Examples of the the word, dense , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dense ), is the 6554 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their densities increase, with the notable exception that potassium is less, dense ,than sodium, and the possible exception to francium, whose physical properties
  2. The mangrove, which flourishes wherever the soil is of a swamp character. The, dense ,forests of West Africa contain, in addition to a great variety of hardwoods
  3. Is the Southern Boundary front, which is determined as the point where very, dense ,abyssal waters unwell to within a few hundred meters of the surface. The bulk
  4. H₃+/H₂ 2×10−5,HBO+/H₂ 2×10−9,and total densities of n 105,typical of cold, dense , molecular clouds. Clearly, between these two primary reactions, equation (1)
  5. Cent of the population and was geographically concentrated around the wealthy, dense ,CBD and inner-suburban neighborhoods of the capital cities (especially
  6. Towers have been constructed, and the downtown area is looking more modern and, dense , The city's tallest building, The Austrian, was topped out on September 17
  7. Body (the poetry) and one or more polar rings. Additional slender electron, dense ,secretory bodies (micronizes) surrounded by one or two polar rings may also
  8. Ell 0) are shaped like spheres. For n 1 the sphere is" solid" ( it is most, dense ,at the center and fades exponentially outwardly),but for n = 2 or more, each
  9. Connect these flows directly, implying that there is significant upwelling of, dense ,deep waters within the Southern Ocean, transformation of these waters into
  10. Moving northward along the west coast of Turkey, before being displaced by less, dense ,Black Sea outflow. The dense Mediterranean water sinks below the Black Sea
  11. The south and extreme north of the coast. The Eastern Ghat region is home to, dense ,tropical forests, while the vegetation becomes sparse as the Ghats give way to
  12. Yield of this process and the compact storage of fat explain why it is the most, dense ,source of dietary calories. Anaerobic respiration or
  13. The Anatolian Plateau, are mostly unguided, but the northern slopes contain, dense ,growths of both deciduous and evergreen trees. The higher slopes facing
  14. 42 people. *1991 – Italian ferry Moby Prince collides with an oil tanker in, dense ,fog off Livorno, Italy killing 140. * 1991 – A rare tropical storm develops in
  15. Relatively low-density gas such as helium, hydrogen,or hot air, which is less, dense ,than the surrounding air. When the weight of this is added to the weight of the
  16. Line ratios imply that gas temperatures are warm (~50 K),originating from, dense ,clouds with sizes of tens of pc. This picture is consistent with the picture
  17. Much of Siberia, was largely inaccessible to the steppe nomads, owing to the, dense ,forests, climate and tundra. These areas remained very sparsely populated. The
  18. Ones were deflected. For example, to explain refraction from a rare to a, dense ,medium, he used the mechanical analogy of an iron ball thrown at a thin slate
  19. History Historical evidences reveal that Non-Aryans like Karate tribes lived in, dense ,forests of South India before Aryans can enter India through Sindhi river coast
  20. An iron staple in it to attach a chain to would serve the purpose, as would any, dense ,object of appropriate weight (e.g. an engine block). Modern moorings may be
  21. Confused because they both were found washed up on beaches. Ambergris is less, dense ,than water and floats; whereas amber is less dense than stone, but too dense to
  22. Open access panels to two levels of the pad service structure. Intense heat, dense ,smoke, and ineffective gas masks designed for toxic fumes rather than heavy
  23. Is only about 103 atoms/m3. Name science259_5093_327/> Stars form from, dense ,clouds in the ISM, and the evolutionary processes of stars result in the steady
  24. The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a, dense ,central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. The
  25. Beaches. Ambergris is less dense than water and floats; whereas amber is less, dense ,than stone, but too dense to float. The word" Amber" was brought to Europe by
  26. HIS regions are among the best tracers of high-mass star formation. The, dense ,material surrounding CHIP regions is likely primarily molecular. Since a
  27. Hyena, etc. The okapi (a genus restricted to Africa) is found only in the, dense ,forests of the Congo basin. Bears are confined to the Atlas region, wolves and
  28. Of wool. Lifting gas At standard temperature and pressure ammonia is less, dense ,than atmosphere, and has approximately 60 % of the lifting power of hydrogen or
  29. This picture is consistent with the picture within our Milky Way galaxy — hot, dense ,molecular cores form around newly forming stars embedded in larger clouds of
  30. From his vantage point, he saw what became of the cities of the plain as “, dense ,smoke rising from the land, like smoke from a furnace. ” () This meant that
  31. Has been estimated to range from 10−7 in small dark clouds up to 10−5 in the, dense ,core of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex. Although a total of 18 total
  32. 50. Typical values of V range from around 20 for very, dense ,flint glass, around 30 for polycarbonate plastics, and up to 65 for very light
  33. At, has an elevation of. Ann Arbor's" Tree Town" nickname stems from the, dense ,forestation of its parks and residential areas. The city contains more than
  34. Forests are exceedingly luxuriant and the undergrowth or" bush" is extremely, dense , In the savannas the most characteristic trees are the monkey bread tree or
  35. Five very small petals, almost hidden by the long stamens, and are arranged in, dense ,globular or cylindrical clusters; they are yellow or cream-colored in most
  36. Be obtained. This density would be lower than that of gold if cheaper and less, dense ,metals had been added. Archimedes then took to the streets naked, so excited by
  37. Reference sample, then immersing the apparatus in water. If the crown was less, dense ,than gold, it would displace more water due to its larger volume, and thus
  38. The body's need for oxygen and is thus an asphyxia. Argon is 25 % more, dense ,than air and is considered highly dangerous in closed areas. It is also
  39. Is obtained, is abundant. The more humid regions have a richer vegetation;, dense ,forest where the rainfall is greatest and variations of temperature least
  40. And villages are scattered across the forest and because its vegetation is so, dense , some remote areas are still unexplored. With a current population of 1.8
  41. Breakdown of the proteinaceous cytoskeleton by campuses. #The cytoplasm appears, dense , and the organelles appear tightly packed. #Chromatin undergoes condensation
  42. Ice density When water freezes into ice, the ice floats because ice is less, dense ,than liquid water. This is one possible example of the anthropic principle
  43. Gives typical clouds sizes of 0.1 pc and masses near 1 solar mass. These cold, dense ,cores are the sites of future star formation. UC HIS regions Ultra-compact HIS
  44. Do not consist of solid matter. He also discovered that the heavens are less, dense ,than the air. These views were later repeated by Widely and had a significant
  45. The cell rather than being localized at the apical complex and are known as the, dense ,granules. These typically have a mean diameter of about 0.7 micrometers.
  46. Coast of Turkey, before being displaced by less dense Black Sea outflow. The, dense ,Mediterranean water sinks below the Black Sea inflow to a depth of, then flows
  47. To attack an unsuspecting enemy from concealed positions, such as among, dense ,underbrush or behind hilltops. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout
  48. Of its primary materials (the gold and silver of the Ganglion hills and the, dense ,forests essential for naval construction),and the sea routes vital for Athens
  49. During the period of baryogenesis, when the universe was extremely hot and, dense , matter and antimatter were continually produced and annihilated. The presence
  50. Dense than water and floats; whereas amber is less dense than stone, but too, dense ,to float. The word" Amber" was brought to Europe by the Crusaders. In French

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