Examples of the the word, dangerously , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dangerously ), is the 12413 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of his body in his old age. In his efforts to renew the Roman Empire, Justinian, dangerously , stretched the resources of the Roman Empire while failing to take into account
  2. In Greece. This caused the great general to be conservative, careful,and, dangerously ,predictable. Pompey deployed his army in the traditional formation of three
  3. Arrival in Washington, in October 1950,of Guy Burgess – Philby's unstable, dangerously ,alcoholic, and flamboyantly homosexual Cambridge colleague and fellow Soviet
  4. System is enhanced by concomitant use of some quinolones. Coadministration may, dangerously ,increase Coumadin (warfarin) activity; INR should be monitored closely. They
  5. And Patsy (2003). A teacher's marriage and identity are threatened by a, dangerously ,obsessed teenage boy at his school. Short story and essay collections *Harmony
  6. Today (see The Closing of the American Mind),even being" portrayed as, dangerously ,radical" during the era of McCarthyism. Meanwhile, Dewey was critiqued
  7. To guide fluid replacement. * Apply Hemodialysis if the blood concentration is, dangerously ,high (>400 mg %),and especially if there is metabolic acidosis. * Provide
  8. To hold or retake Franquenée and Davies, Guiscard’s right flank had become, dangerously ,exposed and a fatal gap had opened on the right of their line. Taking advantage
  9. Wrote to Anthony Bacon that both men were hurt,'but my Lord of Oxford more, dangerously ,' adding that 'Mr Knives is not meanly beloved in Court, and therefore he is
  10. Envelope protection mode can try to prevent the aircraft from being handled, dangerously ,by preventing pilots from exceeding preset limits on the aircraft's
  11. On Earth of Rex Mundi's sovereignty. The Catholic Church regarded the sect as, dangerously ,heretical, although the actual reason for its spread was most likely the
  12. Or to shore. With helicopters these tasks can be accomplished faster and less, dangerously , and without the need for the frigate to slow down or change course. Further
  13. The diver from the diving apparatus throughout the dive (a diver must not be, dangerously ,close, should not be too far away, but should ideally be within of the platform
  14. Of God Amen. I, Henry Purcell, of the City of Westminster, gentleman,being, dangerously ,ill as to the constitution of my body, but in good and perfect mind and memory
  15. Newspapers, civilian veterans, senators of both parties and, probably most, dangerously ,for McCarthy, President Eisenhower himself. Army Secretary Stevens ordered
  16. Another song that I didn't put on there called 'Just Do It. ' It was a very, dangerously ,self-destructive, silly little snippet. You know,'If you're going to kill
  17. To form polyhedral clusters and three-center two-electron bonds. Borates are, dangerously ,explosive in Earth's atmosphere, but would be more stable in a reducing
  18. And other causes have reduced the wild stocks of several Cypriots to, dangerously ,low levels; some are already entirely extinct. In particular, Leuciscinae from
  19. Slows or stops. If blood glucose levels drop lower than this, especially to, dangerously ,low levels, release of hyperglycemic hormones (most prominently glucagon from
  20. Besides other rooms, it contains a drug store, and a chamber for those who are, dangerously ,ill. The" house for bloodletting and purging" adjoins it on the west (U).
  21. Official recognition for the Confederacy. Britain and the United States came, dangerously ,close to war during the Trent Affair (when the U. S. Navy seized two
  22. High on the mountain — Camp IV, the " Eagle's Nest" at — and then crosses a, dangerously ,slide-prone hanging glacier by a leftward climbing traverse, to reach a snow
  23. Collapsed. Holt's blunder damaged his career and brought the Coalition, dangerously ,close to losing the 1961 election, which they won with a precarious one-seat
  24. Naturally lean figure. However, many have commented that Flockhart had become, dangerously ,thin, particularly when the actress made red carpet appearances in clothing
  25. Is any doubt whether the sick person has reached the use of reason, or is, dangerously ,ill, or is dead, this sacrament is to be administered ". There is an obligation
  26. That it is done with consideration for the safety of the opponent and not, dangerously , For example, a skillful attacker may lift the ball over a defenders stick or
  27. Dangerous. The velocity of the ball is not mentioned in the rules concerning a, dangerously ,played ball. A ball that hits a player above the knee may on some occasions not
  28. To slipping or unraveling. A Reef Knot, when misused as a bend, can capsize, dangerously , Sometimes a knot is intentionally capsized as a method of tying another knot
  29. Two charges of powder in a case without overflowing the case, which can lead to, dangerously ,high pressures and a significant chance of bursting the chamber of the firearm.
  30. 1986. By that time, there was great concern that the national deficit had risen, dangerously ,and President Ronald Reagan had declared that a vast amount of government
  31. Standard of living, and by 1947 foreign exchange reserves had fallen to, dangerously ,low levels. In August, when Velasco was ousted by his minister of defense
  32. And anal intercourse is not seen as repulsively unnatural so much as, dangerously ,attractive:" one has to avoid getting buggered precisely in order not to
  33. Would deal with the depression without resorting to what Hoover considered, dangerously ,radical measures. Hoover was nominated by the Republicans for a second term. He
  34. Duke that can be used to distract enemies. Protective boots allow Duke to cross, dangerously ,hot or toxic terrain. Where progress requires more aquatic legwork, scuba gear
  35. Rules of Hockey 2007 issued by the FISH there are only two criteria for a, dangerously ,played ball. The first is legitimate evasive action by an opponent (what
  36. By ignoring his Jewish background," doesn't work as history, and it backfires, dangerously ,when historical critics question his reading of the gospels. " Lewis used a
  37. Corners by forcing the ball onto a defender's foot or to deflect high (and, dangerously ,) off a defender's stick. The FISH felt it was a dangerous practice that could
  38. For the Allied armies. Many U. S. strategists were concerned that the war would, dangerously ,reduce the U. S. oil supply, and so they sought to establish good relations
  39. Was at this point: armored only on the head, many horses would have become, dangerously ,out of control when struck in the back or flank from the high-elevation shots
  40. Space guard projects monitor the Solar System for objects that might come, dangerously ,close to Earth, current asteroid deflection strategies are crude and untested.
  41. Manoeuviing Zulu" horns" cut off and drove back Buller's column when it was, dangerously ,strung out on the mountain. Command and control Command and control of the
  42. And publicist. Under the Commonwealth of England, from being thought, dangerously ,radical and even heretical, the shift in accepted attitudes in government
  43. In a bid to avoid alarming the authorities with their connection to the, dangerously ,democratizing" popular theater" movement that was spreading across Europe
  44. Anthony McCain states:" At this time Cyril is revealed as at the head of, dangerously ,volatile forces: at their head, but not always in command of them. " Conflict
  45. And stability is reduced. As a rule of thumb, most explosives become, dangerously ,unstable at temperatures exceeding 70 °C. * Exposure to the sun. If exposed to
  46. Funded by the European Union, which could cope with the demand of the city. The, dangerously ,high levels of mercury in the city's water system has global health officials
  47. Held that, in practical affairs, slow and stumbling ratiocination is often, dangerously ,inferior to instinct and traditional sentiment, and that the scientific method
  48. Recover their order, leaving the left flank of the Allied assault on Families, dangerously ,exposed. Notwithstanding the lack of infantry support, de Discard threw his
  49. Curtail carbon dioxide emissions from only a part of the world community—is, dangerously ,simplistic, quite ineffective, and economically destructive to jobs and
  50. Local lemming peaks, the arctic fox population tends to collapse back to levels, dangerously ,close to non-viability. The folklore of the United

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