Examples of the the word, clarification , in a Sentence Context

The word ( clarification ), is the 6540 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Shall be a holy convocation: you shall do no regular work ....' " For further, clarification , it should be noted that biblical months always begin at the first sighting of
  2. Between freedom and responsibility is one of interdependency, and a, clarification ,of freedom also clarifies that for which one is responsible. Activity A
  3. His view of the speech was not universally shared, and he asked Diefenbaker for, clarification , Diefenbaker, however,continued to try to avoid taking a firm position. Though
  4. Many modern biology textbooks in discussions of the history of embryology, with, clarification , that these are no longer considered valid. Haeckel's proponents (past and
  5. On to elaborate on this, in one postulate, and twenty-eight theorems. His first, clarification ,on the matter is that of a postulate, in which he states" ANY required change
  6. That their relationship was irretrievably broken. Due to the aforementioned ", clarification ," Such people are also unable to be issued a passport, even if they previously
  7. In use is usually implied by context, and these words are added only when, clarification ,is needed. Tire pressure and blood pressure are gauge pressures by convention
  8. Same dog was in the photo of the authors at the front of the book. No formal, clarification ,of the hoax film was provided by the subsequent release, The Hollywood Hall of
  9. Notation such as has also been observed, but is ambiguous without contextual, clarification , Functional representation of the remainder operation The remainder operation
  10. Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Paul D. Boyer and John E. Walker for their, clarification ,of the working mechanism of ATP synthase. Heat production Under certain
  11. Concern to mathematicians. Hilbert's work had started logic on this course of, clarification ,; the need to understand Gödel's work then led to the development of recursion
  12. Suggest be added to the Creed, has been called a" gloss on the Creed ",a, clarification , an explanation or interpretation of its meaning. Photos as well as the
  13. Hope expressed by these companies did not materialize. October was a period of, clarification ,… On 31 October in agreement with Central Intelligence Agency, the Department
  14. Of combustion. Enduring aspects Phlogiston theory permitted chemists to bring, clarification ,of apparently different phenomena into a coherent structure: combustion
  15. Of guarantee this would not happen, led most participants of the. Following, clarification ,of Wikipedia's status and non-commercial nature later that year, re-merger
  16. Modern Esperanto has received some influence from Do in areas such as a, clarification ,of the rules for word derivation and suffixes like -oz- (" abundant in" ) and
  17. Correlated with them shaped individuals' behavior. Thus, the etymological, clarification ,and reform of American English promised to improve citizens' manners and
  18. Minority of the Muslim and the Hindu population are of South Asia origin needs, clarification , However, many Mauritians are of mixed descent; this is due to the fact that
  19. Is that on which one is prepared to act. Peirce's pragmatism is a method of, clarification ,of conceptions of objects. It equates any conception of an object to a
  20. He also bombarded friends still living there with requests for information and, clarification , The book consists of 18 chapters, each covering roughly one hour of the day
  21. Its understanding of the theological tradition on the issue, and the definitive, clarification ,found in the encyclical letter Ordination Sacerdotal is (1994) written by Pope
  22. References, inference,observation, etc. may not require further explanation or, clarification ,when the very nature of them shows that they are basic and elementary. Similar
  23. Ending its status as a different standard. The ISO 7185 was stated to be a, clarification ,of Wirth's 1974 language as detailed by the User Manual and Report Jensen and
  24. Two other subspecies are described from West and Central Africa, but taxonomic, clarification ,is required. They have been observed to live up to 19 years. The scientific
  25. In 1882 and 1883; these revelations" set in order" the priesthood, gave more, clarification ,about the roles of priesthood offices—especially the Seventy—and required
  26. On their mind, including interferences); exploration (asking questions); and, clarification ,(rephrasing and summarizing what the patient has been describing). As well
  27. Result of this calculation is one, the IBAN passes the check digit test. For, clarification , the IBAN digits are color-coded as above. In the table below *Column I are
  28. Period than normal in many parts of academia. In the 1990s and 2000s,calls for, clarification ,of what constitutes a culture, of how an observer knows where his or her own
  29. To travel overseas for sex reassignment surgery (SRS). However, a recent ", clarification ," by the Minister for foreign affairs and Trade, Mr. Alexander Downer, stated
  30. Of 1598,and the epilogue to the second part, published in 1600,contains this, clarification ,::" One more word, I beseech you. If you be not too much cloyed with fat meat
  31. The Younger was able to state that the main object of punctuation was the, clarification ,of syntax. By the 19th century, punctuation in the western world had evolved "
  32. Five years after the ADA was passed, the DOJ was unable or unwilling to provide, clarification ,on the distribution requirements for accessible wheelchair locations in large
  33. Their teaching was corrupted by subsequent errors and therefore was in need of, clarification , He gave a name to a force within man which he felt had invariably precedence
  34. Christ being the akin of God) which didn't change, though its subsequent, clarification ,within the Church occurred over the period of the first seven Ecumenical
  35. When the floor is reached and the doors open). Finally, a point warranting, clarification ,is that the term phobia is an encompassing term and when discussed is usually
  36. Over the tendering process, which then asked the British government for ", clarification ,". Alston then announced it had started legal action against Eurostar, again in
  37. City Council" to" Derry City Council" in 1984; the court case was seeking, clarification ,whether this had also changed the name of the city. The decision of the
  38. Error is charged to the fielder who permitted the extra advancement. There was, clarification ,that a runner is credited with a steal if the attempt began before a battery
  39. The identification of issues (usually facilitated by the mediator); * the, clarification ,and detailed specification of respective interests and objectives; * the
  40. March 1994),resettlement of displaced persons (June 1994),historical, clarification ,(June 1994),and indigenous rights (March 1995). They also made significant
  41. Its corrupted state. Zurich's disputations (1523) The events of 1522 brought no, clarification ,on the issues. Not only did the unrest between Zurich and the bishop continue
  42. The positivists subscribed to a notion of philosophy as the conceptual, clarification ,of the methods, insights and discoveries of the sciences. They saw in the
  43. Minder could be quite uncompromising in its use of obscure forms without any, clarification , Thus, the non-Cockney viewer was obliged to deduce that, say," iron" was "
  44. With natural theology, deism,pantheism, or other forms of theism. By way of, clarification , Huxley states," In matters of the intellect, follow your reason as far as it
  45. Version of the standard and all published amendments. Tom also provides, clarification ,and interpretation to industry on published documents. New versions of the IEEE
  46. Of the attribute point adjustments, an edited and rationalized skill list, clarification ,of the difference between ability from experience and from inborn talent, more
  47. The organization. " There are two things in this definition that may need some, clarification , First, the process of risk management is an ongoing iterative process. It must
  48. In the tree of life. Modern phylogenetic and paleontology work together in the, clarification ,of science’s still dim view of the appearance of life and its evolution during
  49. Simply by omitting the contact from the connector body. Master and slave, clarification ,Although they are in extremely common use, the terms" master" and" slave "
  50. Words from a spoken language which have no sign equivalent, or for emphasis, clarification , or when teaching or learning a sign language. In American Sign Language (ASL

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