Examples of the the word, populate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( populate ), is the 8579 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And computer forensics. Results of this research and other information now, populate ,the CERT Virtual Training Environment. Carnegie Mellon, Capability Maturity
  2. Erased the memories of most Chronopolis's staff, and sent them to inhabit and, populate ,its new paradise. Thousands of years later, a panther demon attacked a
  3. Film directed by Wim Wenders. The film is about invisible, immortal angels who, populate ,Berlin and listen to the thoughts of the human inhabitants and comfort those
  4. Search for valuable metals like copper, gold,tin, and lead. Soon they began to, populate ,the North African coast with settlements, trading and mixing with the native
  5. And Eve" could have two sons, one of whom killed the other, and yet managed to, populate ,the earth without committing incest. " He writes that, compared to the Bible,"
  6. The tree and river spirits of Roman mythology * Animal beings, many of which, populate ,the stories of Native Americans and Indigenous Australians * Conceptual beings
  7. Humans from the Horn of Africa around 70,000 years ago. This group helped to, populate ,Southeast Asia and Oceania, explaining the discovery of early human sites in
  8. Without Jews and non-whites and to this end it encourages its members to ", populate ,the lands of this earth with white people exclusively ". After Hale was
  9. Place and the whole human race goes back in time, allowing strange animals, populate ,cities and some build a tower high into the sky. * John Carpenter's 1981 film
  10. L. ) — a reference to the Lou Reed song — Joel builds four sentient robots that, populate ,the ship (ostensibly because he is lonely, and as a homage to the 1972 film
  11. The two clubs in which many fans from Minnesota make the trip and heavily, populate ,Royals home games versus the Twins. Previously, the Twins had narrowly beat out
  12. Of anti-slavery settlers, who won a demographic victory in the race to, populate ,the state. Results The Kansas–Nebraska Act divided the nation and pointed it
  13. Gluing, or acting as a fairground ride, while a pick-and-place robot can only, populate ,printed circuit boards. General-purpose autonomous robots General-purpose
  14. Person filling it in is actually believed to be able to contact the beings who, populate ,the belief system. Term" shaman" is used in several English-language
  15. Where a plague has made the planet uninhabitable by men, so that only women, populate ,Mars, living alongside an ancient parasitic organism (perhaps also alien to
  16. Mosques in more suburban and rural regions throughout Europe where Muslims, populate , an example of this is the Shah Japan Masjid in Working, the first purpose built
  17. And it is only clear that these policies forced Russians of certain descent to, populate ,the Republic. As in many former Soviet republics, after Kyrgyzstan regained
  18. By relocating the capital city to the interior, the government intended to help, populate ,that area of the country. People from all over the country were hired to build
  19. From an American think tank and PBS have estimated 1.2 to 1.57 billion Muslims, populate ,the world, or about 20 % of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion
  20. Lakes of liquid water also occur (e.g., Lake Boston). Ice shelves and rises, populate ,the ice sheet on the periphery. Only about 2 % of the continent is not covered
  21. To immigrate and colonize, free land was offered to those who wanted to, populate ,the two islands on the condition that they swear their loyalty to the Spanish
  22. Region is, archeologically speaking, hardly noticeable and certainly did not, populate ,an exterminated country, very unlike Tacitus suggested. Here, probably due to
  23. For the" riffraff "," cretins" and" yobbos" that he believes to regularly, populate ,his hotel. His desperation is readily apparent, as he makes increasingly
  24. Ranging across the subregion. Some dramatic examples of these rice paddies, populate ,the Manage Rice Terraces in the mountains of Luzon in the Philippines.
  25. In Thailand. Several ethnic groups, many of which are marginalized, populate ,Thailand. Some of these groups overlap into Burma, Laos,Cambodia, and Malaysia
  26. Crustacean Mafia reproduces by parthenogenesis in the spring to rapidly, populate ,ponds, then switches to sexual reproduction as the intensity of competition and
  27. Range, Nepali-speaking Hindus and Near merchants who also speak Newark densely, populate ,valleys suited to rice cultivation as high as. The increasingly urbanized
  28. Region before the time of the Pashtuns and various Bardic peoples who came to, populate ,much of the north. Earlier pre-Aryan inhabitants include the Shin or shipyards
  29. The data warehouse and computing relevant summaries and other aggregations, to, populate , the analytical database. The same analytical database, which is much smaller
  30. Be parsing the hard, hReview, and product microformats and using them to, populate ,search result pages with what they called" Rich Snippets ". Special features
  31. Are the 56 % of the people who claim Irish ancestry who are Protestant and, populate ,large areas of the southeastern United States especially in Tennessee, North
  32. Carried. Alvaro would remain in the newly founded city of Panama, helping to, populate ,it. During four years he did not participate in new expeditions, occupying his
  33. Few mitochondria, but it is these mitochondria that survive and divide to, populate ,the cells of the adult organism. Mitochondria are, therefore,in most cases
  34. Book begins and role play the Elder Americas as they vie for the throne; or to, populate ,Amber from scratch with a different set of Elder Americas. The former option
  35. Soon after achieving independence, the Mexican government, in an effort to, populate ,its northern territories, awarded extensive land grants in Coahuila y Texas to
  36. Humidity to achieve comfort with the concomitant effects on the microbes that, populate ,and evolve., Computer AI Some artificially intelligent computer applications
  37. Role too in transporting immigrants from much of Europe to Canada especially to, populate ,the vast prairies. They also played an important role in both world wars with
  38. With a colliding particle (typically other electrons). Electrons that, populate ,a shell are said to be in a bound state. The energy necessary to remove an
  39. The Muslims mainly inhabit the lowlands, and adherents of animist religions, populate ,the southernmost regions. English is the most widely spoken foreign language
  40. Who will swear fealty to Spain and is of the Roman Catholic faith is welcome to, populate ,Trinidad and Tobago. * November 25 – American Revolutionary War: The last
  41. Particularly the Karen in the southeast, and the Keychain and Chin (people) who, populate ,the north and north-east, practice Christianity. According to CIA World
  42. Of this was phenomenal, as it allowed the new Guardian irrigation system to, populate ,an area of some 40 by 50 miles (60 × 80 km) with over five million people
  43. Had apparently taken place. Meyer was angry, but then realized he could, populate ,the area with fake corpses and junked cars" and then I got real happy. "
  44. Which land title disputes and factional conflict slowed the initial attempts to, populate ,and develop the island under a feudal system. In an attempt to attract settlers
  45. Greek Cypriots. In the meantime Turkey illegally imported Turkish colonists to, populate ,the occupied territories, thereby altering the ethnic makeup of the occupied
  46. Of global, ethnic music tradition, for lack of clearer categorical standard, populate ,the cross-pollinating list of sub-genres, discussed in section 1.1 of this
  47. From the Vienna, Normandie, and Brittany regions of France, continued to, populate ,the colony of Acadia during the latter part of the 17th and early part of the
  48. The Maratha when they were travelling the galaxy, looking for new planets to, populate , The Maratha praise it as a god, yet they are a species incapable of fiction
  49. Of yeast and bacteria. The bacteria produce a complex array of nutrients and, populate ,the vinegar with bacteria which some claim promotes a healthy digestive tract
  50. Stream to spawn. In Alaska, the crossing-over to other streams allows salmon to, populate ,new streams, such as those that emerge as a glacier retreats. The precise

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