Examples of the the word, replication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( replication ), is the 8583 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Diffraction — Proteomics — mass spectrometry **genetic structure: DNA — DNA, replication ,— nucleosome — genetic code — codon — transcription factor — transcription —
  2. Support SRV resource records or service records. Replication Active Directory, replication ,is 'pull' rather than 'push ', meaning that replicas pull changes from the
  3. That make up the pre- replication complexes assembled during G1 phase on DNA, replication ,origins. The phosphorylation serves two purposes: to activate each
  4. Processes allow an audio CD to contain up to 80 minutes (variable from one, replication ,plant to another) without requiring the content creator to sign a waiver
  5. Across the forest. Sites are used to control network traffic generated by, replication ,and also to refer clients to the nearest domain controllers. Microsoft Exchange
  6. Main function of the cell nucleus is to control gene expression and mediate the, replication ,of DNA during the cell cycle. The nucleus provides a site for genetic
  7. Proteins in virus entry and virus release. These areas are important for BTV, replication ,but they also indicate the pathways that may be used by related viruses, which
  8. On the Island" ( 1958) Anatolia Dnipro speculated on the idea that since the, replication ,process is never 100 % accurate, leading to slight differences in the
  9. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their discoveries of the, replication ,of viruses and their genetic structure. Replication Bacteriophages may have a
  10. Phage, bacterial cells are broken open (lased) and destroyed after immediate, replication ,of the virion. As soon as the cell is destroyed, the phage progeny can find new
  11. Fair use and fair dealing Copyright does not prohibit all copying or, replication , In the United States, the fair use doctrine, codified by the Copyright Act of
  12. Of five tRNAs genes, a sequence resembling vertebrate origin of light strand, replication ,is found. It is difficult to draw evolutionary conclusions because it is
  13. Topology of site links using the defined sites to manage traffic. Intrusive, replication ,is frequent and automatic as a result of change notification, which triggers
  14. And meiosis and prevent DNA damage, and to control gene expression and DNA, replication , The primary protein components of chromatin are histones that compact the DNA.
  15. In partitions, each holding specific object types and following a specific, replication ,pattern. AD synchronizes changes using multi-master replication . Microsoft
  16. The change was effected. The Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) creates a, replication ,topology of site links using the defined sites to manage traffic. Intrusive
  17. A direct site-to-site link lower than transitive connections. Site-to-site, replication ,can be configured to occur between a bridgehead server in each site, which then
  18. Thereby inhibiting cell division. This mechanism can also affect mammalian cell, replication , In particular, some conveners of this drug family (for example those that
  19. Notification, which triggers peers to begin a pull replication cycle. Inters ite, replication ,intervals are typically less frequent and do not use change notification by
  20. Molecular biology is the study of molecular underpinnings of the process of, replication , transcription and translation of the genetic material. The central dogma of
  21. Released into its relaxed state for access for transcription, regulation,and, replication , Number of chromosomes in various organisms Eukaryotes These tables give the
  22. Default, although this is configurable and can be made identical to intrusive, replication , Each link can have a 'cost' ( e.g.,DS3,T1,ISDN etc.) and the site link
  23. Mass of DNA and associated proteins that control the transcription and, replication ,of the bacterial chromosome and plasmids. In eukaryotes the genome is held
  24. 13 protein-coding genes and a noncoding control region containing the origin of, replication ,for the heavy strand. In between a grouping of five tRNAs genes, a sequence
  25. Cloning, through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT),allows for genetic, replication ,of selected animals. Genetic engineering, using recombinant DNA, alters the
  26. Packing. Acetylation results in the loosening of chromatin and lends itself to, replication ,and transcription. When certain residues are methylated they hold DNA together
  27. Leading to slight differences in the descendants, over several generations of, replication ,the machines would be subjected to evolution similar to that of living
  28. The PAS can be modified by modifying the schema and marking attributes for, replication ,to the GC. Earlier versions of Windows used NetBIOS to communicate. Active
  29. As gametes in multicellular organisms, fusing to form new diploid cells. DNA, replication , or the process of duplicating a cell's genome, is required every time a cell
  30. DNA sequence in a living organism, that sequence must be linked to an origin of, replication , which is a sequence of DNA capable of directing the propagation of itself and
  31. The preparation and study of karyotypes is part of cytogenetics. Although the, replication ,and transcription of DNA is highly standardized in eukaryotes, the same cannot
  32. Will be replicated once and only once. The reason for prevention of gaps in, replication ,is fairly clear, because daughter cells that are missing all or part of crucial
  33. Bacteria typically have a single point (the origin of replication ) from which, replication ,starts, whereas some archaea contain multiple replication origins. The genes in
  34. Procedure Calls (RPC) over IP (RPC/IP). Between Sites, you can use SMTP for, replication , but only for changes in the Schema, Configuration,or Partial Attribute Set (
  35. From studies over a number of years have defined the key players in BTV entry, replication , assembly and exit and have increasingly found roles for host proteins at each
  36. As a result of change notification, which triggers peers to begin a pull, replication ,cycle. Inters ite replication intervals are typically less frequent and do not
  37. In turn promote the expression of S cycling and of enzymes required for DNA, replication , The G1 cyclin-CDK complexes also promote the degradation of molecules that
  38. Then eukaryotes. Bacteria typically have a single point (the origin of, replication ,) from which replication starts, whereas some archaea contain multiple
  39. And induce frameshift mutations by" masquerading" as a base, causing the DNA, replication ,machinery to skip or insert additional nucleotides at the intercalated site.
  40. Is also incorporated into nucleic acids by polymerases in the processes of DNA, replication ,and transcription. The structure of this molecule consists of a purine base (
  41. From which replication starts, whereas some archaea contain multiple, replication ,origins. The genes in prokaryotes are often organized in operons, and do not
  42. Mutations in the pathogen genome at a rate of about 1 in 108 per chromosomal, replication , The antibiotic action against the pathogen can be seen as an environmental
  43. Features such as ACID transactions, fine-grained locking, hot backups and, replication , Editions The name Berkeley DB encompasses three different products: # Berkeley
  44. Of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication (, replication ,). In cells without a nucleus (prokaryotic),the cell cycle occurs via a
  45. A specific replication pattern. AD synchronizes changes using multi-master, replication , Microsoft often refers to these partitions as 'naming contexts '. The 'Schema
  46. A global listing of objects in the forest. However, in order to minimize, replication ,traffic and to keep the GC's database small, only selected attributes of each
  47. Of various enzymes that are required in S phase, mainly those needed for DNA, replication , Duration of G1 is highly variable, even among different cells of the same
  48. Ever solved); the definition of the virus encoded enzymes required for RNA, replication ,; the ordered assembly of the capsid shell and the protein sequestration
  49. Infect. Additionally, the worm infects other. SIS files on the device, allowing, replication , to another device through use of removable media (Secure Digital, Compact
  50. Non-canonical base-pairing, leading to errors (mostly point mutations) in DNA, replication ,and DNA transcription. This is due to their esoteric chemistry. One common

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