Examples of the the word, inland , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inland ), is the 6543 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Its grain partly from its sheep and copper mines, of which traces can be seen, inland , Amateur was a rich and densely populated kingdom with a flourishing
  2. Climates are more moderate and have less extreme seasonal variations than, inland ,climates. Precipitation can be approximated from coastal weather data and air
  3. Of Turkmenistan's Key Km desert, well short of its historic terminus of the, inland ,Aral Sea. In Hadith In the traditions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (
  4. From Pamphlet onward, the coast held no major ports and so Alexander moved, inland , At Tresses, Alexander humbled but did not storm the Obsidian city. At the
  5. They may have migrated down the coast of British Columbia and then moved, inland , Over time, they differentiated into various First Nations peoples, including
  6. Spent most of their first year collecting near Belém do Pará, then explored, inland ,separately, occasionally meeting to discuss their findings. In 1849,they were
  7. Has a continental climate, with cold, snowy winters due to its elevation and, inland ,location, and hot, dry summers. Rainfall occurs mostly during the spring and
  8. Part of eastern Algeria, where it reaches as much as in some years. Farther, inland , the rainfall is less plentiful. Prevailing winds that are easterly and
  9. Turkey, the capital of Anyone Province. Anyone is in mountainous countryside, inland ,from the Aegean coast, south-west of Ankara along the Aka River. Elevation.
  10. One direction three thousand Stadia about 555 km; 345 mi, but across the center, inland ,it was two thousand Stadia about 370 km; 230 mi. " Fifty Stadia 9 km; 6 mi from
  11. Civil war have prevented them until 2002 from restoring many of their former, inland ,mission stations. The Roman Catholic and some major Protestant denominations
  12. The houses lining the new seawall. #The Gymnasium and the Palestra are both, inland , near the Boulevard de Rosette in the eastern half of the town; sites unknown.
  13. The Suez Canal. In modern times A new settlement close to Amateur but further, inland , Adios Tycoons, is named after the bishop Saint Tycoon of Amateur. The site of
  14. Continental air mass is weak, Mediterranean winds drop their moisture farther, inland , When there is a dominant continental air mass, cold air spills onto the
  15. Most of Georgia and South Carolina. The British set up a network of forts, inland , hoping the Loyalists would rally to the flag. Not enough Loyalists turned out
  16. Is greater than that of any other river except the Amazon, while the African, inland ,drainage area is greater than that of any continent but Asia, where the
  17. Terms for the otherwise complex range of environments that exist within the, inland ,and tropical regions of the continent. Regional terminology can be very
  18. Besides the East African lakes, the principal are: - Lake Chad, in the northern, inland ,watershed; Bangweulu and Were, traversed by the head-stream of the Congo; and
  19. Pontus Mountains and historically have served as a barrier to human movement, inland ,from the Mediterranean coast except where there are mountain passes such as the
  20. Existence in 1800. Crossing of the Blue Mountains and other exploration of the, inland ,however gave a different dimension to the perception. The term" outback" was
  21. The Acropolis and its access to the sea, which gave it a natural advantage over, inland ,rivals such as Thebes and Sparta. By the 6th century BC, widespread social
  22. Alabama's only saltwater port, is a busy seaport on the Gulf of Mexico with, inland ,waterway access to the Midwest by way of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. The
  23. Of prohibition. Chicago's location on Lake Michigan gave access to a vast, inland ,territory, and it was well-served by railroads. Torrid took over the crime
  24. Trade routes depended upon water transport through the Sea around the rough, inland ,terrain features to its north. These routes usually began in the Far East or
  25. That extend along the entire length of the coast, separating it from the, inland ,Anatolian plateau. In the west, the mountains tend to be low, with elevations
  26. West. Alabama ranks 30th in total land area and ranks second in the size of its, inland ,waterways. The state ranks 23rd in population with 4.7 million residents in
  27. Of high land is broader but somewhat lower. The most mountainous districts lie, inland ,from the head of the Gulf of Guinea (Adamant, etc.),where heights of 1800 m
  28. Of a stream valley; others, such as the Kenya OVAs, are large basins of, inland ,drainage or are the result of limestone erosion. Most of the basins take their
  29. Twenty-third in the amount of surface water, also giving it the second-largest, inland ,waterway system in the United States. About three-fifths of the land area is a
  30. Of the Month (a spur of mountainous land that extends from the higher, inland ,range to the North Sea slightly north of Stone haven) through present day
  31. Italy except for the coastal areas of Liguria and Venetian and a few isolated, inland ,centers such as Augusta Pretoria (Aorta),Segundo (Susan),and the island
  32. Some clothing and rope. Life on the island Hearing strange sounds from the, inland , which he feared were dangerous beasts, Selkirk remained at first along the
  33. Part of the Baltic Sea. Geophysical data The Baltic Sea is a brackish, inland ,sea, perhaps the largest body of brackish water in the world (other
  34. Cordillera Penibética near the Mediterranean coast and the Cordillera Sabbatical, inland , separated by the Such Intrabético. The Cordillera Sabbatical is quite
  35. Later, it was taken across the sea to East Africa and may have been taken, inland ,at the time of the Great Zimbabwe civilization. According to their oral
  36. Cities, although it has numerous farming villages. Central Plateau Stretching, inland ,from the Aegean coastal plain, the Central Anatolian plateau occupies the area
  37. Between the basins of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, there is an area of, inland ,drainage along the center of the East African plateau, directed chiefly into
  38. Has a population of 1,680. The village's winding High Street lies a little, inland ,from the coast. Narrow lanes run off it, providing access to the more hidden
  39. Occupies a circular area bisected by the equator, once probably the site of an, inland ,sea. Running along the south of desert is the plains' region known as the Sahel.
  40. Which was of significant importance for trading. Trade came mainly from the, inland ,of Jutland but also from Norway, Lübeck,Amsterdam, England,France and Spain.
  41. Attractive to overseas visitors–especially tourists from Northern Europe. While, inland ,areas such as Jaén, Córdoba and the hill villages and towns remain relatively
  42. The seasonal variation is not quite as great in the coastal area. The higher, inland ,mountains receive less precipitation than the intermediate uplands. Terrain
  43. Point in North America. Southwest A sparsely inhabited region stretching some, inland ,from the Bering Sea. Most of the population lives along the coast. Kodiak
  44. That coastal areas are typically cooler in the summer and warmer in winter than, inland ,locations. Coastal areas are also subject to hear, or coastal fog. Notable
  45. During the 19th century made fish easily available and inexpensive, even in, inland ,areas, making aquaculture less popular. Hawaiians constructed oceanic fish
  46. Reptiles of Oligocene and Miocene age. History Early European exploration of, inland ,Australia was sporadic. More focus was on the more accessible and fertile
  47. The Poetic Alps, have tributaries that flow in broad, elevated basins. Access, inland ,from the coast is limited to a few narrow valleys because mountain ridges.
  48. Are not heavily populated due to a national policy of keeping residences, inland ,rather than crowding the coast. The city lies at the junction of railway lines
  49. Start in 1829–1830 attempted to follow the westward-flowing rivers to find an ", inland ,sea ", but these were found to all flow into the Murray River and Darling River
  50. Most of the outback, combined with soils which are usually not very fertile, inland ,Australia is relatively sparsely settled. More than 90 percent of Australians

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