Examples of the the word, commenter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commenter ), is the 12425 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is the author of Since My Last Confession: A Gay Catholic Memoir and a frequent, commenter ,on issues involving gay Catholics and gay publishing. He also co-authored the
  2. The Mādhyamika view of the ultimate. JU Miriam, the 19th century rime movement, commenter , wrote in his commentary on Śāntarakṣita's synthesis, that the ultimate view
  3. Lot of the French-Canadian catholic doctrine of the time, to the point that one, commenter , Dominican Ceslas-Marie Forest, the dean of Université de Montréal's faculty
  4. Difference in chapters and doubted the book's authenticity. The Qing Dynasty, commenter ,Bi Yuan (畢沅; 1730–1797),who published the 1789 Shining shushing (釋名疏證; "
  5. Assign the no follow attribute to all user-submitted links (comment data, commenter ,URI, etc.). However, there are several free plugins available that
  6. Has received criticisms for presenting the movie as a neutral documentary; one, commenter ,called it a Trojan Horse for Creation. The producers have also been criticized
  7. Been in the form of external photography or early airframe designs. One CIA, commenter , however, states that Burn was based on a rejected NASA design. Key
  8. 1999,and appeared several times as a regional, commenter ,on PBS' " Newshound. " Bat Refer (, lit. Daughter of Refer) is an Israeli
  9. Guest. *Sta Men (タ☆メン):9/2005 - 3/2007 on Fuji TV. She was an occasional guest, commenter ,*World Basketball 2006 (2006世界バスケ):2006 on TBS. She was a guest supporter.
  10. Politics after studying it, Tomenko became a public speaker and hot issues, commenter , This was criticized by his political opponents. In summer 2005,President
  11. She was a senior staff writer for CNET Network's News. Com. She is a frequent, commenter ,on technology news on National Public Radio, local television news and for
  12. community's emergence from the closet in the late 20th century. Concept One, commenter ,stated that men dressed in clone style usually possessed a more self-assured
  13. Includes: However when the finalists for 2007 were announced, this same, commenter ,noted both that there was a wide spectrum of publishers represented, and that "
  14. He would stop buying the newspaper if they continued the host the blog. Some, commenter ,'s saw differently though, one stated" Think its great what your doing.
  15. Stern. Source code breach On December 11, 2010,the Gawker group's 1.3 million, commenter ,accounts and their entire website source code was released by a hacker group
  16. Kremlin bells. The address was initially narrated by a well-known Soviet radio, commenter ,and actress Vera Egyptian. The TV version was showing the flame on the
  17. Have complained of commenter s being wrongfully flagged as spammers. Once a, commenter ,is flagged as a spammer, it becomes difficult to participate on a WordPress
  18. Traced the email content to an anonymous, commenter ,on Pat Dollard's blog. External links * http://newbooksinhistory.com/? P=109
  19. The very end:" The New AT&T is going green. " Security One security conscious, commenter ,on the Engadget consumer electronics blog addressed the privacy implications of
  20. Lynette. Edmund P." Ed" Ward (born 1948) is an American writer and radio, commenter , known since 1986 as the" rock-and-roll historian" for NPR's program Fresh
  21. Product manager who was participating in the presentation, not knowing who the, commenter ,was, insisted that Microsoft had indeed chosen a" real" Born shell. A polite
  22. In The New Yorker and The New York Times. He recently appeared as a cultural, commenter ,on VH1's series" I Love the New Millennium. " Since 2008,he has been a
  23. In Columbus, Ohio. *2005: Franco Scorpio, italian football manager and sport TV, commenter , died of a heart attack at 64 years of age while on the air during a program on
  24. Information and statistics by himself. If the broadcast is on TV,the, commenter ,will usually not comment on visually obvious things. A two-person commentating
  25. Car. Cox is a fellow of numerous conservative think tanks and a frequent op-ed, commenter ,in conservative US and UK newspapers. Cox generally opposes planning policies
  26. The trial court was reversed, so Pierson did not have to pay any damages. As one, commenter ,wrote: Jesse Pierson, son of Capt. David, coming from Narragansett, saw a fox run
  27. The course of his career. He was also keen on horses and was a horse-races, commenter , He was one of the best guests for the RTL radio program" less Grosses Tees ".
  28. Year prior to Koerner's first sale. Additionally, Winchell drew attention to a, commenter ,'s discovery of another instance in which Corner had claimed credit for a
  29. By third parties http://slashdot.org/comments.pl? Sid 127390&cid 10648763 A, commenter ,on an October 27, 2004, story in Slashdot titled http://slashdot.org/article.pl?
  30. Heresy that was striking the Persian Church at its time of writing. A later, commenter ,Daniel Caner described the Fiber Gradual as a threat in the eyes of the common
  31. United States. This also gave him the chance to develop his skills as a color, commenter ,for wrestling matches, using a loud and fast narrative style -which he
  32. Bandaranaike. Throughout his career Wickrematunge was an outspoken political, commenter ,and activist, Wickrematunge was the adviser to many politicians assisting
  33. 11 April 1839) was a Scottish novelist, entrepreneur,and political and social, commenter , Because he was the first novelist to deal with issues of the industrial
  34. Career stats He has also inspired a, commenter ,http://deadspin.com/people/RulonJonesy/ RulonJonesy on the sports blog Dead spin
  35. Then a lifeline. " A life-long Los Angeles Angels fan, Welch is a frequent, commenter ,on Halos Heaven. He is married to journalist Emmanuelle Richard, and they have
  36. Over 100 readers including Jane Smiley offered comments on the subject. One, commenter ,to The Times, Stephen Trimble, a 2008–2009 Wallace Steiner Fellow at the
  37. May use the same FOR scene account and each user is assigned a role (manager, commenter , reviewer, logger,editor, storyboard ). The interface provides single sign-on
  38. Purposes, companies can share content on their own blogs and participate as a, commenter ,or content provider on relevant external blogs. Hosting a campaign that gives
  39. An outspoken critic of 'boy racers. ' His blog provoked mixed reactions, most, commenter , 's disagreed with his views and were angry that The Press would print them, one
  40. To a claim that he does not write comic books but graphic novels, said the, commenter ," meant it as a compliment, I suppose. But all of a sudden I felt like someone
  41. Fast foot-speed. The word" buffalo" was modified to" bison," by the, commenter ,D4P on Jon Weisman's popular Dodgers blog, Dodger Thoughts, as it is a more
  42. Blogging in a now-neglected blog at Chicago. Com. And also was a frequent, commenter ,on the Chicago broadcasting-themed Vocals. Org blog written by former Sun-Times
  43. Price may refer to: Surname: *David Pryce-Jones (b. 1936),British author and, commenter ,*Deborah Price (b. 1951),United States, Ohio congresswoman *Auto Price (b.
  44. United States in 1988,the COC has established itself as a leading non-partisan, commenter ,on the Darfur Genocide, as well as on the war-torn region of Chechnya in Russia
  45. Bower has been described as a less competent chronicler than For dun, with one, commenter ,calling him" garrulous, irrelevant and inaccurate" and noting that he" makes
  46. Well as Kenya and That in present day Turkey. He is known by many Sufi's as a, commenter ,on Sufi teachings, one of the great Persian poets, and an artist. ‘ Iraqi is
  47. Man’s destiny, and the ordering of his life in harmony with its demands. ” The, commenter ,then continued by noting that Schmidt’s work in The Coming Religion established
  48. Not really a joke but the phrase 'NGC- Nice comic guys' This was said by the, commenter ,Dash who, on the site's first anniversary, stated he couldn't be bothered to
  49. That the comments are not protected by attorney-client privilege and that the, commenter ,disclaims any malpractice or other tort liability should the suggestion be
  50. Law, politics,and popular culture. In 2009,she announced her engagement to a, commenter ,she had met through the blog, a story that attracted coverage in the

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