Examples of the the word, satisfying , in a Sentence Context

The word ( satisfying ), is the 8580 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A rational number r as input returns D (r) \math rm\; or D (r) \math rm\;, satisfying ,the following conditions:: \exists r D (r)=\math rm\;: \exists r D (
  2. Of more difficult solution and explication. " (Hume 1974:328) He shows how a, satisfying ,argument for the validity of experience can be based neither on demonstration (
  3. Reduced the number of variables by 1. Continuing this way, we can generate a, satisfying ,assignment. This proves the Lemma. (Aside: The formal name for the above
  4. A shell where n is some integer n0,\ell ranges across all (integer) values, satisfying ,the relation 0 \LE \ell \LE n_0-1. For instance, the n 1 shell has only
  5. With household incomes below the poverty line – defined as twice the cost of, satisfying ,a person's minimal nutritional needs – fell from 45.1 % in 1987 to 13.7 % in
  6. Solves SAT, then for all Boolean formula ϕ: ϕ ∈ SAT IFF h (ϕ, W|ϕ |) is a, satisfying ,assignment for ϕ. (1) Proof: The main idea is to use the circuit to generate
  7. Raised issues of execution-time sanity must be determined in a proceeding, satisfying ,the minimum requirements of due process. In Atkins v. Virginia, the Supreme
  8. Acceptance criteria are met, the sponsors will then sign off on the system as, satisfying ,the contract (previously agreed between sponsor and manufacturer),and
  9. The problem of determining whether a formula known to have either zero or one, satisfying ,assignments has zero or has one. Although this problem seems easier, it has
  10. An end. *Gurkha (Sanskrit:): That nothing which comes to be is ultimately, satisfying , *Anita (Sanskrit: Batman): That nothing in the realm of experience can
  11. Given an infinite cardinal and a finite cardinal greater than 0,the cardinal, satisfying ,^= will be. Logarithms Assuming the axiom of choice and, given an infinite
  12. Ring R. Thus A is endowed with binary operations of addition and multiplication, satisfying ,a number of axioms, including associativity of multiplication and
  13. Differences in the computational properties. For instance the x \in \math, satisfying ,\for all (n \in \omega)\phi (x, n ) with \phi (x, n ) qualifier free must be
  14. In computing microscope objectives free from error of the axis point and, satisfying ,the sine condition for several colors, which therefore, according to his
  15. Conjugate antiparticle field, with its own creation and annihilation operators, satisfying ,the relations: :b_ a\dagger_k\ \math rm\ by\dagger_ a_k, \,where k has the
  16. Real number ε, there exists a positive real number δ such that all x in X, satisfying ,DX (x, c ) < δ will also satisfy Dy (f (x),f (c) ) < ε. As in the case
  17. Fibonacci numbers which, if it converges at all, converges to a limit \phi, satisfying ,\phi^2 \phi+1,and no rational number has this property. If one considers this
  18. Make the coefficients of the powers of 3rd degree zero. This necessitates the, satisfying ,of five equations; in other words, there are five alterations of the 3rd order
  19. A subset P (namely the set of positive real numbers) of nonzero elements, satisfying ,the following three conditions: * P is closed under addition, multiplication
  20. A transformative capacity: it confers particularly appealing or aesthetically, satisfying ,structures or forms upon an original set of unrelated, passive constituents.
  21. Or other type of) society. Conspiratorial accounts can be emotionally, satisfying ,when they place events in a readily understandable, moral context. The
  22. The Tychonoff theorem. * Consider the set K of all functions ƒ: 0,1 → 0,1, satisfying , the Lipschitz condition | ƒ (x) − ƒ (y) | ≤ | x − y | for all x, y ∈ 0,1.
  23. Of minimal consumption, rich social relationships, personal happiness, satisfying ,work and leisure. In Beyond Freedom and Dignity, Skinner suggests that a
  24. Be used to speed up the generation of messages. Adult AAC users generally have, satisfying ,relationships with family and friends and engage in pleasurable and interesting
  25. Pop and heavy metal, writers panned the attempt. Others felt that she was ", satisfying ,rather than extraordinary ", stating that she added little to modern R&B. As an
  26. 17 valid 3-colorings,the SAT formula produced by the reduction will have 17, satisfying , assignments. NP-completeness only refers to the run-time of the worst case
  27. Contribute to both very low and very high frequency ranges and provide a, satisfying ," clash-bang-wallop ". In older music the composer sometimes provided just one
  28. Nth root of a positive real number r is chosen to be the positive real number c, satisfying ,CN = x there is no natural way of distinguishing one particular complex nth
  29. The art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of, satisfying ,it afterwards. " *" Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul
  30. A similar looking formula, which applies for any integers j, k,and n, satisfying ,0 ≤ j ≤ k ≤ n, is and can be found by examination of the coefficient of X in
  31. Explore the (exponentially sized) space of variable assignments looking for, satisfying ,assignments. The basic search procedure was proposed in two seminal papers in
  32. Subjective, it is commonly understood that what is not somehow aesthetically, satisfying ,cannot be art. However," good" art is not always or even regularly
  33. The project received approval from state environmental agencies in 1991,after, satisfying ,concerns including release of toxins by the excavation and the possibility of
  34. For ϕ. (1) Proof: The main idea is to use the circuit to generate a, satisfying ,assignment as follows. Ask the circuit if ϕ is falsifiable. If so, ask it if ϕ
  35. His Laurent series published in 1843). Course d'Analyze \delta_\alpha, satisfying ,\int F (x)\delta_\alpha (x) = F (0) in a number of articles in 1827,see
  36. That satisfies that property; therefore, there is the smallest positive integer, satisfying ,the property" not definable in under eleven words ". This is the integer to
  37. Inputs and size | x|CDK such that ∀ y, | y|≤|x|c ', h (g (x, y ), W ) is a, satisfying ,assignment for g (x, y ). Since h is computable in polynomial time, we have
  38. The form: a+bi, \ where a and b are real numbers and I is the imaginary unit, satisfying ,i2 = -1. For example,−3.5 + 2i is a complex number. The real number an of the
  39. Finite cardinal \mu greater than 1,there may or may not be a cardinal \lambda, satisfying ,^. But, if such a cardinal exists, it is infinite and less than \kappa and any
  40. Another example are Pythagorean triples (a, b,c),that is to say integers, satisfying ,: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \, ( which implies that the triangle having side lengths a, b
  41. With household incomes below the poverty line – defined as twice the cost of, satisfying ,a person's minimal nutritional needs – fell from 45.1 % in 1987 to 13.7 % in
  42. Have the same reals, models with" more" sets of reals have a better chance of, satisfying ,CH (Maddy 1988,p. 500). Another viewpoint is that the conception of set is
  43. Of inspiration to Schopenhauer, and writing about them, he said: It is the most, satisfying ,and elevating reading (except the original text) which is
  44. Formula (1) is valid more generally for any elements x and y of a bemiring, satisfying ,XY = ex. The theorem is true even more generally: alter nativity suffices in
  45. S fine motor skills and anatomical knowledge can make the difference between a, satisfying ,session for the bottom, and a highly unpleasant experience that may even entail
  46. Tbinom can be characterized as the unique degree k polynomial p (t), satisfying , p (0) p (1) ... p (k − 1) 0 and p (k) = 1. Its coefficients are
  47. Of myth to the battle: it became an epic clash between good and evil with a, satisfying ,moral outcome. According to Reader Colin Burrow, André was so overwhelmed by
  48. Are consumed with" romantic wavering ", that is, they are interested only in, satisfying ,their lusts. Because the Rights of Woman eliminates sexuality from a woman's
  49. Thus, by the axiom of dependent choice, there is some sequence (an) in S, satisfying ,ran+1 for all n in N. As this is an infinite descending chain, we arrive at a
  50. Phi (x, n ) qualifier free must be computable while the unique x \in \omega, satisfying ,a universal formula can be arbitrarily high in the hyperarithmetic hierarchy.

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