Examples of the the word, fundamentalist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fundamentalist ), is the 6546 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A legitimate science. But in the aftermath of the First World War the growth of, fundamentalist ,Christianity gave rise to a creationist opposition to such teaching.
  2. Found practicing polygamy and today seeks to actively distance itself from “, fundamentalist ,” groups still practicing polygamy. Modern times During the 20th century, the
  3. The term" parochial" is almost never used to describe schools run by, fundamentalist ,Protestant groups. ) In England, where the state-funded education system grew
  4. And acceptance of BDSM in the lesbian community. They got into conflict with, fundamentalist ,part of the feminist movement which considered BDSM to be the base of misogyny
  5. Often hyperbolically regarding each other as" mainline/non-evangelical" and ", fundamentalist ," respectively. Unlike conservative evangelicals, the evangelical left is
  6. The world as fundamentalist s. As Kenneth Banter put it at the time, the name, fundamentalist ,had become" an embarrassment instead of a badge of honor ". The term
  7. John C. Whitcomb, a work which quickly became an important text on the issue to, fundamentalist ,Christians The act defined creation science as follows:" Creation science
  8. A non-denominational background, may consider themselves both evangelical and, fundamentalist ,because they believe in the engaging practices of evangelicalism and take a
  9. Career plans on hold for two or three years to provide lay leadership in small, fundamentalist ,churches. Students of various majors participate in Missions Advance (formerly
  10. The usage of the term, it by no means dominates a wider global view, where the, fundamentalist ,debate was not so influential. By the mid-1950s,largely due to the ecumenical
  11. Overview These Christian countercult activists stem from Evangelical or, fundamentalist ,backgrounds. The countercult movement asserts that non-fundamental Christian
  12. Evangelicalism in the early part of the 20th century was dominated by the, fundamentalist ,movement, which rejected liberal theology and focused on separation from the
  13. It as a" fundamentalist version of Islam" by way of analogy to the Christian, fundamentalist ,movement in the U. S. Thus was born the term" Islamic fundamentalist ", which
  14. Deity or deities. A variety of religious groups, often associated with, fundamentalist ,branches of Protestantism name Dutch2002/> or Islam, name edis2003/>
  15. Found practicing polygamy and today seeks to actively distance itself from “, fundamentalist ,” groups still practicing polygamy. During the 20th century, the church grew
  16. Of the Earth, cosmology and biological evolution. Its most vocal proponents are, fundamentalist ,Christians in the United States who seek to prove Biblical inerrant and
  17. The term" creationism" first became specifically associated with Christian, fundamentalist ,disbelief in human evolution and belief in a young Earth, though its usage was
  18. They serve. These practices also find currency among non-denominational, fundamentalist ,or charismatic fellowships, many of which derive from Baptist origins
  19. To attend a six-day Bible Conference in late March. The Conference attracts, fundamentalist ,preachers and laymen from around the country, and BYU class reunions are held
  20. And continued in earnest through the 1920s. The first formulation of American, fundamentalist ,beliefs can be traced to the Niagara Bible Conference and, in 1910,to the
  21. Primarily with those characterized as evangelical, conservative,or, fundamentalist , While creationist movements also exist in Islam and Judaism, these movements
  22. A small group of institutions" clearly identified with the historic Christian, fundamentalist ,tradition. " Extracurriculars competitions, and at South Carolina Student
  23. The world for God's Kingdom. " However, some U. S. -led Baptist and other, fundamentalist ,denominations still believe it is their duty to engage in what they refer to as
  24. 1995 there were 1,290 BYU graduates serving as senior or associate pastors in, fundamentalist ,churches across the United States. Missions The university encourages church
  25. Harold McKenna in 1947 to identify a distinct movement within self-identified, fundamentalist ,Christianity at the time, especially in the English-speaking world. It
  26. Christian fundamentalist movement in the U. S. Thus was born the term" Islamic, fundamentalist ,", which would come to be one of the most common usages of the term in the
  27. Of medicine. There have also been periodic tensions with both mainstream and, fundamentalist ,Christians, who think the religion is aligned with Gnosticism or is a cult, and
  28. And led by more technocrats than the previous one, which was dominated by, fundamentalist ,religious figures such as Chief Justice Faisal Ahmad Shipyard who issued
  29. Abandoned around the turn of the 20th century, but it has continued among the, fundamentalist ,groups, who believe the practice is a requirement for exaltation. The LDS
  30. Of the Almoravids' Maghrib and Andalusian territories by 1147,were far more, fundamentalist ,in outlook, and they treated the shimmies harshly. Faced with the choice of
  31. Is modern. In the 1920s the term became particularly associated with Christian, fundamentalist ,movements that insisted on a literalist interpretation of the Genesis creation
  32. Khomeini and the Iranian Revolution to a Western audience described it as a ", fundamentalist ,version of Islam" by way of analogy to the Christian fundamentalist movement
  33. And authoritative. By other Protestant denominations Some, including some, fundamentalist ,Christians, condemn the ecumenical councils for other reasons. Independence or
  34. University encourages church planting in areas of the United States where few, fundamentalist ,churches exist, and it has provided financial and logistical assistance to
  35. Very similar to those it finds in the Communist enemy. Spokesmen of the various, fundamentalist ,anti-Communist" crusades" openly express their admiration for the dedication
  36. Religious elements. A small minority of the country's Muslims hold more, fundamentalist ,practices, which,in some cases, may be associated with Saudi-oriented
  37. Wrote extensively on a wide variety of issues. While she rejected orthodoxy and, fundamentalist ,thinking, she was an important contributor to several fields of modern
  38. Practicing polygamy and today seeks to actively distance itself from Mormon, fundamentalist ,groups still practicing polygamy. In modern times, members of the Mormon
  39. However, seek to distance themselves from stereotypical perceptions of the ", fundamentalist ," posture of antagonism toward the larger society and advocate involvement in
  40. In the encyclical) By contrast, most Reformed (Calvinist),evangelical, and, fundamentalist , Protestant groups recognize baptism as an act of obedience to and
  41. Religious empowerment The Kashmir conflict is a representation of ‘, fundamentalist ,’ religious empowerment. This conflict is not a stand-alone phenomenon. The
  42. Instead to counter them. The term started to become associated with Christian, fundamentalist ,opposition to human evolution and belief in a young Earth in 1929. Several U.
  43. Will occur when someone is being prayed over for healing. Evangelical and, fundamentalist ,beliefs In Evangelical and Fundamentalist communities, anointing of the sick is
  44. They believe carries a pretense of being the sole source of objective truth as, fundamentalist , regardless of whether it is usually called a religion. For instance, the
  45. Church,Jehovah's Witnesses, VPM, but also some Europe-based Mrs and some, fundamentalist ,charismatic groups. Contextual missionary The phenomena of" cults" has also
  46. Solid mission and charity works. Beliefs To some extent, TFI identify with, fundamentalist ,Christianity, though their more radical beliefs and practices are generally
  47. Harm nor can they do any good. " -NIV Translation This is interpreted by some, fundamentalist ,Christians as referring to a Christmas tree, and that therefore the Bible would
  48. Of Laurents's religious education and the beginning of his rejection of all, fundamentalist ,religions, although he continued to identify himself as Jewish. However, late
  49. Hosted weekly messages since 2003. Chick Publications, publisher of Protestant, fundamentalist ,themed evangelistic tracts, has published a number of comic book style tracts
  50. Settled by descendants of United Empire Loyalists, some of whom established, fundamentalist ,Christian congregations in the area which continue to influence certain

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