Examples of the the word, firefighter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( firefighter ), is the 6549 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Core issue of his campaign while Blackburn was supported by both the police and, firefighter ,unions. Hall ultimately won by a significant margin,46.5 % to 40.7 %, even
  2. Blue. These engines are also decorated with different UNC decals, including a, firefighter ,Ramses. UNC has been very successful at college basketball and women’s soccer
  3. Found. * On November 8,2003,student Andrew Alston stabbed an Albemarle County, firefighter ,to death during a fight on 14th Street. His manslaughter sentence resulted in a
  4. Paramedic. Personnel for Engine 194 were obtained without adding any budgeted, firefighter ,positions. 12 of the 27 firefighter s positions at the Los Angeles County fire
  5. Pretty Woman" Stephanie Chillers Dill, born and reared in Ozark, an Arkansas, firefighter , is the first person from Arkansas to have appeared on the CBS television
  6. Fire engines with four professional firefighter s: a captain, an engineer, and, firefighter , and a firefighter /paramedic. By having four firefighter s on an engine, the
  7. M. T. is,2 Port Authority Police officers and one New Jersey Fire Department, firefighter , http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/18/nyregion/18CND-MAYOR.html *2:30 PM ARI
  8. Only as a certified officer but also as a professional firefighter . The inmate, firefighter ,program provides fire protection to the largely rural communities without local
  9. Fire occurred on a train as it was passing through the Transbay Tube. One, firefighter ,(Lt. William Elliott,50,of the Oakland Fire Department) was killed in the
  10. Across the country were dismissed early and ordered closed. A photograph of, firefighter ,Chris Fields emerging from the rubble with infant Bay lee Salmon, who later died
  11. The fires, they watched the building in fear of a structural collapse. One, firefighter ,remarked that they" pretty much knew the building was going to collapse
  12. Æ symbol Media and entertainment * Ash (comics),Comic book about a superhero, firefighter ,* Ash, the professional name of independent filmmaker Ashley Baron Cohen (born
  13. 1914 – E. G. Marshall, American actor (d. 1998) *1915 – Red Aware, American, firefighter , ( d. 2004) *1916 – Julio César Turban Ayala, Colombian politician (d. 2005)
  14. President George W. Bush paid a visit to Ground Zero. Standing with retired, firefighter ,Bob Beck with, Bush addressed the firefighter s and rescue workers with a
  15. Of his baseball involvement. Baseball Cartwright was a bookseller and volunteer, firefighter ,in Manhattan. He led the establishment of the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club (
  16. Firefighting Academy. Future firefighter s come here to train becoming a, firefighter ,at the minimum age of 18. Airports Minute Man Air Field (6B6),a
  17. Not the first, but it was the most popular. In 1934 René Companies developed a, firefighter ,'s breathing apparatus that was adapted by his son Georges to diving in 1937
  18. Caught fire on the last day of the festivities of Chinese New Year, killing one, firefighter , The blaze rendered the 42-story structure unusable, as the zinc and titanium
  19. Workers. Most notably they are associated with the positions of police officer, firefighter , Roman Catholic Church leaders and politicians in the larger Eastern-Seaboard
  20. Of an ice axe typically possesses an adze for chopping rough steps in ice. * A, firefighter ,tool called the Gilligan has an adze on one end of the bar. This bar is a
  21. Could be done in many styles with names like the" bat" style, or the ", firefighter ," style, as well as the" Guadeloupe an woman. " Jewelry, mainly of gold, is
  22. And can even be dangerous. For example, false alarms of a fire can waste, firefighter ,manpower, making them unavailable for a real fire, and risk injury to
  23. On the boardwalk, about six blocks from the inlet. The memorial consists of a, firefighter ,statue, engraved brick and stone, and a piece of one of the twin towers that
  24. Having just put on ten pounds),he burns it down in order to win back an old, firefighter ,boyfriend. Also in the last sketch is a childhood photo of Kurt Cobain (an
  25. Ángel Juarez, Jr. Reality television contest winner/New York City, firefighter ,who died in the 11 September attacks. *Crazy Legs Breakdancer, president
  26. In Canada) in place of" Indian" *" Gender-neutral" terms such as ", firefighter ," in place of" fireman" * The use of the word" gender" instead of the word
  27. And oxygen). The other half are basic Emergency Medical Technicians, and one, firefighter ,is a Paramedic. SFD operates out of five fire stations located throughout the
  28. Charles Burlington, American pilot (b. 1949) ** William M. Ethan, American, firefighter , ( b. 1929) ** Wilson Flag, American Rear admiral (b. 1938) ** Peter J.
  29. Able to return to work as members are the department retired with the final, firefighter ,was recalled to duty after 13 months. In addition to the lay-offs, the
  30. Me, of which he is also co-creator. He plays Tommy Gavin, a New York City, firefighter ,dealing with alcoholism, family dysfunction, and other issues in post-9/11 New
  31. 2001. However, the radios were recalled in March 2001 after a probationary, firefighter ,'s calls for help at a house fire could not be picked up by others at the scene
  32. Franklin's current firehouse was built in 1959. The village only employs one, firefighter ,and a chief. The rest of the force is strictly volunteer. The station is
  33. And support from the brotherhood of fellow officers. In the case of a fallen, firefighter , the casket is often placed on top of a fire engine and draped with a flag. For
  34. To compensate, Shostakovich became a volunteer for the Leningrad Conservatory’s, firefighter ,brigade and delivered a radio broadcast to the Soviet people. The photograph
  35. May 18 – Desiree Horton, Los Angeles helicopter pilot/TV reporter/USES aerial, firefighter ,* May 20 – Tony Stewart, American race car driver * May 26 – Matt Stone
  36. Is that all personnel are trained not only in ambulance (EMT) care, but as a, firefighter ,and a peace officer (police function). They may be found in smaller towns and
  37. Flag, American Rear admiral (b. 1938) ** Peter J. Gandi, Jr., American, firefighter , ( b. 1946) ** Hand Hangout, Saudi hijacker–pilot of American Airlines Flight
  38. 3rd party applications with Autodesk AutoCAD. *Mike Gibbons - longest, firefighter ,in the history of the local fire department and held the top position of fire
  39. McDermott, baseball player (b. 1929) *2004 – Red Aware, American oil field, firefighter ,(b. 1915) * 2004 – Colin Bobby, English ornithologist (b. 1948) *2005 –
  40. As well as in season 1, episode 10 (" Immortal" ) of his post 9/11, firefighter , television series Rescue Me. In his memory, the Los Angeles Kings named their
  41. Held a series of jobs including lifeguard, paper carrier, grocery clerk, forest, firefighter , and golf caddy. In 1950,Eastwood began a one-year stint as a lifeguard for
  42. An international winner of the strongest man competition, is a full time, firefighter ,for the CFD. * H. Rodin Cohen, one of the country's leading legal experts on
  43. Operates from one fire station and has 16 volunteer firefighter s and 1 paid, firefighter , The City of Herculaneum has an ISO rating of 5. Famous people Thomas C
  44. Traditional Fire Department funeral consists of two raised aerial ladders. The, firefighter ,(s) travel under the aerials on their ride, on the fire apparatus, to the
  45. Installed above the entrance of the new building - Alfred Neubauer, a local, firefighter , saved it from the fire and hid it in his home until the end of the war.
  46. Are also trained, not only as a certified officer but also as a professional, firefighter , The inmate firefighter program provides fire protection to the largely rural
  47. Firefighter recruits from other Retroflex municipalities in its 22-week basic, firefighter ,training school, effectively becoming a regional training center. The Academy
  48. One year term. The City of Madison has a 14 officer police department, and a 9, firefighter , fire department. The 2008-2009 millage rate is 6.0484. The General Fund Budget
  49. Miguel de la Tore mandated that" every male from 16 to 60 years old must be a, firefighter ,". Those firefighter s had to supply their own fire fighting equipment (
  50. Training Academy (now the Chief Dodd Miller Training Academy) began to host, firefighter ,recruits from other Retroflex municipalities in its 22-week basic firefighter

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