Examples of the the word, unwanted , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unwanted ), is the 6555 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Effect. It can be physically edited in much the same way as film, allowing for, unwanted ,sections of a recording to be seamlessly removed or replaced; likewise
  2. When the proper areas are not supported, sitting in a seat all day can put, unwanted ,pressure on the back causing pain. The lumbar (bottom five vertebrate in the
  3. Spectrum process gain to allow receivers to partially discriminate against, unwanted ,signals. Signals encoded with the specified PN sequence (code) are received
  4. Of red indicating crop health, black where flooding occurs, and brown where, unwanted ,pesticides land on chemical-free crops. After 1492,a global exchange of
  5. Settled to the bottom of the primary fermentor. This prevents the formation of, unwanted ,flavors and harmful compounds such as acetaldehyde, which are commonly
  6. Noise is associated with all electronic circuits. Noise is defined as, unwanted ,disturbances superposed on a useful signal that tend to obscure its information
  7. Were designed to enhance or change the primary effect of the drug and reduce, unwanted ,side effects. For example, naloxone,an opioid receptor antagonist, is a
  8. Disadvantage of analog signaling is that any system has noise – i.e., random, unwanted , variation. As the signal is copied and re-copied, or transmitted over long
  9. CVD processes at subatmospheric pressures. Reduced pressures tend to reduce, unwanted ,gas-phase reactions and improve film uniformity across the wafer. Most modern
  10. Finger" system. One criticism of these devices is that they may lead to, unwanted ,metallic clicking noises. A few bass players tune their strings in
  11. Phantom keys" that cause" ghost" notes to play. To avoid triggering, unwanted ,notes, most keyboard matrix circuits have diodes soldered with the switch under
  12. The 1940s. Hubbard claimed that Diabetics can increase intelligence, eliminate, unwanted , emotions and alleviate a wide range of illnesses he believed to be
  13. For example, requires only 2.5 mm of lead shielding to protect against, unwanted ,radiation. Static eliminators typically use polonium-210,an alpha emitter, too
  14. Blocking D2 receptors in these other pathways is thought to produce some, unwanted ,side effects that the typical antipsychotics can produce (see above). They
  15. Odorless bromide, thus dealing with stains and odor from the element in, unwanted ,places. For the same reason, thiosulfate is used in photography to deal with
  16. Plays and managing theaters. His father died in 1731. In 1732,to avoid an, unwanted ,marriage, he left the town for Milan and then for Verona where the theater
  17. Into or made visible in user-defined packages. The following is an example of, unwanted ,capture in the operator namespace, occurring in the expansion of a macro:
  18. Of these systems. This is not true for Asynchronous CDMA; rejection of, unwanted ,signals is only partial. If any or all of the unwanted signals are much
  19. Spices, the items of trade offered by the Dutch—heavy woolens, and damasks, unwanted ,manufactured goods, for example—were usually unsuitable in comparison to
  20. And dangers of illegal abortions. The emotional impact of dealing with an, unwanted ,pregnancy alone is the focus of Things You Can Tell Just By Looking At Her (
  21. Alone. At the same time, this act is held to carry a very low risk of, unwanted ,pregnancy when not accompanied by vaginal intercourse, as anal intercourse
  22. Elephants can defend themselves very well by flailing their trunks at, unwanted ,intruders or by grasping and flinging them. An elephant also relies on its
  23. Large quantities harvested from their own gardens. The growing plant repels, unwanted ,insect life, and the juice of the leaves can be used for the same purpose, as
  24. In serum. The sparing effect on calcium can be beneficial in hypocalcemia, or, unwanted , in hyperkalemia. The thirties and potassium-sparing diuretics are considered
  25. In Samoa, Shiv Sena's political mouthpiece, saying Binaries were 'an, unwanted ,lot' in the Maharashtra. In what was termed as an apparent bid to recapture
  26. Seen as an effective medical intervention for acute myocardial infarction. An, unwanted ,side effect of the effective anticlotting action of aspirin is that it may
  27. Heating only the substrate rather than the gas or chamber walls helps reduce, unwanted ,gas phase reactions that can lead to particle formation. Substances commonly
  28. Are to adjust the pace of the main action, to conceal the deletion of some, unwanted ,part of the main shot, or to allow the joining of parts of two versions of that
  29. Are not exploited, the use of lexical scope isolates program modules from, unwanted ,interactions. Due to their restricted visibility, lexical variables are private
  30. CDMA; rejection of unwanted signals is only partial. If any or all of the, unwanted ,signals are much stronger than the desired signal, they will overwhelm it. This
  31. Rise to ad-hoc, covert channels of communication among modules that lead to, unwanted , surprising interactions. In Common Lisp, a special variable which has only a
  32. In the commercial extraction of yttrium. In isolating dysprosium, most of the, unwanted ,metals can be removed magnetically or by a flotation process. Dysprosium can
  33. Describe the experience as inconvenient, irritating,isolating, or even as an, unwanted ,full-time job. A well-designed building can reduce this issue, but usually at
  34. Was discovered that the Cuban government was using the event to rid Cuba of the, unwanted ,segments of its society. Currently, there is an immigration lottery allowing
  35. Man, Wilbur turns his back on sex and love, choosing instead to help women with, unwanted ,pregnancies give birth and then keeping the babies in an orphanage. He makes a
  36. A heterozygous recessive trait, the problem is that by eliminating the visible, unwanted ,trait, there are still many carriers for the genes without, or with fewer
  37. Skeptical Environmentalist for: #Fabrication of data; #Selective discarding of, unwanted ,results (selective citation); #Deliberately misleading use of statistical
  38. Computer technologies because of its somewhat elusive objective of preventing, unwanted ,computer behavior instead of enabling wanted computer behavior. Security by
  39. Harm. Assault can also be considered in cases involving the spitting on, or, unwanted , exposure of bodily fluids to others. Consent may be a complete or partial
  40. Capture is somewhat misleading, because all namespaces are vulnerable to, unwanted ,capture, including the operator and function namespace, the tag body label
  41. Not to adopt the conventional strategy, as it often results in significant, unwanted ,fat gain during the" bulking" phase. The attempt to increase muscle mass in
  42. Tract from the mouth. Its function is to control the expulsion of feces, unwanted ,semi-solid matter produced during digestion, which,depending on the type of
  43. Mickey Mouse heads or figures in the pictures, sometimes in a humiliating or, unwanted ,situation. An example of this is in the story The Terror of the Transvaal where
  44. Be surgically sterilized (spayed or castrated) as early as 7 weeks to limit, unwanted ,reproduction. This surgery also prevents undesirable sex-related behavior, such
  45. Be spared or attempts to spare the limb have failed * Traumatic amputation (an, unwanted ,amputation that occurs at the scene of an accident, where the limb is partially
  46. Competitors must ski one 150 m penalty loop for each miss. Here again, to avoid, unwanted ,congestion, World Cup Mass starts are held with only the 30 top ranking
  47. Traditional affinity columns are used as a preparative step to flush out, unwanted ,biomolecules. However, HPLC techniques exist that do utilize affinity
  48. Small variation causes some distortion in the projected image, and results in, unwanted ,variations in the resulting pattern. Thus, photolithography engineers take
  49. Money. Participants bring things they do not need and exchange them for the, unwanted ,goods of another participant. Swapping among three parties often helps satisfy
  50. Mental-health problems after a first-trimester abortion than after carrying an, unwanted ,pregnancy to term. Similarly, abortions performed after the first trimester

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