Examples of the the word, gradual , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gradual ), is the 6548 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hellenistic) astrology in that an Alabama adjustment is made for the, gradual ,precession of the vernal equinox. Hindu astrology includes several nuanced
  2. Through a very high temperature drying in a kiln. The temperature change is, gradual ,so as not to disturb or damage the enzymes in the grain. When kilning is
  3. The 5th century brought the area under the rule of the Merovingian kings. A, gradual ,shift of power during the 8th century led the kingdom of the Franks to evolve
  4. Others founded the Mali Empire. However, the Almoravid religious influence was, gradual ,and not heavily involved in military strife, as Almoravids increased in power
  5. In 100 BC, was inhabited by the Began, a mix of Celtic and Germanic peoples. A, gradual ,immigration by Germanic Frankish tribes during the 5th century brought the area
  6. Administration of Bactria and Indiana. Its widespread usage led to the, gradual ,adoption of the Aramaic alphabet for writing the Hebrew language. Formerly
  7. Name "/IN"> mcpherson64"/> Only the District of Columbia accepted Lincoln's, gradual ,plan, which was enacted by Congress. When Lincoln told his cabinet about his
  8. To rapidly emancipate the slaves, whereas moderate Republicans came to accept, gradual , compensated emancipation and colonization. Name "/IN"> Washington"/>
  9. For the development at Ford stretched far back into the 19th century, from the, gradual ,realization of the dream of interchangeability, to the concept of reinventing
  10. Which is a strong and hazardous emitter of alpha particles. This, gradual ,transformation is an important consideration when studying the properties of
  11. Anti-slavery forces was to stop the expansion and thus put slavery on a path to, gradual ,extinction. To the South this strategy made Southerners second-class citizens
  12. King Nadir Shah. He abandoned the reforms of Manuela Khan in favor of a more, gradual ,approach to modernization. In 1933,however, he was assassinated in a revenge
  13. Central administration leading to governors forming their own empires,a, gradual ,depletion of the fortunes amassed by his predecessors and the growth of
  14. The slowing down of the rotation rate of Earth (at about 42 NEC/day),and in, gradual ,increase of the radius of Moon's orbit (at ~4.5 cm/year rate). Angular
  15. Introduced the" Hippy regimen" of hourly ingestion of milk and cream,the, gradual ,addition of eggs and cooked cereal, for 10 days, combined with alkaline powders
  16. Between the children of the two emperors. The subsequent years witnessed the, gradual ,extinction of Byzantine rule in Asia Minor, as Organ of the Ottoman Turks, who
  17. Logging camps and small processing factories. From 1764 onwards, there was a, gradual ,change from a slave-based society to one based on production for domestic
  18. Enterprise to continue operations. Agassiz continued to live at Calumet, making, gradual , progress in stabilizing the mining operations, such that he was able to leave
  19. Sand Reckoned merely to devising a notation for a certain large integer. The, gradual ,development of Hindu-Arabic numerals independently devised the place-value
  20. The border states that a more radical type of emancipation would happen if his, gradual ,plan based on compensated emancipation and voluntary colonization was rejected.
  21. Late 1990s,including stronger oversight from the National Bank of Bulgaria and, gradual ,privatization. In 2003 the banking system was fully privatized, and substantial
  22. Are now almost absent. At the same time there was a significant though somewhat, gradual ,decline in the number of colonies maintained by beekeepers. This decline
  23. Of the Earth refers to the uniting of the world's political powers, as a, gradual ,process beginning in 1914 and seen later in manifestations such as the League
  24. Since the evolution of the Aramaic alphabet out of the Phoenician one was a, gradual ,process, the division of the world's alphabets into those derived from the
  25. Slavery before the end of the century. Usually states instituted abolition on a, gradual ,schedule with no government compensation of the owners, and many states, such
  26. The difference between the variants Hap‘El and APA‘El appears to be the, gradual ,dropping of the initial h sound in later Old Aramaic. This is noted by the
  27. Does not appear to be related to the duration of prior treatment, however,and, gradual ,loss of therapeutic benefit during the course also occurs. A strategy involving
  28. A process of collective evolution, and the need of the present time is for the, gradual ,establishment of peace, justice and unity on a global scale. The word" Bahá'í
  29. Battery of up to 120 smooth bore guns and carbonates. The ship of the line was a, gradual ,evolution of a basic design that dates back to the 15th century, and,apart
  30. Are more likely during rapid changes between antipsychotic agents, so making a, gradual ,change between antipsychotics minimizes these withdrawal effects. The British
  31. Version of development that was not so much about individual“ inventors” as a, gradual , logical development of industrial engineering::" What was worked out at Ford
  32. And 1960s,that the population of the city exploded, and Athens experienced a, gradual ,expansion in all directions. In the 1980s it became evident that smog from
  33. Minimises these withdrawal effects. The British National Formulary recommends a, gradual ,withdrawal when discontinuing antipsychotic treatment to avoid acute withdrawal
  34. VII's royal quarters were inundated by earthquakes and tidal waves, leading to, gradual ,subsidence in the 4th century AD. This underwater section, containing many of
  35. Although implementation of the order on the trucking industry was kept to a, gradual ,rate in consideration of its projected effects on the national economy, in the
  36. Lungs and heart. An AVM interferes with this cyclical process. Instead of the, gradual ,transition through the capillaries from arteries to veins that is typical of
  37. Both the printing press and the conditions for freedom of the press through the, gradual ,relaxation of restrictive censorship laws. See also intellectual property
  38. Particular play. In The Wasps, for instance, it has been thought to indicate a, gradual ,change in the main character's perspective as the lessons of the ago are
  39. Be done during manufacturing by heat-treating the parts in an oven, followed by, gradual ,cooling—in effect annealing the stresses. The low melting point of aluminum
  40. Although these stars had been known to the ancient Greeks, gradual ,precession had lowered them below the European horizon so that they had been
  41. The narrowing of 'Southeast Asia' to its present boundaries was thus a, gradual ,process. " Currently Malaysia and Indonesia with the western half of New Guinea
  42. German reunification Since German reunification, Alexanderplatz has undergone a, gradual ,process of change with many of the surrounding buildings being renovated.
  43. To be in violation of known physical properties. Another problem was that the, gradual ,identification of more and more chemically similar and indistinguishable
  44. Project of re-democratization through a process that he said would be" slow, gradual ,and safe. " Gases ended the military indiscipline that had plagued the country
  45. During the middle of the first millennium BC, Greek culture experienced a, gradual ,change in the perception of female breasts. Women in art were covered in
  46. Necessary evil" that would become increasingly irrelevant and powerless by the, gradual ,spread of knowledge. Godwin advocated individualism, proposing that all
  47. By activity of the target cell. The result of this sophisticated process is a, gradual ,tuning and tightening of the map, leaving it finally in its precise adult form.
  48. Of the" Big Four" British railway companies and lasted until the, gradual ,privatization of British Rail, in stages between 1994 and 1997. Originally a
  49. From the Germanic pagan beliefs to Christian ones was a very slow and, gradual ,process over several centuries, and it remains unclear the ultimate nature of
  50. Effect of ACE inhibitors. Such therapy, of course, requires careful and, gradual ,titration of the dose to prevent the effects of rapidly decreasing blood

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