Examples of the the word, advisor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( advisor ), is the 6553 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To form a separate sect. Ma Ching-chiang, a Muslim General, served as an, advisor ,to Chiang Kai-shek. Ma Buying was another Muslim General who fled to Taiwan
  2. Charge, but to wait until Caesar's legions came into close quarters. Pompey's, advisor ,Camus Friaries believed that Caesar's infantry would be fatigued and fall into
  3. Now known as St Peter's School, York ) and later as Charlemagne's leading, advisor ,on ecclesiastical and educational matters. From 796 until his death he was
  4. Justice Abdul Salem Aims, a former university professor who had been a legal, advisor ,to the president. The current court is seen as more moderate and led by more
  5. With the then ruling Medici family. JaCoCo Bonaparte was a friend and, advisor ,to Medici Pope Clement VII. JaCoCo was also a witness to and wrote an account
  6. Casimir Fearing, Imperial Spice Minister; Emperor Shaddam's closest friend and, advisor ,* Candy Aaron, Sardaukar Commander; the son of Sum Aaron House Morita (
  7. Of Denmark in the second half of the 12th century, and was the closest, advisor ,of King Waldemar I of Denmark. He was a key figure in the Danish policies of
  8. Were there. In letters written to Ivan Sollertinsky, a close friend and, advisor , Shostakovich recounts the horror with which he watched as Stalin shuddered
  9. In prosody and the declamation of Italian poetry, and Luck became an informal, advisor , friend and confidante. It was toward the end of this extended period of study
  10. Lieutenant General Marc Carbon also served for a time as Security Sector Reform, advisor ,to the head of MON UC. Groups of anti-Rwandan government rebels like the FDLR
  11. Of Vishnu. * In some scenes, Krishna is depicted in his role as charioteer, advisor ,and protector of Arjuna, the hero of the Mahabharata. A well-known bas-relief
  12. A learned friar of the Observant Franciscans and friend of the king's old, advisor ,Erasmus, dedicated to the queen his book De Liberia Arbitron ad versus
  13. Acting as a representative of the Frankish church and not merely as a spiritual, advisor ,to the queen. Frankish influence was not merely political; archaeological
  14. d. 1992) *1954 – Harold Honshu KOH, American lawyer and Obama Administration, advisor ,* 1954 – Radar Singh Shot, Indian professional wrestler *1957 – Phil Pollen
  15. Actually encouraged the Arians and set out to reverse the Nicene creed. His, advisor ,in these affairs was Eugenics of Comedian, who had already at the Council of
  16. KMT was less powerful. Chiang allowed for the" escape" of Soviet agent and, advisor ,Mikhail Borodin and Soviet military officer Vasily Blucher (Galen's) to safety
  17. With Alfred Planer, Professor of Experimental Physics, serving as pro forma, advisor , Einstein was awarded a PhD by the University of Zurich. His dissertation was
  18. Including the appointment of an American director of public works and financial, advisor ,and the creation of a new military force commanded by U. S. officers. The
  19. More is known about it. Tyrtaeus, a lame Athenian warrior-poet, became, advisor , of the Lacedaemonians in their mid-7th-century war to suppress a rebellion of
  20. Day. Following an unexpected visit from P. R. Deltoid, his " post-corrective, advisor ," Alex meets a pair of underage girls and takes them back to his parents '
  21. Backer d'Able (France,1761–1824),also artist and longtime strategic, advisor ,to Napoleon *Henry Peter Boss (Germany/United States,1844–1903),also
  22. Begin prayers for divine guidance when spies from Ra's Lula, his chief military, advisor , brought him news that the Italians were advancing. The Emperor summoned the
  23. 13 books and 60 articles, not all about science. He was an honorary member and, advisor ,to the fraternity Phi Gamma Delta at Union (whose chapter house there was one
  24. Israeli singer-songwriter * 1950 – Karl Rove, former American presidential, advisor ,* 1954 – Steve Warner, American country music singer *1957 – Chris Samara
  25. Of the country. The plan was originally conceived in 1827 by José Bonifacio,an, advisor ,to Emperor DOM Pedro I. He presented a plan to the General Assembly for a new
  26. Abbey of St Genevieve, whom he later made Abbott of Skills Abbey. Bishop and, advisor ,Absalom was a close counselor of Waldemar, and chief promotor of the Danish
  27. Ordered the first measures in what became the Berlin Airlift, as his special, advisor , sending him to Berlin with ambassadorial rank. Clay was immensely popular with
  28. To look everywhere possible. Many broadcasters objected. FCC broadband, advisor ,Blair Kevin wanted a plan by February 2010. Wi-Fi testing using white spaces
  29. He was assassinated by court officials. The same day he was succeeded by his, advisor ,Nerve. After his death,Domitian's memory was condemned to oblivion by the
  30. Pointing to his slashing of public service jobs as a Queensland governmental, advisor , Structure The Australian Labor Party is a democratic and federal party, which
  31. A range of people from sharecroppers to presidents. He was an informal, advisor ,to politicians as diverse as Lyndon B. Johnson, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan
  32. Food and Drug Administration soon thereafter. He also spent time as a research, advisor ,to the Clinique la Prairie, in Switzerland, where the controversial "
  33. Compose the main thread of the first part of Radius' reign. Radius' new, advisor , the eunuch Europium, simply took Ruins' place as the power behind the
  34. Dr. George C. Barnard. Dr Sudhir Shah, who led the previous study, acted as an, advisor ,and consultant to the USA team. However, Dr. Andrew New berg said that IRA
  35. On Nov. 27, 1961,what he called" randomly transitional phenomena ". Yet his, advisor ,did not agree with his conclusions at the time, and did not allow him to report
  36. West Indian cricketer * 1935 – Vernon Jordan Jr., American presidential, advisor ,* 1935 – Lionel Taylor, American football player *1940 – Guru Insulin, German
  37. Nicholas Lenten with team of volunteers of participated in the battle as an, advisor ,to Menelik. This defeat of a colonial power and the ensuing recognition of
  38. Newspaper Abraham published a series of articles by Sam Alba, a senior, advisor ,to then Egyptian President Host Mubarak. Among other things, Osam Alba
  39. The Palestine Democratic Union (FIDA),and Abed Rabbi was officially made an, advisor ,of Arafat. There were reports of armed clashes between the factions in Syria
  40. He was successfully dissuaded from starting the invasion on that date by his, advisor , General Francisco Morales Bermúdez, whose original family was from the former
  41. The corporate business deals in The Bahamas, most recently acting as financial, advisor ,and placement agent for the largest Initial Public Offering (IPO) ever in The
  42. Bassos, Paraguayan author (b. 1917) *2007 – Jack Valenti, American political, advisor ,and film executive (b. 1921) *2009 – Hans Holder, American paranormal
  43. Popular former 1B and manager Mike Hargrove was brought in as a special, advisor , Season-by-season results Rivalries Cincinnati Reds The Ohio Cup was an annual
  44. Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1979. Joy's PhD, advisor ,was Bob Fairy. As a UC Berkeley graduate student, Joy worked for Fabry's
  45. Countries of England and France. However,Edward's homosexual desires for his, advisor ,Philip means he has no love for her, which causes her to suffer from emotional
  46. Space program from its inception. From the 1950s onward, he worked as an, advisor ,to NASA, where one of his duties included briefing the Apollo astronauts before
  47. Le Mans winner’S. C. H." Sammy" Davis who was brought in as a track design, advisor ,in July 1946, although the layout was partly dictated by the existing roads. The
  48. Keeper and two cooks; assistant leader, company clerk, assistant educational, advisor ,and three second cooks. These men received additional pay ranging from $45 to
  49. English chess player Deaths *1121 – Al-Aqsa Shahanshah, Galilean political, advisor ,(b. 1066) *1226 – Robert de Ros, English politician (b. 1177) *1241 –
  50. Next and its Existed operating system, bringing Steve Jobs back to Apple as an, advisor , On July 9,1997,Gil Amelia was ousted by the board of directors after

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