Examples of the the word, rightly , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Example) that a river is named after a state, but " named for a state" would, rightly ,be regarded as an Americanism. * BRE sometimes uses to with near (we live near
  2. Good and evil but as selfless versus selfish orientations, either of which used, rightly ,can serve God's will. In contrast to the Jewish view of being morally balanced
  3. ABD Al-Jahiz: Umayyad caliph considered by some (mainly Sunnis) to be a fifth, rightly ,guided caliph. * Ha run al-Rashid: Abbasid caliph during whose reign Baghdad
  4. people's minds just a legend, and it thus an ideal hiding place. Let thinks, rightly , that when his father was blinded by a stone burner and went off into the
  5. Under his direction. Killed by rebels. * Ali in Abu Tali: Fourth and last, rightly ,guided caliph, and considered the first imam by Shi'a Muslims. His reign was
  6. Caliph. Subdued rebel tribes in the Jidda Wars. * Umar in Al-Shabab: Second, rightly ,guided caliph. During his reign, the Islamic empire expanded to include Egypt
  7. Abi Tali are commonly known by Sunnis, mainly,as the Khulna’ur-Rāshideen (", rightly ,guided successors" ) Caliphs. Each Caliph was a close companion of Muhammad
  8. Software (computer program) execution device, the earliest devices that could, rightly ,be called CPUs came with the advent of the stored-program computer. The idea of
  9. Sees, he sees no death, no sickness or distress. When a man, rightly ,sees, he sees all, he wins all, completely. Thus, as in Buddhism, in
  10. The name would have a double meaning in the poem: When the hero is functioning, rightly , his men bring grief to the enemy, but when wrongly, his men get the grief of
  11. By Pietro Pomponazzi, boldly assailed these beliefs and denied that either was, rightly ,attributed to Aristotle. They held that Aristotle considered the soul as a
  12. For each day and some other prayers, but no lessons or homilies. The Breviary, rightly ,so called, however,only dates from the 11th century; the earliest MS.
  13. His army dwindles. Eleanor was humiliated by imprisonment a second time, for, rightly , opposing Louis's foolish assault on Damascus with his remaining army
  14. Throughout the globe are on offer, and some of the SAR's private hospitals are, rightly ,considered to be among the very best of their type in the world. There are two
  15. Expanded to include Egypt, Jerusalem,and Persia. * Than in Afghan: Third, rightly ,guided caliph. The Qur'an was compiled under his direction. Killed by rebels. *
  16. Against the science of morality, arguments he believes scientists happily and, rightly ,disregard in other domains of science like physics. For example, a scientist
  17. Mayfield felt that the matter involved church issues which the court could not, rightly ,consider. Mitchell asserts that none of the Judge's conclusions of law in his
  18. 1 Samuel 2:3,so, if, rightly , handled,they lead to God by the aid of His grace. And it (the Church) does
  19. It is filled with precisely the kind of shrill hyperbole that Finkelstein, rightly ,deplores in much of the current media hype over the Holocaust; it is brimming
  20. Of the Spirits (1965),depicting Gillette Marina as a housewife, Juliet,who, rightly ,suspects her husband's infidelity and succumbs to hearing voices of spirits
  21. Abi Tali (656-661). These first Caliphs are known as the" Rashid" or ", rightly ,guided" Caliphs in Sunni Islam, and oversaw the initial phase of the Muslim
  22. Many of Wojtyła's arguments. Highlights Faithfulness to God's Design 13. Men, rightly ,observe that a conjugal act imposed on one's partner without regard to his or
  23. Kasparov had said several days before the tournament that the winner could, rightly ,be called the world champion of tournaments. Perhaps spurred on by this comment
  24. As to the cause of their relatives' deaths. Though Wilde's work has been, rightly ,criticized as under-estimating the true extent of mortality, it does provide a
  25. Choice of what is the best worthy of praise and acceptance, because he has acted, rightly , not by force, but from his own free-will, when he had it in his power to act
  26. Apply to most of them. The following is a partial list of those who could not, rightly ,be termed Covenant-breakers: * Members of other religions or no religion
  27. Licensed under licenses that do not meet the Free Software Definition cannot, rightly ,be considered free software. Apart from these two organizations, the Debian
  28. Gayness is controversial ... and so gay people feel besieged to some degree and, rightly ,so .... My column spoke as we would speak in my small world, and it was read by
  29. Fourth ecumenical council clarified this point by stating:" For the Fathers, rightly ,granted privileges to the throne of Old Rome because it was the royal city. And
  30. And political science and progressive and democratic views that all the power, rightly ,belongs to the people. The brothers were also well-trained in martial pursuits;
  31. To disagree, one doesn't have to be disagreeable. ” *“Equality, rightly ,understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the
  32. Competence and the integrity of their point of view. This administration can be, rightly ,criticized by a fair-minded person smack in the middle of the political
  33. Stained with streams of blood. Thus demoralized was Capra. " Death might be, rightly ,meted out as punishment, or met with equanimity in peace or war as a gift of
  34. Prison in exchange for the passengers. This hijacking, Riedel stated, was, rightly , described by then Indian Foreign minister Aswan Singh as a 'dress rehearsal '
  35. 2009,the print and web editions of The Onions A. V. Club called Cowboy Bebop ", rightly ,a huge hit ", and listed it as a gateway series to understanding the medium of
  36. Macbeth directs to the ghost, such as" Thy bones are marrowless ", cannot, rightly , be said of Ban quo, who has only recently died. Scholars debate whether Macbeth
  37. But in this case his caution worked against him. Smelling a stratagem (, rightly ,), he stayed put. For the winter, Hannibal found comfortable quarters in the
  38. To the parliament, and asks them to point to another chairman who they feel can, rightly ,form a new coalition. The chairman with the most votes is then handed the
  39. The is written: cell spacing" 10" style" text-align:/IN"> left"> When a man, rightly ,sees, he sees no death, no sickness or distress. When a man
  40. Anything existent),or being itself, a property common to all that which can, rightly ,be said to be. ... the same word is the present participle of the verb 'to be.
  41. Of prejudice '. There is also a Bertrand Russell quotation saying 'Mathematics, rightly ,viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty—a beauty cold and austere
  42. Kissing at the wedding reception, leading to Maria's mental breakdown. She, rightly ,believed that Tony had murdered Liam, however,no one believed her except Tony
  43. Of them did not make the choice to join the group and thus feel they cannot, rightly ,be called apostates. Negative terms relating to former members have been
  44. Seldom that we have to pause to think of the meaning of a sentence ... Alcuin, rightly ,praises Bede for his pretending style. " Intent Bede's primary intention in
  45. In the 1851 census. The death tables, contained in the 1851 census have been, rightly ,criticized, as under-estimating the true extent of mortality, Cousens '
  46. Of him:" Solzhenitsyn blamed the evils of Soviet communism on the West. He, rightly ,stressed the European origins of Marxism, but he never asked himself why
  47. A third branch of Islam, the Bad Charities, believes that the caliphate, rightly ,belongs to the greatest spiritual leader among Muslims, regardless of his
  48. Discussions, continued the work of Ran. In the Babylonian schools, Rav was, rightly ,referred to as" our great master. " Ran also exercised a great influence for
  49. According to the orthodox Thomism of the Roman Catholic Church, Aristotle, rightly , regarded reason as a facility of the individual soul. Against this, the
  50. The world whether in agreement or discord. " Notable Caliphs * Abu Bakr: First, rightly ,guided caliph. Subdued rebel tribes in the Jidda Wars. * Umar in Al-Shabab:

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