Examples of the the word, mutually , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mutually ), is the 6556 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has many regional variants; these sometimes differ enough to be, mutually ,unintelligible and some linguists consider them distinct languages. The
  2. Object),and procedures, functions and entries which are guaranteed to be, mutually ,exclusive (with the only exception of functions, which are required to be side
  3. Broadened its scope beyond the thinking process to include exactly four, mutually ,exclusive, opposing complementary psychological functions: sensation, intuition
  4. History, as the theory of strategic balance changed from flexible response to, mutually ,assured destruction and back again. The initial B-1A version was developed in
  5. Received over 18,000 complaints from citizens and was able to negotiate a, mutually ,satisfactory solution to more than half of them. In 2005,as a pilot of the
  6. Armenian and Western Armenian, with which most contemporary dialects are, mutually ,intelligible. The divergent and almost extinct Lauren language is a
  7. From the intermingling of children of early settlers from a great variety of, mutually ,intelligible dialectal regions of the British Isles and quickly developed into
  8. Jews. The author writes that the book was conceived in the hope of promoting ", mutually ,agreeable and fruitful pathways for the future development of Russian-Jewish
  9. Two are depicted as close friends; however, in current continuity, they have a, mutually ,respectful but uneasy relationship, with an emphasis on their differing views
  10. Overview There are many types and traditions of anarchism, not all of which are, mutually ,exclusive. Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting
  11. Needless to say, the latter two figures, though cited by the same source, are, mutually , contradictory. ) Mainly in Algiers, Bejaia, Tizi-Ouzou, Bouira, Setif and
  12. As both countries would be devastated. This led in the West to the concept of, mutually ,assured destruction, MAD,in which any changes to the strategic balance had to
  13. Of a product is the cost involved in choosing it over other competing, and, mutually , exclusive,options, and its technical coefficients of production. Phraseology
  14. Many of the Ainu dialects, even from one end of Hokkaido to the other, were not, mutually ,intelligible; however, the classic Ainu language of the Year, or Ainu epic
  15. Single language (generally called Serbo-Croatian in English) and as such are, mutually ,intelligible among all three ethnic groups. Bosnian and Croatian is written in
  16. Script. It is descended from Classical Arabic through Siculo-Arabic and is not, mutually ,intelligible with other varieties of Arabic. Most linguists list it as a
  17. Spokesperson John Pardon and Chancellor of the Exchequer Denis Healey, who were, mutually ,antagonistic. Alliance with Social Democrats When the Labor government fell in
  18. Ensuring that an attack could be responded to with a US launch, enforcing the, mutually ,assured destruction principle. SDI experiments in the 1980s The Reagan-era
  19. Represented by Pablum. Interpenetration and essence-function are, mutually ,informing in the East Asian Buddhist traditions, especially the Korean Buddhist
  20. Spelling, word usage and grammar) but are recognizably equivalent and largely, mutually ,intelligible. The official Austrian dictionary," Was Österreichische
  21. Descendants of the language of Efren the Syrian. The varieties are not all, mutually ,intelligible. The principal Christian varieties are Assyrian Neo-Aramaic and
  22. States, a regional identity, be it linguistically derived or otherwise, is not, mutually ,exclusive with the broader national one. As a result of state language
  23. American jurisdictions. * A defendant could also argue that he was engaged in, mutually ,consensual behavior. Ancient Greece Assault in Ancient Greece was normally
  24. Sharia Berber, and Tuareg Berber. These six varieties might be immediately, mutually ,intelligible in part or not at all. Some Berbers argue that the main cause of
  25. The cheap labor of another, would be a case of absolute advantage that is not, mutually ,beneficial. Since the stagflation of the 1970s,the U. S. economy has been
  26. And obfuscation are necessary to gain support from multiple constituents with, mutually ,exclusive conflicting desires from their candidate of choice. Ambiguity is a
  27. A particular idea or object. The functions of art described above are not, mutually ,exclusive, as many of them may overlap. For example, art for the purpose of
  28. Body and blood of Christ. ** Many of the practices of the various churches are, mutually ,contradictory. Eastern and Oriental Orthodox churches perform confirmation
  29. Into the First Bulgarian Empire. By the 9th century, Bulgars and Slavs were, mutually ,assimilated. First Bulgarian Empire Spark, heir of Old Great Bulgaria's
  30. By Caracalla to become thereafter notoriously implacable enemies of Rome. This, mutually ,antagonistic relationship is perhaps the reason why the Roman writers persisted
  31. As different dialects of the same language, some subdialects are not readily, mutually ,intelligible. It is true, however,that a fluent speaker of one of two greatly
  32. All factors in the diversification of the language. Some Aramaic dialects are, mutually ,intelligible, whereas others are not. Some Aramaic languages are known under
  33. Testing (UAT) is a process to obtain confirmation that a system meets, mutually ,agreed-upon requirements. A Subject-Matter Expert (SME),preferably the owner
  34. In the vicinity of Judea in Jesus' time. They were probably distinctive yet, mutually ,intelligible. Old Judea was the prominent dialect of Jerusalem and Judea.
  35. Come from communities that once lived between Lake Uremia and Mosul are not all, mutually ,intelligible. In some places, for example Uremia, Christians and Jews speak
  36. The case that, although spoken American and British English are generally, mutually ,intelligible, there are enough differences to cause occasional
  37. Languages are very small communities, others are more vital. Azerbaijani is, mutually ,intelligible with Turkish and Gaga. The northern variety of the language is
  38. Intelligible. In some places, for example Uremia, Christians and Jews speak, mutually ,unintelligible varieties of Modern Eastern Aramaic in the same place. In others
  39. The Old Prussian vocabularies differ substantially from one another and are not, mutually ,intelligible. The now-extinct Old Prussian language has been considered the
  40. Side-by-side for different societal functions. Many of the spoken varieties are, mutually ,unintelligible, and the varieties as a whole constitute a sociolinguistic
  41. The dialect is not to be confused with Australian Krill language, which is not, mutually ,intelligible with Australian English but in fact a separate language spoken by
  42. Available bandwidth to broadcast license holders so that their signals do not, mutually ,interfere. Each transmitter owns a slice of bandwidth, a valuable (if
  43. A century American English, Australian English and British English would be, mutually ,unintelligible. It may be the case that increased worldwide communication
  44. A natural prohibition on force and fraud, supports the establishment of a, mutually ,agreed-upon centralized libertarian legal code which private courts would
  45. Stateless society. Anarchist, communist and collectivist ideas are not, mutually ,exclusive; although the collectivist anarchists advocated compensation for
  46. Between desperate communities of the broad region, possibly including, mutually ,antagonistic groups. Starting in about AD 200,the Chernyakhov culture became
  47. Extensively. Currently, two major hypotheses have been proposed, which are not, mutually ,exclusive. One theory emphasizes amphetamine’s actions on the vesicular level
  48. From 4.2-3.9 million years ago The different hypotheses are not necessarily, mutually ,exclusive and a number of selective forces may have acted together to lead to
  49. Neapolitan and Sicilian (among others) are different enough to be largely, mutually ,incomprehensible, yet since they share a single written form (Standard Italian
  50. Holds that all phenomena (Sanskrit: dharma) are intimately connected (and, mutually ,arising). Two images are used to convey this idea. The first is known as Indra

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