Examples of the the word, epidemiology , in a Sentence Context

The word ( epidemiology ), is the 8582 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As population growth and dynamics, fisheries,competition, evolutionary theory, epidemiology , animal behavior and group dynamics, food webs, ecosystems,spatial ecology
  2. Policy in general, have been implicated in worldwide IQ increases. Cognitive, epidemiology ,is a field of research that examines the associations between intelligence test
  3. A well-defined cluster of honey bees in cold temperatures *Cluster (, epidemiology ,), a grouping of cases of disease *Genetic cluster, a group of genes (or
  4. Population. Day–Sachs disease was one of the first genetic disorders for which, epidemiology ,was studied using new molecular data. Studies of TSD mutations using new
  5. While the etiology of Type 2 diabetes is currently unknown, though its, epidemiology ,has established a strong genetic component. *Glycemic – A normal level of
  6. Strong among poets. Epidemiology According to a substantial amount of, epidemiology ,studies conducted, women are twice as likely to develop certain mood disorders
  7. Further. In the 1950s,radon has been used in industrial radiography. Health, epidemiology ,Radon-222 has been classified by International Agency for Research on Cancer as
  8. Increase the risks of developing lung, lymph and brain cancers. " Also, a 2005, epidemiology , review concluded:" In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is
  9. Conventional scientific methods (such as those used in population genetics and, epidemiology ,) to explain existing patterns and transmission of cultural ideas. Principal
  10. Branches of geography, particularly those involving the spread of diseases (, epidemiology ,), the practice of commerce and military planning (logistics),and the
  11. Receiver operating characteristic, ROC curve (signal detection theory or, epidemiology ,) Organization: *Regional Organizations of Councils, voluntary groupings of
  12. In food safety and security, animal health and welfare, and public health and, epidemiology ,should have the best opportunities for a career within one of the departments
  13. Genetic, reproductive,and neurological effects from chronic exposure. A 2005, epidemiology , review concluded:" In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is
  14. Along with their specific perspectives - in the pursuit of a common task. The, epidemiology ,of AIDS or global warming require understanding of diverse disciplines to solve
  15. 2008) examined several important American and British journals in genetics, epidemiology ,and medicine for their content during the 1946-2003 period. He wrote that "
  16. He advocated establishing a medical administrative authority, with powers over, epidemiology ,and veterinary medicine. He worked to set up a coherent medical training
  17. A fourth of the population being sampled. A quartile is a type of quantile. In, epidemiology , sociology and finance, the quartiles of a population are the four
  18. Two concerns jointly distinguish econometrics from other disciplines, such as, epidemiology ,(which also uses observational studies) and control theory (which also
  19. The channel structures. IDE or IDE may refer to: IDE Biology *Infectious disease, epidemiology , the study of the patterns of communicable diseases at the population level
  20. Other than medicine. Applications of biostatistics * Public health, including, epidemiology , health services research, nutrition,and environmental health * Design and
  21. Of the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak. Though a physician and a pioneer of, epidemiology , the map is probably one of the earliest examples of Health geography. The now
  22. That cholera is water-borne, and forming the starting point for the science of, epidemiology , * The Icelandic trade is opened to merchants other than Danes. * Waterbury
  23. By an effect of smoking on citrullination but the stochastic (random), epidemiology , suggests that the rate limiting step in genesis of disease in predisposed
  24. To emphasize transmission and acquisition properties that parallel the study of, epidemiology , These properties make salient the sometimes parasitic nature of acquired memes
  25. Be some form of the ordinary Eastern or bubonic plague" was able to adopt the, epidemiology ,of the bubonic plague for the Black Death for the second edition in 1908
  26. Identified antimicrobial drug-resistant pathogen in US hospitals. The, epidemiology ,of infections caused by MRSA is rapidly changing. In the past 10 years
  27. Hackett, David CCF RSC (1934-) - founded the first department of clinical, epidemiology ,in Canada at McMaster University * Till, James OC Font FRSC FRS (1931-) -
  28. The body. Classical immunology ties in with the fields of, epidemiology ,and medicine. It studies the relationship between the body systems, pathogens
  29. Economics, social psychology, law,organizational studies, marketing,and, epidemiology ,). In law, the synonym" hypothetical" is frequently used for such experiments
  30. Ideas in proposing the Unified Concept of Causation. Further, thinking in, epidemiology ,was required to distinguish causation from association or statistical
  31. To anticipate the impact that an immunization campaign will have on the, epidemiology ,of the disease in the medium to long term # ongoing surveillance for the
  32. Disease etiology, disease cycles, economic impact, plant disease, epidemiology , plant disease resistance, how plant diseases affect humans and animals
  33. To the design of studies in other observational disciplines, such as astronomy, epidemiology , and political science; similarly, the statistical analysis of data from an
  34. And laboratory techniques and equipment, old ideas of infectious disease, epidemiology ,were replaced with bacteriology and virology. Bacteria and microorganisms were
  35. Medical conditions, such as a person with schizophrenia and substance abuse. In, epidemiology ,and actuarial science, the term morbidity rate can refer to either the
  36. Provide a considerable insight into the nature of disease. For instance,the, epidemiology ,of diabetes shows that it is not spread by infection; except in a very unusual
  37. Time. Other examples of such models may be found in the field of mathematical, epidemiology ,where the dynamic relationships that are to be modeled are host-pathogen
  38. On Plague: Current, comprehensive information on pathogenesis, microbiology, epidemiology , diagnosis, and treatment
  39. Being at the crossroads of several disciplines such as sociology, economics, epidemiology , geography, anthropology and history, demography offers tools to approach a
  40. Chickenpox, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B. * A successful application of, epidemiology ,and vaccination led to the eradication of the smallpox virus in humans. *
  41. Integrate biostatistics faculty into statistics or other departments, such as, epidemiology , Thus, departments carrying the name" biostatistics" may exist under quite
  42. A Quantitative Approach. Borrowing heavily from population genetics and, epidemiology , this book built a mathematical theory concerning the spread of cultural traits
  43. Evaluation, and interpretation of medical research. It is also fundamental to, epidemiology ,and evidence-based medicine. *Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that
  44. Season can be predicted using cumulative data over many years. In addition to, epidemiology ,surveys, MSF also uses surveys of populations to determine the rates of
  45. Disorders, mineral metabolism, clinical pharmacology, hypertension, epidemiology , and nutrition. Procedures a nephrologist may learn in a training program
  46. Limited to individual cases that provide experimental evidence of etiology. In, epidemiology , several lines of evidence together are required to infer causation. Sir Austin
  47. Bioinformatics, bioanalytical chemistry, chemical biology, and molecular, epidemiology , Theodore" Teddy" Roosevelt (; October 27, 1858 – January 6,1919) was the
  48. Reflux. This Health Technology Assessment monograph includes reviews of the, epidemiology , assessment, and treatment of varicose veins, as well as a study on clinical
  49. Later found to have been contaminated with sewage. This is an early example of, epidemiology , public health medicine and the application of science—the germ theory of
  50. Soho, Buenos Aires. Broad Street pump A significant event in the history of, epidemiology ,and public health was Dr. John Snow's study of an 1854 outbreak of cholera in

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