Examples of the the word, descendant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( descendant ), is the 7301 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. II, Duke of Brittany. Henry's mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, was a distant, descendant ,of John of Gaunt, uncle of King Richard II and father of King Henry IV. The
  2. It burned down in 1674. Buckingham House was eventually sold by Buckingham's, descendant , Sir Charles Sheffield, in 1761 (£ as of 2011). Like his grandfather, George
  3. Popular discontent, and ultimately provoked the people to demand a monarchy # A, descendant ,of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, a chief of one of the twenty-four orders into
  4. Lines of succession at the time of his marriage. The current most senior living, descendant ,of the Electrons Sophia who is ineligible to succeed due to the act is George
  5. Of Lower Largo, Fife,Scotland. David Gillies of Card House, Lower Largo,a, descendant ,of the Selkirk's, donated the statue and T. Stuart Burnett ARAS designed it.
  6. And I for myself cannot remain under the vassalage of any foreign power. I am a, descendant ,of the Heavenly king and how can I pay tribute to the wretched foreigners. "
  7. Were built at North American's Fairfax Airport plant in Kansas City, Kansas. A, descendant ,of the B-25 was the North American XB-28,meant to be a high-altitude version
  8. Node q if it exists on the path from q to the root. The node q is then termed a, descendant ,of p. * The size of a node is the number of descendant s it has including itself
  9. Born at Line—hence his name, Yarḥi (from Yeah Moon Line). He was a, descendant ,of Medulla Ben Jacob of Line, one of whose five sons was Joseph, the
  10. Of Hyacinths was a celebration of Sparta. Another male lover was Caparisons,a, descendant ,of Heracles. Apollo gave him a tame deer as a companion but Caparisons
  11. History. It is implied in each series that the Black adder character is a, descendant ,of the previous one, although it is never mentioned how any of the Black adders
  12. The contemporary pronunciation of this Aramaic dialect. Middle Judea,the, descendant ,of Old Judea, is no longer the dominant dialect, and was used only in
  13. Descendant of Abu Bakr from his maternal side, as well as being a paternal, descendant ,of Ali from his father's side. Afar al-Sadiq was also the successor of the
  14. Or position. In fiction, the adventurer figure or Picard may be regarded as a, descendant ,of the knight-errant of Medieval romance. Like the knight, the adventurer roams
  15. F-10 photo reconnaissance aircraft. Design and development The B-25 was a, descendant ,of the earlier XB-21 (North American-39) project of the mid-1930s. Experience
  16. In 1817,the city was bombarded by a British squadron under Lord Exmouth (a, descendant ,of Thomas Pellet, taken in an Algerian slave raid in 1715),assisted by Dutch
  17. And he further took the name Struck, Don Struck or En Struck of Line. The, descendant ,of men learned in rabbinic lore, Abba Mari devoted himself to the study of
  18. Unity of the Imperial Aramaic script was lost, diversifying into a number of, descendant ,cursive. The Hebrew and Bataan alphabets, as they stood by the Roman era
  19. Series two and secondly as General Merchant, a blustering buffoon and presumed, descendant ,in series four. Fry also appeared as King Charles I, The Duke Of Wellington in
  20. Horses. The horse honored with the first registration number,P-1,was Wimpy,a, descendant ,of the King Ranch foundation sire Old Sorrel. Other sires alive at the founding
  21. Pompey the Great and Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Maternally, Agrippina was a direct, descendant ,of Augustus. Germanic us,Agrippina's father, was a very popular general and
  22. Mormon Cohen; in fact, the church's Doctrine and Covenants states that any ", descendant ,of Aaron" who converts to Mormonism has no need to be ordained to the office
  23. Using chemical separation. The team were able to detect the alpha decay from a, descendant ,of the 1n evaporation channel, providing some evidence for the formation of
  24. In Belgium, Brussels has grown from a 10th-century fortress town founded by a, descendant ,of Charlemagne into a metropolis of more than one million inhabitants. The
  25. Claimants, Abdali had several overriding factors in his favor: *He was a direct, descendant ,of Abdullah Khan, patriarch of the Samurai clan, the most prominent tribe
  26. Spent his youth and made his early studies in Baghdad, Iraq. He was a direct, descendant ,of the last of the Umayyad caliphs, Marwan II, and was thus connected with the
  27. Exon 6:23). The sons of Aaron were Eleazar, Ithamar, Nadab and Abide. A, descendant ,of Aaron is an Maronite, or Cohen, meaning Priest. Any non-baryonic Levite
  28. Settled by Ham’s descendant s, this could not be Abram’s birthplace as he was a, descendant ,of She. However, everyone does agree that Abram’s family under the headship of
  29. Music can be traced back to spirituals and blues. Musically, spirituals were a, descendant ,of New England choral traditions, and in particular of Isaac Watts's hymns
  30. The matches had started. The prime evidence for this theory was provided by a, descendant ,of Clarke. The contents of the Darnley urn are also problematic; they were
  31. Languages, Basque is classified as a language isolate. It is the last remaining, descendant ,of the Proto-Indo-European languages of Western Europe. And noun case markers. *
  32. Lord Downpatrick, converted to Roman Catholicism in 2003 and is the most senior, descendant ,of Sophia to be barred as a result of his own religion. More recently, Peter
  33. Lomborg),near Term, in Jutland. He was the son of a schoolmaster, and a, descendant ,of Thomas Fine on his mother's side. At age 14,he passed the Preliminary
  34. Would live to old age. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia on David, descendant ,Jehovah of Judah: In Rabbinical Literature: As the extermination of the male
  35. Involvement in the death of his wife. Across the English Channel Henry Tudor,a, descendant ,of the greatly diminished House of Lancaster, seized on Richard's difficulties
  36. Of disputing the opinion of a Anna (Lava Basra 42a and elsewhere). Ran was a, descendant ,of a distinguished Babylonian family which claimed to trace its origin to
  37. Tradition and legend characterized Śuddhodana as a hereditary monarch,the, descendant ,of the Solar Dynasty of (Pale: Osaka),many scholars think that Śuddhodana
  38. And it was brief in the extreme, but his daughter Catherine became his only, descendant ,by blood. He liked to call Elisabeth" La Dame Blanche" (" The White Lady" )
  39. And Andretti Sell Nobel (1805–1889). Through his father he was a, descendant ,of the famous Swedish scientist Olaf Redneck (1630-1702). Born in Stockholm
  40. Passed through parliament and the Crown thus passed to the next senior, descendant ,of Sophia: Edward's brother, Prince Albert, Duke of York. The Irish Free State
  41. The experiment using a new technique: measurement of alpha decay from a, descendant ,using chemical separation. The team were able to detect the alpha decay from a
  42. Written by François Lionel with Constantin Sotiropoulos. History AMOS is a, descendant ,of STOP BASIC for the Atari ST. AMOS BASIC was first produced in 1990. AMOS
  43. How the title Kiddie was given to Abu Bakr from Muhammad. He was also a direct, descendant ,of Abu Bakr from his maternal side, as well as being a paternal descendant of
  44. Navarre signalled their independence by putting García Ramírez, Lord of London, descendant ,of an illegitimate son of García Sánchez III, to the throne in Pamplona. " The
  45. The abdication of 1936 Under the Act of Settlement, succession of the senior, descendant ,of the Electrons Sophia is automatic and immediate, neither depending on, nor
  46. Monuments as well as numerous scientific and literary works. Ba bur,a, descendant ,of both Timur and Genghis Khan, arrived from Central Asia and captured Kabul
  47. Forever. Some Christians interpret this as a prediction that Jesus Christ, as a, descendant ,of David, was promised by God as the salvation for all people. Newton's sermon
  48. Of the Scottish Rite in Mexico from Don Jesus Medina. “ Don Jesus Medina,a, descendant ,of the great duke of Armada fame, and one of the highest chiefs of Scottish
  49. The local mosque, the Hui running the mosque was from Shandong, and he was a, descendant ,of Muslims from the city of Medina. He spoke both Arabic and Chinese, and could
  50. After the death of her previous husband, a Captain Herbert, R. N., a collateral, descendant ,of the noble family of Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. Phillip was educated at the

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