Examples of the the word, transcend , in a Sentence Context
The word ( transcend ), is the 8584 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Hand that God was knowable in his manifestations but that ultimately one must, transcend ,knowledge or gnosis (since knowledge is based on reflection). Gnosis is
- Are accepted, the value of the work of art is determined by its capacity to, transcend ,the limits of its chosen medium to strike some universal chord by the rarity of
- To consult. Others place the focus of interdisciplinary on the need to, transcend ,disciplines, viewing excessive specialization as problematic both
- Face of the 49ers,but his easygoing and modest manner enabled his celebrity to, transcend ,football. Additionally, it caused other teams to consider players who, although
- Choice of whom to hire. Workers' organizations, such as trade unions, can also, transcend ,purely industrial disputes, and gain political power. The state of labor law
- Ecclesiastical. Stenton regarded it as one of the" small class of books which, transcend ,all but the most fundamental conditions of time and place ", and regarded its
- It and sends calamities upon those who offend it. Heaven was also believed to, transcend ,all other spirits and gods, with Confucius asserting," He who offends against
- Without diminishing the original, but that it also allows its possessor to, transcend ,the barriers of space and time. * The Place of the Lion (1931) — Platonic
- Of sensation. Father himself was a convert to Catholicism. That the longing to, transcend ,oneself is" one of the principal appetites of the soul" is questioned by
- Many futurists believe that artificial intelligence will ultimately, transcend ,the limits of progress. Ray Surreal has used Moore's law (which describes
- Was rooted in video games, strong writing and characters caused the series to ", transcend ,the typical gamer ". Machining has been used in music videos, of which the
- On laws and treaties, is to such acts of the State legislatures as do not, transcend ,their powers, but though enacted in the execution of acknowledged State powers
- In the outer world and drives in the human spirit which together impel man to, transcend ,himself. To believe in God means to take for granted that it is man's destiny
- In Rome, leading one contemporary to remark that if Radcliffe wished to, transcend ,the horror of these scenes she would have to visit hell itself (Bulkhead 1921
- Make it easier and faster to convey information. Or in entertainment or art, to, transcend , everyday experience. Enhanced levels of interactivity are made possible by
- Voice and drive to the country’s so-called art institution. They inspire and, transcend ,and stimulate and by doing so, only help others to see pure light and in doing
- Version of) “ nature ”, the farmer was positioned to experience moments that, transcend ,the mundane material world. In doing so, these thinkers managed to redefine
- Challenge. The Romantic period focused on the ability of individual genius to, transcend ,time and place, and use the materials from their heritage to fashion works
- Unspecified cases. The religious historian Circa Elide speaks of a desire to, transcend ,old age and death and achieve a state of nirvana in the Hindu practice of
- The non-motivated purposes of art are those that are integral to being human, transcend ,the individual, or do not fulfill a specific external purpose. Aristotle said
- Useful and that which is honest. The humanists believed that it is important to, transcend ,to the afterlife with a perfect mind and body. This transcend ing belief can be
- Cinema, Sarris said Kubrick had" a naive faith in the power of images to, transcend ,fuzzy feelings and vague ideas ". Pauline Karl was more positive towards
- Peace. According to some Fathers, the purpose of man's life on Earth was to, transcend ,matter, perpetually renouncing anything connected with the principle of power
- Position as a statement of epistemological limitation, that we are not able to, transcend ,the bounds of our own mind, meaning that we cannot access the" thing-in-itself
- Ideals. According to Poland ends such as truth, goodness,and beauty, transcend ,our ability to wholly articulate them; and therefore communities of specialists
- Groups as they move through space and time. It may also follow conflicts that, transcend ,boundaries. An example of multi-sited ethnography is Nancy Scheper-Hughes's
- Because some form is immanent in several physical objects, it must also, transcend ,each of those physical objects; in this way, the forms are" transcend ent "
- Diverse peoples require certain social structures, laws,and institutions that, transcend ,culture. Furthermore, the history of a number of ongoing experiments in
- The face of death. Having" neither hope nor illusions ", the gladiator could, transcend ,his own debased nature, and disempower death itself by meeting it face to face.
- Universe. The lilac of Krishna, with their expressions of personal love that, transcend ,the boundaries of formal reverence, serve as a counterpoint to the actions of
- The world has been attributed to its" universal appeal" and its ability to, transcend ," time, language and culture. " The series first appeared in French in, a
- The same time ... A is A." Objectives rejects belief in anything alleged to, transcend ,existence. Rand argues that consciousness," the faculty of perceiving that
- While specifically designing his phenomenology to be rigorous enough to, transcend ,the limits of history. Au contraire, Husserl may be indicating here that
- That develop in the practitioner metaphysical means of knowledge, which, transcend , the limitations of the senses. It is commonly held by Theosophists that many of
- To gain fame among mainstream audiences. Many cult movies have gone on to, transcend ,their original cult status and have become recognized as classics; others are
- Of at least one million is located and fully contained, ( that is, it does not, transcend ,the limits of a single municipality). Netherlands In the Netherlands a city is
- The average (3 %) of 15 compared countries in EU. However, seemingly few, transcend ,to becoming problem drug users (0.30 %),well below the average (0.52 %) of
- Industrialist with whom Led has a troubled relationship. Led would like to, transcend ,his family background and be a better person than his father, but after
- Where suspension of disbelief is required are not due to elements which, transcend ,laws of science of physics. They may be purely psychological elements based on
- Of words. Rather, it is concerned with certain truths and realities that, transcend ,the comprehension of the common run of men; yet it is from these truths and
- Final reflections on the meaning of his experience. Firstly, the urge to, transcend ,one’s self is universal through times and cultures (and was characterized by
- S nationalism anticipated modern theories of" imagined communities" that, transcend ,social and religious divisions within states. On similar grounds, one of
- Of Neapolitan areas. In the United States exists eleven megaregions that, transcend ,international borders and comprise Canadian and Mexican metropolitan regions.
- In the outer world and drives in the human spirit which together impel man to, transcend ,himself. To believe in God means to take for granted that it is man's destiny
- To examine how an incarnate subject is in a position to undertake actions that, transcend ,the organic level of the body, such as in intellectual operations and the
- And so on. I therefore read the papers with some hope that they would help me ", transcend ," these limitations, or perhaps suggest an entirely different course. I'm
- Anglican) Usages * To refer to powers or forces that are universal, or, transcend , human capacities * To refer to qualities of individuals who are considered to
- And Kant's ideas of pure reason, they are not originals or models, nor do they, transcend ,possible experience; instead they are the conditions of actual experience, the
- Provided by nation-states and their legal systems. But increasingly, disputes, transcend , international borders and include many parties who may be in unequal-power
- Then the average woman of her day, her social class did not allow her to, transcend ,the constraints of her sex. Without the possibility of studying anatomy or
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