Examples of the the word, sympathetic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sympathetic ), is the 6545 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reputation for experimentation in the theater appealed to Poland, and he found a, sympathetic ,partner to" test and prove several ideas generally being accepted as radical
  2. 1648 – Colonel Pride of the New Model Army purges the Long Parliament of MPs, sympathetic ,to King Charles I of England, in order for the King's trial to go ahead; came
  3. Of the kidney, decreased blood volume and stimulation of the kidney by the, sympathetic ,nervous system. In such situations, the kidneys release renin, which acts as an
  4. Entitled which used a new (but similarly colored) #3 logo. The movie was a, sympathetic ,portrayal of Earnhardt's life, but the producers were sued for using the #3
  5. The court in Black friars before King Henry, and Catherine's portrayal is very, sympathetic ,therein. However, most of the rest of the play is an attempt to absolve many
  6. Malformed little tree. Some tree buyers intentionally adopt such trees, feeling, sympathetic , to their plights. The term comes from the appearance of Charlie Brown's
  7. Is normative, that is, unconsciously it is a model for being or for doing by, sympathetic ,drive. #It is catalytic: its mere presence permits internal psychic or mental
  8. Enjoyed. This activity also brought her into contact with other intellectuals, sympathetic ,to free-market capitalism. She became friends with journalist Henry Hazlitt and
  9. Women are decidedly more sober in their judgment than men are" and are more, sympathetic ,to the suffering of others. However, the latter was discounted as weakness
  10. Of accepting grant money from the ALADI Foundation to support faculty ", sympathetic ," to Iran's Islamic republic. ROTC controversy Since 1969,during the Vietnam
  11. Hand is often used to mute strings that are not being played and stop the, sympathetic ,vibrations, particularly when the player wants a" dry" or" focused" sound.
  12. The figures depicted in the Pale Canon, Ananda is presented as an imperfect, if, sympathetic , figure. He mourns the deaths of both Marietta, with whom he enjoyed a close
  13. Form. However, in two of his most remarkable pieces, this interest is not, sympathetic , but ironic. Jacques LE fatalist (written in 1773,but not published until
  14. What is ideal or even legitimate ", He supported liberty of the press, and was, sympathetic ,to democracy, when suitably constrained. Douglass Aware has argued that Hume
  15. Tact and a sound judgment ripened by the trials of exile. Benevolent and, sympathetic ,in disposition, he won the affection of his people by fearlessly visiting
  16. Produced political music. Bianca would later complain that the jury was not, sympathetic ,toward underground music and punk culture. The song never appeared in a Levi's
  17. Captivity' in 1520. In spite of all these reasons to believe Durer was, sympathetic ,to Lutheranism, at least in its early manifestations, he never in any way
  18. Could it have been carried out. Too many Christians participated in, or were, sympathetic ,to, Nazi atrocities against Jews. Other Christians did not protest sufficiently
  19. As the Duke of Sutherland, president of the British Olympic Committee, who is, sympathetic ,to Liddell * Daniel Ger roll as Henry Standard, a Cambridge student and runner *
  20. Of the Isle of Wight. He decided on the last course, believing Hammond to be, sympathetic , and fled on 11 November. Hammond, however,was opposed to Charles, whom he
  21. Trial for his offense he pleaded ignorance. He was acquitted, with the jury, sympathetic ,to the wounds that Aeschylus and his brother Congeals suffered at Marathon.
  22. Laissez-faire and free trade. The new coalition of traditional landowners and, sympathetic ,industrialists constituted the new Conservative Party. Benjamin Disraeli gave
  23. By foreigners—Virgil, Jean Molina, and Diego de Valera. Whereas Molina was, sympathetic ,to Richard, Vergil was in Henry's service and drew information from the king
  24. Mary Cassatt and also received her training in Philadelphia and France. Her, sympathetic ,renderings of American ruling class made her one of the most successful
  25. By Celia Green. Oxford: Oxford Forum,2003. ISBN 0-9536772-1-4 Contains a, sympathetic ,analysis of Russell's views on causality. * Russell's Idealist Apprenticeship
  26. In more strongly at these points. The main Nazis, Ida,Pin gala and Subhuman (, sympathetic , para sympathetic , and central nervous system) run along the spinal column in a
  27. Supermen. A brass instrument is a musical instrument whose sound is produced by, sympathetic ,vibration of air in a tubular resonator in sympathy with the vibration of the
  28. Must be patient, willing to repeat things until the student understands, and, sympathetic , Perhaps the most difficult student, however,is the one with an inferior
  29. The constituency of Maidstone. Although a Conservative, Disraeli was, sympathetic ,to some demands of the Ch artists and argued for an alliance between the
  30. Practical dilemma. Diderot's interest expressed itself in didactic and, sympathetic ,form. However, in two of his most remarkable pieces, this interest is not
  31. New cold fusion papers. This has been cited as an example of the importance of, sympathetic ,influential individuals to the publication of cold fusion papers in certain
  32. Nuclear process was not persuasive enough to start a special program, but was ", sympathetic ,toward modest support" for experiments" within the present funding system. "
  33. Her. Author Jared Made interviewed numerous witnesses and relatives for his, sympathetic ,biography, Agatha Christie and the Missing Eleven Days, and provided a
  34. Victims. U. S. veterans of the war in Vietnam and individuals who are aware and, sympathetic ,to the impacts of Agent Orange have supported these programs in Vietnam. An
  35. Water personalities. Water personalities tend to be emotional, deep,nurturing, sympathetic , empathetic, imaginative and intuitive, however,they can also be sentimental
  36. When the player wants a" dry" or" focused" sound. On the other hand,the, sympathetic ,resonance of harmonically related strings may be desired for some songs, such
  37. Although Malherbe was a staunch absolutist-loyal to the monarchy, he was, sympathetic ,to the literary project. Along with his support, and that of other well-placed
  38. Over the last 30 years or so) has been contentious and in many cases is not as, sympathetic ,to the landscape as the earlier style of whitewashed raised gable cottages.
  39. Loved ones outside the city that they are not allowed to see, Rambert becomes, sympathetic ,and changes his mind. He then decides to join Narrow and Dr. Room to help
  40. Conservative governments. Although nominally a Conservative, Disraeli was, sympathetic ,to some demands of the Ch artists and argued for an alliance between the
  41. Vagal effect means that digitalis is not effective when a patient has a high, sympathetic ,nervous system drive, which is the case with acutely ill persons, and also
  42. Nerve fibers, the adrenal medulla can be considered as a specialized, sympathetic ,ganglion. This may be one of the reasons lung cancer commonly metastasizes to
  43. Liable at all for injuries or deaths caused by Agent Orange, saying:" We are, sympathetic ,with people who believe they have been injured and understand their concern to
  44. Served on the Board of Cornell University. In 1911,Andrew Carnegie became a, sympathetic ,benefactor to George Every Hale, who was trying to build the 100 inch (2.5 m
  45. Influence, especially Maronite Lebanon. The Muslim Arab press, however,was, sympathetic ,to the falsely accused Captain Dreyfus, and criticized the persecution of Jews
  46. Mail was severely limited and censored. However, as a result of an offer from a, sympathetic ,orderly, Speer was able to have his writings, which eventually amounted to
  47. Then Hindu Maya Sang in their struggle just like the police in Punjab were, sympathetic ,to the Pakistanis. ' Balayage Thackeray criticized and challenged Indian
  48. Action described as stemming from either his leftist views or for views overly, sympathetic ,to Lithuania. Miłosz wrote all his poetry, fiction and essays in Polish and
  49. Finland and the United States were more complex. The American public was, sympathetic ,to the 'brave little democracy' and there were still anti-communist feelings.
  50. Of the sort that the brain has and that computers lack. But other thinkers, sympathetic ,to his basic argument have suggested that the necessary (though perhaps still

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