Examples of the the word, mae , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mae ), is the 12418 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- By the particle ของ (Kong). For example," my mother" is แม่ของผม (, mae , khong for, lit: mother of I). This particle is often implicit, so the phrase
- The art. נר Techniques Formal Muay Thai techniques are divided into two groups:, mae , mai or major techniques and UK Mai or minor techniques. Muay Thai is often a
- Fruit wines are made from mail plums (such wine called mae silju, mae CWA SU, mae , chui soon, or Sell Suing Mae),bokbunja (복분자, Korean black raspberries, Rubus
- River (Mekong, mɛˆː know) pronounced as แม่ของ (Lao: Lao ແມ່ຂອງ. ) (, mae , khong, mɛ̄ː kʰɔə̌ːŋ). Tones Although most words are shared between Thai, Isan
- Nagasaki Station (Han shin) - Dashiki Station - Nagasaki Center Pool, mae , Station - Tokugawa Station **Han shin Samba Line Daihatsu Station - Nagasaki
- Formal" make car Kenny ", North Wales" make cannon NI gar ", South Wales ", mae , car GYD NI" ). Initial consonant mutations Breton has four initial consonant
- Differ slightly in colloquial Welsh (Formal" make car Kenny ", North Wales ", mae , gynnon NI gar ", South Wales" make car GYD NI" ). Initial consonant mutations
- A monk, but there is little in the way of a formal ordination ceremony for most, mae , ji. Mae I wear white robes in their daily lives, distinguishing them from both
- Gochelwch y Cerys in Syria or dying when AR Perl o Food AR y teeth pan y, mae , y llano in DOD i moon. Avis: Attention à la Marie montane! Attention aux
- And turn) # Ash o make CHI name no age undo (straight leg lift) # Tai o, mae , ni those undo (waist scoop) # Joshi no Lenten (trunk stretch) # Use o make
- Mynd i Dmitry OND call Boyd tragwyddol. Beibl. Net by Arson Jones,2008 ADY, mae , Duw Wei car’r BYD main new kiddo ROI a unit Fab, er Gwyn i BWY being SY'n
- The needs of make I. An institute now attempts to roughly track the number of, mae , ji in the country, and provides funds that can be used to provide educational
- Target or combined with another move such as jumping. Axe kicks In Japanese, mae , keage germ; in Korean, doki BA chai or nerve chai or" chukka chai ". An
- Shave their heads) are called I brahmin (RTGS: chi from) (). Like monks, mae , ji shave their heads and undertake precepts not generally observed by lay
- The protagonist ends up dying in bitterness and disappointment. Yoke, mae , was serialized in the literary magazine Chub boron over a six-year period and
- Clergy. Instead, for several centuries Thai women have chosen to live as, mae , ji, taking the eight precepts and living either in monasteries or in dedicated
- Poetry Review,96,no.1 (Spring 2006) *Pious, John,'Owen warcheidiol:, mae , cerddi anarferol Lynette Robert syn a good Smith y Gordon o'r llenorion
- Made from red oak and wielded in pairs. A similar weapon called the, mae , sun saw is used in Arab along. History The origin of the Tonga is debated
- In monasteries or in dedicated communities of female enunciate. Temporary, mae , ji (who typically do not shave their heads) are called I brahmin (RTGS: chi
- Actor - Bogie Abbasid * (2006, 2008, 2009) Winner, Best Comedy Actress - RFA, mae , Quinto Keenan Sofuoğlu (born August 25, 1984 in Zulu, Akyazı) is a Turkish
- You asking me about the good? One there is that is good: God) lat sync Cobb, mae , : τί με ἐρωτᾷς περὶ τοῦ ἀγαθοῦ; οὐδεὶς ἀγαθὸς εἰ μὴ εἷς ὁ θεὸς (Why are you
- Free passage on public transportation) that are offered to monks. Conversely, mae , ji—like monks—are forbidden from voting or standing for civil elections in
- O make NI those undo (waist scoop) # Joshi no Lenten (trunk stretch) # Use o, mae , yoko Shiva novas undo (double arm strike) # Pub o awash undo (neck
- Serey is mostly the same as unarmed Backup Born except it does not include, mae , ( core techniques),there (door system that emphasizes footwork). Instead
- In Thai society. During the 20th Century, new movements to improve the lot of, mae , ji, but the situation is still far from being acceptable under modern standards
- e.g. i'r ti" to the house" ). It is also used with the particle in (e.g., mae , hi'n" she is" ). To separate morphemes Some languages use the apostrophe to
- Began serializing Too no Mon (東方の門 The Gate to the East),a sequel to Yoke, mae , but it was left unfinished when Tyson died of a stroke at the age of 71,in
- Circular bend) # Ash o make Yoko NI novas undo (leg lift and turn) # Ash o, mae , uchi name no age undo (straight leg lift) # Tai o make NI those undo (
- The PIE root *STA-. The other forms are from the roots *BS- and *BHU-. Welsh, mae , originally meant" here is" ( cf. MA 'here' ). Irish and Scottish Gaelic In
- And provides funds that can be used to provide educational opportunities to, mae , ji. The amount per person spent on supporting make I by the government is
- Language, fuck translates to เย็ด (yes) and motherfucker to เย็ดแม่ (yes, mae , ). Ammoperdix is a small genus in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order
- Educational opportunities to make I. The amount per person spent on supporting, mae , ji by the government is significantly less than the amount spent on monks.
- The Thai sang ha begin to take an organized role in providing for the needs of, mae , ji. An institute now attempts to roughly track the number of make I in the
- Position.; Irish; Welsh The direct relative particle" an" is not used with ", mae ," (" is" ) in Welsh; instead the form" SDD" or" SY' " is used: There is
- All great rivers are considered" mother rivers" signalled by the prefix ", mae ,", meaning " mother ", and " Nam" for water. In the Mekong's case, Mae Nam
- Foot and ankle twist) # Liza o awash undo (knee circular bend) # Ash o, mae , yoko NI novas undo (leg lift and turn) # Ash o make CHI name no age
- Of I). This particle is often implicit, so the phrase is shortened to แม่ผม (, mae , phom). Thai has many more pronouns than those listed above. Their usage is
- Står some son i backed (" the rain stands like poles in the hill" ) * Welsh:, mae , hi'n BWR hen tragedy a FFN (" old ladies and sticks" ) De Surinaamsche Bank
- More of a forward flip than a roll, a cross between Yoko (landing) and, mae , ukemi (initiation),often used in response to wrist throws. Toby (跳ぶ or 飛ぶ)
- More dynamic in its execution, with an explosion of punches as well as graceful, mae , geri (front kicks). Due to the shared principles of expansion and contraction
- Crazy Movie/Rom ache fa ... the infamous" - Clan, CLN 10371 *1982:" Fuel, mae , sae/We're Going to Move" - Clan, CLN 10393 *1982:" Uh ... uh ... /Jungle DI
- Popular fruit wines are made from mail plums (such wine called mae silju, mae , hwa SU, mae chew soon, or Sell Suing Mae),bokbunja (복분자, Korean black
- Illegal for women to take ordination, nearly all female monastics are known as, mae , chees (also spelled" Mae I)," regardless of their level of attainment. As
- To her child" I'll tell you a story ", she would say" แม่จะบอกลูกนิทาน" (, mae , ja back luck Nathan),or" Mother will tell child a story ". Similarly, older
- Exploit this ability in different fashions. For example, a karate may perform, mae , geri while standing upright, or lean somewhat back during the attack, intending
- The order and preposition may differ slightly in colloquial Welsh (Formal ", mae , car Kenny ", North Wales" make cannon NI gar ", South Wales" make car GYD NI
- Government is significantly less than the amount spent on monks. Likewise,the, mae , ji do not receive certain perks (such as free passage on public transportation
- To an infinitive) after the particle in::: San is going to Flagella. Here, mae , is the third-person present form of bod, and mind is the verb meaning" go ".
- UI (金義). *president Kim DAE Jung's born name is Run (尹) DAE Man, that name, mae , by he's foster father. *some Japanese native, someone uses word Jin (金) in
- But oppositions from the high-ranking Thai monks seems to have discouraged, mae , ji from joining her. Overview Because the bhikkhuni sang ha (the order of
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