Examples of the the word, troll , in a Sentence Context

The word ( troll ), is the 8581 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have been imprisoned in the UK for troll ing. Usage Application of the term, troll ,is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as troll ing, while others
  2. August 31, 2009,while others accuse him of being an internet, troll , In August 2010,HD Moore found about 40 vulnerabilities related to DLL load
  3. Loyal. Troll clans often raid one another, and a significant subset of the, troll ,race are crystal raiders, which command many of the airships of Massive. Other
  4. The park's highlight. The gardens were restored in 1994. In Internet slang,a, troll ,is someone who posts inflammatory, al response or of otherwise disrupting
  5. Before the Scourge almost all works were enslaved by other races. # Troll - The, troll ,race in Earth dawn is also similar in appearance to many other fantasy role
  6. Can also find troll ing effective. Recreational fishermen can successfully, troll ,lakes and reservoirs for salmon and trout. It can be the method of choice for
  7. Also known as crank baits. These lures have a fishlike body shape and as they, troll ,through the water they make various movements caused by instability due to a
  8. Her way to Hogwarts. After being saved in the girls' bathroom from a mountain, troll ,by Harry and Ron, she becomes close friends with them and often uses her quick
  9. Was unbeatable. Homes eventually won the election. Although the term" concern, troll ," originated in discussions of online behavior, it now sees increasing use to
  10. May refer to the provocative message itself, as in:" That was an excellent, troll ,you posted ". While the word troll and its associated verb troll ing are
  11. Distinct classes of beings; lords of nature (Johann),mythical magicians (, troll ,), hostile monsters (URS) and heroic and courtly beings (rise) - the last
  12. Is perceived as either normal, offtopic, insightful,redundant, interesting,or, troll ,(among others). The site's comment and moderation system is administered by
  13. Original Japanese dub, it stems from Mei's mispronunciation of the word for ", troll ,"). Her father later tells her that this is the" keeper of the forest ". One
  14. Are the only wizards to win the game of wizards’ chess. *A room with a large, troll ,inside. This is Quirrell's challenge. In the book, Quirrell had knocked out
  15. There is much confusion and overlap in the use of Old Norse terms Johann, troll , URS and rise. Lott Moth theorized that these were originally four distinct
  16. During the World Tour arc, after enlarging his armor to form a gigantic ice, troll , Bobby is greatly injured by Proteus, which resulted in a lawsuit issued by his
  17. Vanity Fair accused a conservative New York Daily News columnist of" concern, troll ," behavior in his efforts to downplay the Mark Foley scandal. Wolcott links
  18. 石頭, simplified 石头) * English trawl (to fish by dragging a net) and English, troll ,(to fish by trailing a line) * Estonian/Finnish a (no, not ), Etruscan a (
  19. There will come from them all one of that number to be a moon-snatcher in, troll ,'s skin. " Further into the poem, the Volvo foretells that Odin will be
  20. Depth. Outriggers and down riggers Outriggers are poles which allow a boat to, troll ,multiple lines in the water without tangling. A boat which troll s enough lines
  21. Sensitive topics such as race, gender,and sexuality. Concern troll A concern, troll ,is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is
  22. Retained an independent declension e.g. troll (a troll ) – troll it (the, troll ,), hǫll (a hall) – Hollis (the hall),arms (an arm) – arming (the arm)
  23. S changes were reminiscent of the writings of J. R. R. Tolkien, and included a, troll , elves, and a volcano some claim is based on Mount Doom, but Woods says was not
  24. Of the Levitation Charm. They heartily dislike her until they rescue her from a, troll , for which she is so thankful that she lies to protect them from punishment
  25. That the definition of quite general cohomology theories. In Norse mythology,a, troll ,is a generally negative synonym for a Johann, or " giant ", plural Jonas.
  26. And at Encyclopedia Dramatic, which it described as" an online compendium of, troll ,humor and troll lore ". Media coverage and controversy Mainstream media outlets
  27. It was copied and became an Internet meme. In some cases, this type of, troll ,has been used as a scam, most notably on Facebook, where fake Facebook Gold
  28. US Navy pilots in Vietnam. Early history The most likely derivation of the word, troll ,can be found in the phrase" troll ing for newbies ", popularized in the early
  29. Transportation cards. Elves can travel on a wide variety of vehicles including, troll ,wagons, elf cycles, rafts,giant pigs, unicorns,dragons and magic clouds.
  30. Point of view is opposed to the one that the user claims to hold. The concern, troll ,posts in Web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway
  31. Was realized as a suffix, that retained an independent declension e.g., troll ,(a troll ) – troll it (the troll ),hold (a hall) – Hollis (the hall)
  32. Focused discussion forum may be easily labeled a" batter "," flamer ", or ", troll ,". Therefore, it seems important to make the rules and focus of a discussion
  33. In modern times troll s are depicted in a variety of media. In Norse mythology, troll , like Thurs is a term applied to Jonas. In Old Norse sources, troll s are said
  34. Dramatic, which it described as" an online compendium of troll humor and, troll ,lore ". Media coverage and controversy Mainstream media outlets have focused
  35. Especially for sensitive topics such as race, gender,and sexuality. Concern, troll ,A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point
  36. Some websites welcome them. For example, a New York Times article discussed, troll ,activity at 4chan and at Encyclopedia Dramatic, which it described as" an
  37. As a suffix, that retained an independent declension e.g. troll (a, troll ,) – troll it (the troll ),hold (a hall) – Hollis (the hall),arms (an arm
  38. Participants in online forums know that the most effective way to discourage a, troll ,is usually to ignore it, because responding tends to encourage troll s to
  39. This is Quirrell's challenge. In the book, Quirrell had knocked out his own, troll ,to get to the last room and thus the trio did not have to fight it; in the film
  40. Descriptor to the comments as well, such as normal, offtopic, flamebait, troll , redundant, insightful,interesting, informative,funny, overrated,or
  41. Rating. So a comment may be seen to have a rating of" +1 insightful" or" -1, troll ,". A given comment can have any integer score from -1 to +5,and registered
  42. Itself, as in:" That was an excellent troll you posted ". While the word, troll ,and its associated verb troll ing are associated with Internet discourse, media
  43. Said on her website that she resisted her editor's requests to remove the, troll ,scene, stating " Hermione is so very annoying in the early part of Philosopher
  44. Became the vengeance demon Ayanna after turning her cheating boyfriend into a, troll , She specialized in cursing men who have wronged women. When one of her curses
  45. Has made such labels outside an online context. For example, mass media uses, troll ,to describe" a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of
  46. A rich folklore and many of the former tales concern trows, an Arcadian form of, troll ,that draws on the islands' Scandinavian connections. Local customs in the past
  47. Sees the original comment and the reason assigned by the moderator (e.g., troll , funny),and the meta-moderator can click to see the context of comments
  48. Al response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. The noun, troll ,may refer to the provocative message itself, as in:" That was an excellent
  49. Offshore or open-water species such as tuna and marlin. Saltwater anglers also, troll ,for inshore species such as bluefish, kingfish and various jacks. Rock
  50. With the aim of causing grief to families. " In modern English usage, the verb, troll ,is a fishing technique of slowly dragging a lure or baited hook from a moving

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