Examples of the the word, fidelity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fidelity ), is the 8576 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To seek forgiveness, and promises its restoration, while urging the utmost, fidelity ,to God. Matthew 2:13 cites Hosea's prophecy in that God would call His Son out
  2. States diverge when subjected to slightly different dynamics. ” They consider, fidelity ,decay to be“ the closest quantum analog to the (purely classical) butterfly
  3. Naples. His numerous landscapes, chiefly cabinet pictures, are remarkable for, fidelity ,to nature, and especially for their skillful representation of varied phases of
  4. A Florentine nobleman, Anselmo,who becomes obsessed with testing his wife's, fidelity , and talks his close friend Lothario into attempting to seduce her, with
  5. That they kneel, and made them take a two-thousand word oath of" eternal, fidelity ," and" gratitude" to their" beloved father" and" great liberator" to whom
  6. What is Orthodox Marxism? ", Lukács defined orthodoxy as the, fidelity ,to the" Marxist method ", and not to the" dogmas ":" Orthodox Marxism
  7. Information. Lossy data compression provides a way to obtain the best, fidelity ,for a given amount of compression. Lossy image compression is used in
  8. The last connected prophecy of any length, in chapter 35,treating of the, fidelity ,of the Recites and of the unfaithfulness of Judah. This dates from a
  9. Burke for abandoning Whig principles. Burke wanted to demonstrate his, fidelity ,to Whig principles and feared that acquiescence to Fox and his followers would
  10. And editing, due in part to the Islamic practice of isn ad which emphasized, fidelity ,to written record, checking sources, and skeptical inquiry. China The enormous
  11. Ethical individualist," and, like Rand, saw a harmony between an individual's, fidelity ,to his own self-actualization, or " personal destiny," and the achievement of
  12. S argument may have encouraged Derrida to strongly emphasize the importance of, fidelity ,to the text being deconstructed. Foucault's reference to Derrida's assertion
  13. Rabbi Is mar Scorch, complained of the movement's" erosion of its, fidelity ,to Malacca ... which brings it close to Reform Judaism. " In matters of
  14. The signal stays in the" class A" region, where it is amplified with good, fidelity , and by definition if passing out of this region, is large enough that the
  15. A retelling of a tale from Canto 43 of Orlando, regarding a man who tests the, fidelity ,of his wife. Another important source appears to have been Apuleius's The
  16. 20 Hz to about 20 kHz (the range of normal human hearing). In ultra-high, fidelity ,amplifier design, the amp's frequency response should extend considerably
  17. Listed her as 13 years old in the spring of 1137. Some chronicles mentioned a, fidelity ,oath of some lords of Aquitaine on the occasion of Eleanor's fourteenth
  18. Of the picture. The signal was received at Gold stone in the USA but with better, fidelity ,by Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station in Australia. Minutes later the feed was
  19. Sociological. However, this heterodox definition, that " orthodox Marxism" is, fidelity ,to the Marxist" method ", and not to" dogmas ", was condemned, along with
  20. Deuteronomy is the Biblical covenant which binds Yahweh and Israel by oaths of, fidelity ,(Yahweh and Israel each faithful to the other) and obedience (Israel
  21. Many persons familiar with the incidents depicted, were able to testify to the, fidelity ,of the painted scene ". The people of Melbourne flocked to the cyclogram, paid
  22. And simultaneously recorded onto another tape with relatively little loss of, fidelity , Another unforeseen windfall was that tape recorders can be relatively easily
  23. Harmonic distortion) which provides a small market for expensive high, fidelity ,class-A amps. Single-ended and trade class-A amplifiers Some aficionados who
  24. Neutrality. It was not for lack of fidelity with either side but a desire for, fidelity ,with them both:" I detest dissension because it goes both against the
  25. Edge contrast and readability of small fonts at the expense of font rendering, fidelity ,and has been criticized by graphic designers for making different fonts look
  26. The narratives take the form of court tales which focus on tests of religious, fidelity ,involving Daniel and his friends (chapters one, three and six),and Daniel's
  27. T is a revision of the common class-D amplifier, but with changes to ensure, fidelity ,over the full audio spectrum, unlike traditional class-D designs. It operates
  28. Were being emitted from the center of the galaxy. In 1932,experimental high, fidelity , long playing, and even stereophonic recordings were made by the labs of the
  29. Virtual hostage or killing the very leaders they were supposed to protect. The, fidelity ,of individual bodyguards is an important question as well, especially for
  30. And the tradition of the church for heterosexuals; this entails commitment and, fidelity ,expressed through monogamy and life-long partnership or union. Homosexual
  31. Professional video, photography,and graphics fields due to their greater color, fidelity , contrast, and better viewing from off-axis (wider viewing angle). CRTs also
  32. Of text on certain types of computer display screens by sacrificing color, fidelity ,for additional intensity variation. This trade-off is asserted to work well on
  33. Historic discs have been reissued on both LPs and CDs and, despite limited, fidelity , show his artistry as a pianist. Grieg also made live-recording player piano
  34. Latter, the name being a pun on" Gabba Hey ". An allegiance is a duty of, fidelity ,said to be owed by a subject or a citizen to his/her state or sovereign.
  35. Which had the advantage of being fairly light as well as having good audio, fidelity , ultimately replaced the bulkier wire recorders. The term" electronic music "
  36. Broadcast can use high-latency audio compression techniques to achieve higher, fidelity ,at a lower bit-rate. There are thousands of audio and video codecs ranging in
  37. Point the final shape and charge is determined. Induced fit may enhance the, fidelity ,of molecular recognition in the presence of competition and noise via the
  38. Effective sign’ of the apostolic of the whole people of God, living in, fidelity ,to the teaching and mission of the apostles. When the Church of England
  39. And engineers. Audio tape was relatively cheap and very reliable, and its, fidelity ,of reproduction was better than any audio medium to date. Most importantly
  40. Cellular proofreading and error toe-checking mechanisms ensure near perfect, fidelity ,for DNA replication. In a cell, DNA replication begins at specific locations in
  41. With the other, perhaps because of his neutrality. It was not for lack of, fidelity ,with either side but a desire for fidelity with them both:" I detest
  42. As a result, FM was chosen as the modulation standard for high frequency, high, fidelity , radio transmission: hence the term" FM radio" ( although for many years the
  43. And applied the AC biasing technique, which dramatically improved the, fidelity ,of magnetic recording by adding an inaudible high-frequency tone. It extended
  44. Versions of The Downward Spiral can be played, allowing the user a similar high, fidelity ,experience as the SACD layer of the Deluxe Edition. The Dualism release does
  45. Their given Hamiltonian's. Poplin et al. present a quantum algorithm to measure, fidelity ,decay, which “ measures the rate at which identical initial states diverge when
  46. In the event of war. Oath of allegiance The oath of allegiance is an oath of, fidelity ,to the sovereign taken by all persons holding important public office and as a
  47. Old enough to vote, could have captured the spirit and atmosphere with as much, fidelity , " Queen adds," ... and his choice of the euphoric Solar Pons is an appealing
  48. An even poorer transition in the frequency domain, but maintains the best phase, fidelity ,of a waveform. Different applications will emphasize different design
  49. Called lossy data compression or perceptual coding, is possible if some loss of, fidelity ,is acceptable. Generally, a lossy data compression will be guided by research
  50. Read-only optical audio disc format that was designed to provide higher, fidelity ,digital audio reproduction than the Red Book. Introduced in 1999,it was

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