Examples of the the word, denomination , in a Sentence Context

The word ( denomination ), is the 8091 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the Christian era, also show other doctrinal innovations that no other, denomination ,accepts, except perhaps for some recent Messianic Jews. The Jewish Law is held
  2. Home in many Protestant denomination s, and sometimes both exist within the same, denomination ,as with the Puritans. Faiths leaning at least in part in the Arminian direction
  3. Main views of Baptist origins: (1) The modern scholarly consensus that the, denomination ,traces its origin to the 17th century via the English Separatists, ( 2) the
  4. Of course, in terms of face-value in adjusted dollars, the 1915 is the highest, denomination ,ever issued by the U. S. Mint. Athena was depicted on the obverse of the Greek
  5. Though in his apologetic writings, he made an effort to avoid espousing anyone, denomination , In his later writings, some believe that he proposed ideas such as
  6. Salvation Army's United States Southern Territory is located in Atlanta. The, denomination ,has eight churches, numerous social service centers, and youth clubs located
  7. Of West Asia and North Africa, resulting in their acculturation and eventual, denomination ,as Arabs. Arabization, a culturo-linguistic shift, was often, though not always
  8. Or as professionals (e.g. medical doctors). The largest religious, denomination ,is Roman Catholicism, to which adheres about half the population, Roughly 26 %
  9. An established church, still give official recognition to a specific Christian, denomination , Major groupings within Christianity The three primary divisions of
  10. Ethnic group. For all intents and purposes, Kriol is an ethnic and linguistic, denomination , but some natives, even those blonde and blue-eyed, may call themselves Krill
  11. Less harsh. Not only were many planters among its membership, but some, denomination ,'s prominent preachers, such as the Rev. Basil Manly, Sr., president of the
  12. Along with private individuals and foundations not endorsed by any specific, denomination , Historical authenticity The archaeological, historical and scientific
  13. Life and ministry. " Currently about 500,000 members of the 15.6-million-member, denomination , are African Americans and another 300,000 are ethnic minorities. The resolution
  14. The Adventist Review and Sabbath Herald. It has grown to a large worldwide, denomination ,and has a significant network of medical and educational institutions. Miller
  15. Through the efforts of the Colville Historical Society In 1966,the Baptist, denomination ,relinquished direct control over the University. The denomination maintains
  16. Followers (although the Orthodox Church is larger than any single Protestant, denomination ,). Some Anglicans consider their church a branch of the" One Holy Catholic
  17. Two principal factors: the contract (number of tricks bid in the auction,the, denomination , and which side has bid it) and the number of tricks taken during play. It may
  18. Or region. For example, Euro coins carry a" common side" that shows the, denomination ,and a" national side" that varies in design from state to state within the
  19. Surely We will bring it about. " The Ahmadi Movement is perhaps the only, denomination ,in Islam that actively promotes evolutionary theory. Ahmad is interpret
  20. Any denomination at a higher level than the last bid, or a higher-ranked, denomination ,at the same level. Thus, after a bid of 3,bids of 2 or 3 are not allowable
  21. Americans and another 300,000 are ethnic minorities. The resolution marked the, denomination ,'s first formal acknowledgment that racism played a role in its founding.
  22. S business ". Religious views Widdecombe is a practicing Roman Catholic,a, denomination ,to which she switched in 1993 after leaving the Church of England. Her reasons
  23. 0.7 %, mostly Theravada),Christians (0.3 %, mostly of the Roman Catholic, denomination ,), and Animists (0.1 %). Bangladesh has the fourth-largest Muslim population
  24. Made the last bid is divided further: the player who first made a bid in the, denomination ,of the final contract becomes the declarer and his partner becomes the dummy.
  25. Religion Seventy-four percent of Antiguans are Christians, with the Anglican, denomination ,(about 44 %) being the largest. Other Christian denomination s present are.
  26. Culminated in the Great Schism. Eastern Orthodoxy is the second-largest single, denomination ,in Christianity, with over 200 million adherents. These six churches, while
  27. In the world through 211 denomination s, making Baptists the largest Protestant, denomination ,in the world. According to the Barney Group researchers, Baptists are the
  28. Notrumps). The contract has two components: level and strain (also called, denomination ,). There are seven levels, numbered 1-7,and the number of tricks required is
  29. Been 'passed out' is prohibited by the rules). A bid specifies a level and, denomination , and ostensibly denotes a willingness to play the corresponding contract. A
  30. Bid must make a bid that is sufficient; a bid is sufficient if it specifies any, denomination ,at a higher level than the last bid, or a higher-ranked denomination at the
  31. Closed communion. They offer communion to those who are already united in that, denomination ,or sometimes individual church. Catholics restrict participation to their
  32. Covenant is revered, and Adoptionism is regarded as a valid Christology by this, denomination , If apostolic succession gave bishops the power to remain in the true faith
  33. Saudi-oriented Salafi-movement. Roman Catholics represent the largest Christian, denomination ,in the country. Most Protestants, including the Nigeria-based" Winners Chapel
  34. Converted to the Exclusive Brethren, a more conservative faction of a Christian, denomination ,known as the Plymouth Brethren, as had his mother when she married him. His
  35. The Baptist denomination relinquished direct control over the University. The, denomination ,maintains nine seats on the University's Board of Governors. On January 4
  36. Are sometimes referred to as the Pass Catalans (Catalan Countries),a, denomination ,based on cultural affinity and common heritage, that has also had a subsequent
  37. Affect the contract. For the purpose of determining the declarer, bids in the, denomination ,of the final contract by the defense are ignored. Bidding boxes contain a
  38. Making statements on important social issues and setting forth a vision for the, denomination , though they have no legislative authority of their own. In all of these areas
  39. He did not call himself bishop, but eventually submitted to the usage by the, denomination , Notable bishops in United Methodist history include Coke, Asbury, Richard
  40. America in 1784,where the Methodist Episcopal Church first became a separate, denomination ,apart from the Church of England. Coke soon returned to England, but As bury was
  41. Churches in Ireland, a Republic of Ireland and a United Kingdom based Christian, denomination ,Sports * Amateur Boxing Club (alternate name of Amateur Boxing Association of
  42. Actively in the play of the hand. In addition to establishing the level and, denomination , the final contract may be doubled (by the opponents) or redoubled (by the
  43. For instance, Jones,Jr. once said that Catholicism was" not another Christian, denomination , It is a satanic counterfeit, an ecclesiastic tyranny over the souls of men ...
  44. Having received infant baptism, sprinkling,or baptism of any sort by another, denomination , Anabaptists perform baptisms indoors in a baptismal font, a swimming pool, or
  45. Chairman of the AKIN Groups * Assemblies of God in Australia, a Pentecostal, denomination ,* Association of Government Accountants, government accounting professional
  46. And The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the largest, denomination ,of the Latter Day Saint movement with over 13 million members. While the
  47. Some currencies' banknotes have a tactile feature to indicate, denomination , For example, the Canadian currency tactile feature is a system of raised dots
  48. Specifications including in just which microclimate region ham of a particular, denomination ,must be cured. Plato alpujarreño is another mountain specialty, a dish
  49. Amen. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran, denomination ,in the United States, uses the ELLA ecumenical version. The phrase" he
  50. Banknotes has a tactile feature consisting of raised dots that indicate the, denomination , allowing bills to be easily identified by visually impaired people. It does

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