement signed in 1959 between Egypt and Sudan. Another, magnificent ,project designed to address the water scarcity problem is the New Valley (the
  13. A certain Ascension Day King Arthur had come from Carlton, and had held a very, magnificent ,court at Camelot as it was fitting on such a day. Nothing in Chrétien's poem
  14. The notion of" folk genius ", or an inborn and intuitive ability to do, magnificent ,things, is a core principle of the Romantic movement. Nostalgia for the
  15. Wrote his first major piece, the Piano Quartet in A minor, inspired by the, magnificent ,view of the Caverns - it was dedicated to" the hill at Chosen (Church down)
  16. Allow ". Indeed, the celebrations of the new holiday in 1880 were particularly, magnificent , In the debate leading up to the adoption of the holiday, Henri Martin
  17. Naples under Giovanni Montano and, for his entrance in the city in 1443,had a, magnificent ,triumphal arch added to the main gate of Castle Nova. This edifice, considered
  18. S Essays SUR la pasture was described by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, as " a, magnificent ,work, which speaks even more helpfully to the poet than to the painter, though
  19. Canada, the quarter with the highest elevation in the city, which commands a, magnificent ,view over the whole city and also has a revolving restaurant at the top where
  20. An elevation of 615 meters above sea level, at the foot of Baba Mountain. Its, magnificent ,Register mountain (2601 m) is a national park with exquisite flora and fauna
  21. President Mariano Delgado (1864–71) traded the land for what he called" a, magnificent ,white horse" and Acre was subsequently flooded by Brazilians which ultimately
  22. Life. Highlights of the African collection include the Benin Bronzes,a, magnificent ,brass head of a Yoruba ruler from If, Nigeria; As ante gold work from Ghana and
  23. Illustrated the original Pooh books, using his own son's teddy, Growler (" a, magnificent ,bear" ), as the model. Christopher Robin Milne's own toys are now under glass
  24. Academy Award on February 25, 2007,presented by Clint Eastwood," for his, magnificent ,and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music. " With the statuette
  25. Romped home 4–0,with the new player gaining even more admirers after scoring a, magnificent ,thumping volley dispatched with authority after a cross by the left-winger Tom
  26. Tree of Belize is the Mahogany Tree (Sweetened macrophyte),one of the, magnificent ,giants of the Belize rain forest. Rising straight and tall to over a hundred
  27. Castle, lays claim to being the oldest Christian site in city, although its, magnificent ,and unique building designed by Hippolyte Blanc dates mainly from the late 19th
  28. Rebuilt and extended for strategic purposes. Good examples of these are the, magnificent ,castles of Queries and Parapets which are both perched on the side of
  29. Equal footing with the white people. " Jackson responded with" That ... is a, magnificent ,management and we consent to it, American Citizenship, readily. " On October 18
  30. Birds were later used in religious or symbolic art and design, such as the, magnificent ,Peacock Throne of the Mughal and Persian emperors. With the advent of
  31. In 985,remarking that the architecture and infrastructure of the city was ", magnificent ,", but living conditions were awful. Under Al-Jahiz, the city saw a brief period
  32. In May. * Goiás Hello – Ancient capital of the State of Goiás, filled with, magnificent ,and very well-preserved colonial architecture, also known by its popular
  33. Are each about high. Of its many historic works of art may be mentioned the, magnificent ,marble tomb of the founder and his wife, considered the masterpiece of the
  34. Early destroyers were extremely cramped places to live, being " without a doubt, magnificent ,fighting vessels" ..." but unable to stand bad weather. " During the
  35. With his brother Teacher, known for his skill with the bow. Ajax would wield his, magnificent ,shield, as Teacher stood behind picking off enemy Trojans. Achilles was absent
  36. Into three regions:; Bruce: the Royal or Greek quarter, forming the most, magnificent ,portion of the city. In Roman times Bruce was enlarged by the addition of an
  37. That Frey Angelico set about the task of decorating the monastery, including the, magnificent ,Chapter House fresco, the often-reproduced Annunciation at the top of the
  38. Complete holdings of most of the great names before the 19th century. There are, magnificent ,groups of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael,Michelangelo, ( including his
  39. Music Prize in 2010. In 2007,he received the Academy Honorary Award" for his, magnificent ,and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music ". The composer also
  40. Is surprisingly lush with trees—magnolias, dogwoods,Southern pines, and, magnificent , oaks. " The city's lush tree canopy, which filters out pollutants and cools
  41. Destitute shepherds of goats vying with one another in the construction of, magnificent ,buildings. " Name" Muslim"/> name "/IN"> Bukhara"/> *" Before the Day of
  42. Prince-bishops, and from 1864 to 1867 by the deposed King Otto of Greece. The, magnificent ,Rosengarten (Rose Garden) offers excellent views of the city. Oldenburg The
  43. And died only a few months later. The Medici's oversaw the construction of his, magnificent ,tomb by Donatello and Michelob in the Baptistery di San Giovanni in Florence.
  44. Monks,400 in number. Nearly the whole of the abbey buildings, including the, magnificent ,church, were swept away at the close of the 18th century. When the annexed
  45. To 2000. The monastic establishment of Clung was one of the most extensive and, magnificent ,in France. We may form some idea of its enormous dimensions from the fact
  46. Finsteraarhorn, and then northwest through the Hospital, forming on the way the, magnificent ,Hand egg Waterfall, past Suntanned, and piercing the limestone barrier of the
  47. Picture, humanity lively and amusing and loveable in the foreground and nature, magnificent ,beyond. " James Grey, writing in the St. Louis Dispatch concluded," Delete
  48. And in 1949,he wrote upon the back of a photograph of himself:" Pelosi is, magnificent ,with his descriptive lyrics and picture of nature, but you are better still. I
  49. Anniversary of the foundation of Rome being celebrated by the hosting of, magnificent ,games in Rome. It lasted a number of days, and a host of exotic animals were
  50. Was the shadow of humanity" and that Sinatra had" spent his life casting a, magnificent ,and powerful shadow ". In 1984,Sinatra worked with Quincy Jones for the first

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