Examples of the the word, injustice , in a Sentence Context

The word ( injustice ), is the 6552 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Marietta declared that" Art ... can be nothing but violence, cruelty,and, injustice , " Since that text proclaims the unity of life and art, Marinetti understood
  2. His father, Woody Guthrie, Arlo often sings songs of protest against social, injustice , One of Guthrie's better-known works is" Alice's Restaurant Massacre ", a
  3. Of usury. It describes immortals who roam the earth watching over justice and, injustice , The poem regards labor as the source of all good, in that both gods and men
  4. Inadmissible as evidence, and Chaplin was ordered to support the child. The, injustice ,of the ruling later led to a change in California law to allow blood tests as
  5. Legal cases in adversarial systems do not go to trial; this can lead to great, injustice ,when the defendant has an unskilled or overworked attorney, which is likely to
  6. what's a defeat then? Is this a victory or a defeat? Is this justice or, injustice , Is it gallantry or a rout? Is it valor to kill innocent children and women? Do
  7. Only. His message to Congress in 1887 (quoted at right) pointed out the, injustice ,of taking more money from the people than the government needed to pay for its
  8. Or" partnership" ( Livonia). The aim of the city is not just to avoid, injustice ,or for economic stability, but rather to allow at least some citizens the
  9. Was that he was an eccentric alien traveler of great intelligence who battled, injustice ,while exploring time and space in an unreliable time machine, the " PARIS ", (
  10. Written after the trial of Oscar Wilde, addressed more general social, injustice ,towards homosexuality. In the poem the prisoner is suffering" for the color
  11. Hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering, injustice , " The Constitution of France (under the Fifth Republic established in 1958)
  12. The United States and Britain was further advanced by her stands against social, injustice , including slavery in the United States, injustice toward Italian citizens by
  13. Computer hackers, who are often patterned on the idea of the lone hero fighting, injustice , such as Robin Hood. One of the cyberpunk genre's prototype characters is Case
  14. His father, Woody Guthrie, Guthrie often sings songs of protest against social, injustice , He collaborated with poet Adrian Mitchell to tell the story of Chilean folk
  15. Which Fox practiced, but motivated by the more worldly goal of eradicating war, injustice ,and oppression. Fox petitioned Cromwell over the course of 1656,asking him to
  16. Leaving his fortune to Gladstone, even though he sees that as" an awful, injustice ,to the world ", but the man actually finds the treasure and pays the kids back.
  17. The votes. History The founding of the ANC was in direct response to perceived, injustice ,against black South Africans at the hands of the current government in power.
  18. This belief stems from the conviction that a loving God would not allow, injustice ,to win. When the facts of life did not fit the Bible's emphasis on reward and
  19. His work is marked by keen intelligence and wit, a profound awareness of social, injustice , an intense opposition to totalitarianism, a passion for clarity in language
  20. 1:3a,1:13b). In the first part of the second chapter, the Prophet sees the, injustice ,among his people and asks why God does not take action:" 1:2 Yahweh, how long
  21. For emancipation of the Jews in England, and there are frequent references to, injustice ,against them. Plot summary Opening Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe is disinherited by
  22. Brown first thought of himself as being 'Labor' and his sense of social, injustice ,was roused when he accompanied his father on visits around Kirkland seeing the
  23. Theory (as described above) concerns itself with“ forms of authority and, injustice ,that accompanied the evolution of industrial and corporate capitalism as a
  24. Feel the other churches were not doing enough to counter the history of racial, injustice ,between black and white churches. In response to this, the remaining churches
  25. Include Israel as an enemy of YHWH. According to Amos, Israel is guilty of, injustice ,toward the innocent, poor,and young women. As punishment YHWH's vengeance
  26. By her stands against social injustice , including slavery in the United States, injustice ,toward Italian citizens by foreign rulers, and child labor. In Lilian Whiting
  27. Taken aback when he reached his room to find Thomas upset and crying about this, injustice , Rickey related this incident as an example of why he wanted a full
  28. Came to light. The writer Emile Zola published an impassioned editorial on the, injustice , and was himself condemned by the government for libel. Once Dreyfus was
  29. Results in unequal wealth distribution, but they" do not see that as an, injustice , " Tucker explained," If I go through life free and rich, I shall not cry
  30. I once heard the Messenger of Allah say,'If people see someone practicing, injustice ,and do not set him right, Allah will almost certainly visit them all with
  31. This island. In 1533,three rectors of Regina were punished for their acts of, injustice ,and we have a graphic account of the reception given by the Aeginetans to the
  32. Wish to live in a world where African Americans are not angry over the, injustice ,of slavery. The best-selling anti-slavery novel from the 19th century is Uncle
  33. Decision of the Privy Council the previous year that criticized the" grievous, injustice ," suffered by the opposition politician J. B. Jakarta at the hands of the
  34. The member in question and the Church as a whole to" prevent insult or, injustice , " The member is invited to attend, but the council can go forward without him.
  35. The spread of slavery. I cannot but hate it. I hate it because of the monstrous, injustice ,of slavery itself. Furthermore, I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its
  36. Articulated this in 1837,saying," Institution of slavery is founded on both, injustice ,and bad policy, but the promulgation of abolition doctrines tends rather to
  37. Published in 1764. In this book, Beccaria aimed to demonstrate not only the, injustice , but even the futility from the point of view of social welfare, of torture and
  38. As a reminder to stand up for freedom and democracy to ensure that such, injustice ,may never happen again," entreated Mayor Towards. " It has been shown once
  39. Ideology that sees capitalism as the cause of environmental problems, social, injustice , and inequality. Typically, environmentalists have conservationist views - in
  40. The desert. A rebellion breaks out among the Bremen inspired by this latest, injustice , a rebellion made all the more dangerous and legitimate because the mother of
  41. See" by Walter C. Alvarez, she tempers this:" Although I feel it was an, injustice ,to treat Aldous as though he were blind, it is true there were many indications
  42. And left-wing insurgents. A variety of factors contributed: social and economic, injustice ,and racism against the indigenous population, the 1954 coup which reversed
  43. Never to forget those who were slighted or neglected or who had suffered, injustice , because it was they who, above all others, deserved our love and respect ... "
  44. Desirable but that excessive inequality leads to efficiency problems and social, injustice , National income, measured by statistics such as the Net
  45. Reggae songs interspersed with critical commentary on alleged government, injustice ,and corruption, received several death threats. Sama's personal car was later
  46. The wisdom of God. In the first part of the first chapter, the Prophet sees the, injustice ,among his people and asks why God does not take action. " 1:2 Yahweh, how long
  47. Own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an, injustice ,and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a
  48. He describes the treatment of" our innocent black brothers whom force and, injustice ,have delivered into the slave-master's devilish clutches" as" belonging to
  49. For they give to each other justice and recompense For their, injustice ,In conformity with the ordinance of Time. Simplicity mentions that
  50. Not willing to give. It is inconsistent. I can never accept inconsistency or, injustice , Even if it comes from God. If there would come a voice from God saying," I'm

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