Examples of the the word, coupon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coupon ), is the 8575 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the past, physical bonds were issued which had coupon s attached to them. On, coupon ,dates the bondholder would give the coupon to a bank in exchange for the
  2. The opening frame of that day's strip. * In June 1978,a strip included a, coupon ,listing various politicians and dollar amounts allegedly taken from Korean
  3. The U. K. and Europe, most bonds are semi-annual, which means that they pay a, coupon ,every six months. *Optionality: Occasionally a bond may contain an embedded
  4. Words whose meaning has no obvious relationship to that in standard English:, coupon ,means" face ", via " to punch a ticket coupon ". A headbutt is known in many
  5. Receives the full principal amount on the redemption date. An example of zero, coupon ,bonds is Series E savings bonds issued by the U. S. government. Zero- coupon
  6. To a reference rate of interest, such as LIBOR or Maribor. For example the, coupon ,may be defined as three months USD LIBOR + 0.20 %. The coupon rate is
  7. The market price of a bond may include the accrued interest since the last, coupon ,date. (Some bond markets include accrued interest in the trading price and
  8. Individual or institution buys an asset (such as a commodity, a bond that has, coupon ,payments, a stock that pays dividends, and so on) and sells it using a future
  9. A Bermudan callable has several call dates, usually coinciding with, coupon ,dates. ***A European callable has only one call date. This is a special case of
  10. Had coupon s attached to them. On coupon dates the bondholder would give the, coupon ,to a bank in exchange for the interest payment. *The" quality" of the issue
  11. To indicate they were considered the official Coalition candidates – this ", coupon ," as it became known was issued against many sitting Liberal MPs, often to
  12. To specific types of garbage (paper, glass,biological, etc.) In marketing, coupon ,codes can be used for a financial discount or rebate when purchasing a product
  13. Class lawsuits sometimes bind all class members with a low settlement. These ", coupon ,settlements" ( which usually allow the plaintiffs to receive minimal benefit
  14. All the birds are gagging for squad dies" ( with the fine print on the reply, coupon ,having a tick box where the interested recruit indicates that spending years
  15. A money market index, such as LIBOR, or it can be even more exotic. The name, coupon ,originates from the fact that in the past, physical bonds were issued which had
  16. Fluctuations on strip bonds, known as the bond duration, is higher than for a, coupon ,bond. A zero coupon bond always has a duration equal to its maturity; a coupon
  17. Users a" free Inspire" ( purchase price discounted to $0) by using the, coupon ,code" Free spire" until September 9,2005. On April 24, 2006,Inspire
  18. Sale, where both members of the public and banks may bid for bond. Since the, coupon ,is fixed, but the price is not, the percent return is a function both of the
  19. Chevron stations in BC, Canadian Tire money at Canadian Tire gas stations, or a, coupon ,that grants the customer 3.5 cents off per liter of fuel purchased at Obeys
  20. Debt and, depending on the terms of the bond, is obliged to pay interest (the, coupon ,) to use and/or to repay the principal at a later date, termed maturity. A bond
  21. First 3 RRR are a family code (set by manufacturer),and the next 2 RR are a, coupon ,code. This 2-digit code determines the amount of the discount, according to a
  22. Blazers and the Cleveland Cavaliers in which everyone in attendance receives a, coupon ,for a free Chaldea if the home team scores 100 points or more. In 2009,Taco
  23. First 3 RRR are a family code (set by manufacturer),and the next 2 RR are a, coupon ,code. This 2-digit code determines the amount of the discount, according to a
  24. The current issue IRC may be exchanged until 31 December 2013 (date printed on, coupon ,). The Ponzi scheme The profit that could be made by taking advantage of the
  25. Eventually tax citizens or otherwise raise additional funds to make any regular, coupon ,payments and refund the principal when the bonds mature. Barometer of the
  26. Also called junk bonds. * coupon dates — the dates on which the issuer pays the, coupon ,to the bondholders. In the U. S. and also in the U. K. and Europe, most bonds
  27. BIA But Chum, issued in 2000 by a Thai community, since replaced by a barter, coupon ,called Boon But Chum. Characteristics Theory Local currency is based on a local
  28. Coupons became more expensive, issuers (and banks that used to collect, coupon ,interest in depositors) have tried to discourage their use. Some book-entry
  29. More than one of them may apply to a particular bond. *Fixed rate bonds have a, coupon ,that remains constant throughout the life of the bond. *Floating rate notes (
  30. Of Phobos was not included in either bundle, but could be ordered via a, coupon ,included with Lost Treasures II. ) In 1996,these were followed by Classic Text
  31. To the ruble, went up from 100 rubles/US$ in the early 1992 to 3627 rubles (or, coupon ,some) in mid-April 1994. On July 1,1994, the" coupon some" was replaced with
  32. 1992 to 3627 rubles (or coupon s oms) in mid-April 1994. On July 1,1994, the ", coupon ,some" was replaced with the permanent new Uzbekistan some (US) in a ratio of
  33. Bonds, known as the bond duration, is higher than for a coupon bond. A zero, coupon ,bond always has a duration equal to its maturity; a coupon bond always has a
  34. Approximately equal numbers, so one speaks of the IEP. An international reply, coupon ,(IRC) is a coupon that can be exchanged for one or more postage stamps
  35. First Class International rate ($0.98 USD as of January 2,2011) per, coupon , IRS are often used by amateur radio operators sending QSL cards to each other
  36. A bookseller's loyalty card program might provide a customer with a 10 % off, coupon ,once the customer has spent $200.00 at the bookseller. ) Best Buy's loyalty
  37. Atlantic Superstore, and Real Canadian Superstore grant a 5 cent a liter, coupon ,that can be used at their stores. Sunoco's CAA reward offering ends at the end
  38. Allow the plaintiffs to receive minimal benefit such as a small check or a, coupon ,for future services or products with the defendant company) are a way for a
  39. For Keynes, conservative powers in the coalition that emerged from the 1918, coupon , election were able to ensure that both Keynes himself and the Treasury were
  40. Edition on Sundays, which often includes color comic strips, a magazine, and a, coupon ,section; may only publish on a Sunday, or may have a" sister-paper" with a
  41. Numbers, so one speaks of the IEP. An international reply coupon (IRC) is a, coupon ,that can be exchanged for one or more postage stamps representing the minimum
  42. Even when NEC took the bold step of including seven pack-in titles and a, coupon ,book with the system. Despite all these efforts, the company failed to attract
  43. Ruble inherited from the Soviet period and its successor, the transient ", coupon ,some" introduced in November 1993 in a ratio of 1:1 to the ruble, went up from
  44. In Goofy Gymnastics (1949) and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse he fills out a, coupon ,with the name James Boyd. Sources from the Goof Troop continuity give the
  45. Throughout the life of the bond. *Floating rate notes (Fans) have a variable, coupon ,that is linked to a reference rate of interest, such as LIBOR or Maribor. For
  46. The 1990 NEW game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game, came with a, coupon ,for a free pizza. The game was filled with Pizza Hut advertising (the first
  47. Is not, the percent return is a function both of the price paid and the, coupon , However, because the cost of issuance for a publicly auctioned bond can be
  48. To that in standard English: coupon means" face ", via " to punch a ticket, coupon ,". A headbutt is known in many parts of the British Isles as a" Glasgow kiss "
  49. To tune in the digital signals. In the United States, a government-sponsored, coupon ,was available to offset the cost of an external converter box. Analog
  50. For example the coupon may be defined as three months USD LIBOR + 0.20 %. The, coupon ,rate is recalculated periodically, typically every one or three months.

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