Examples of the the word, polluted , in a Sentence Context

The word ( polluted ), is the 12426 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hydrogen sulfide, ethanol,and mercury. The city of Kŭrdzhali became heavily, polluted ,with lead from its lead and zinc complex. In 1973 the petroleum and chemical
  2. Environment—current issues:: Heavy rates of deforestation; coastal waters, polluted ,by industrial waste, sewage,and oil spills; damage to coral reefs; air
  3. Massive water and air pollution, leaving China with 20 of the world's 30 most, polluted ,cities. In 2010,China became the largest wind energy provider in the world
  4. Of the surface soil results in virtually zero runoff, lenses are easily, polluted ,by fecal waste, burials,and chemical spills. Corruption of a lens can take
  5. Probably a green heaven in that nobody lives on it, and therefore it cannot be, polluted ,in any way. Outside the Northern Ireland peace process the term IOWA is used by
  6. North Dakota, has angered Manitoba who fear that their water may soon become, polluted ,as a result of this project. Beginning in 1986 the Canadian government of Brian
  7. From industrial emissions such as sulfur dioxide; coastal and inland rivers, polluted ,from industrial and agricultural effluents; acid rain damaging lakes;
  8. Straight into the River Thames. This culminated in The Great Stink of 1858. The, polluted ,drinking water (sourced from the Thames) also brought disease and epidemics
  9. Was included on the Blacksmith Institute's list of the world's 10 most, polluted ,places, released in October 2006,due to lead poisoning by a battery recycling
  10. In North East Estonia. Socialist economy and military areas left Estonia highly, polluted , and mainly because of oil shale industry in East-Virumaa, sulphur dioxide
  11. It in their Book of Ingenious Devices, mainly for protecting workers in, polluted ,wells. Primitive respirator examples were used by miners and introduced by
  12. Issue would include additional acids to. History The corrosive effect of, polluted , acidic city air on limestone and marble was noted in the 17th century by John
  13. At the turn of the 20th century, the Detroit River became notoriously, polluted ,and toxic. In recent years, however,the ecological importance of the river has
  14. Jakarta Environmental Management Agency categorized all river at Jakarta were, polluted , 71 % of them were heavily polluted ,20 % were partly polluted and 9 % were
  15. FIFA: Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,and Rodenticide Act),clean-up of, polluted ,sites (Superfund),protection of endangered species (Endangered Species Act
  16. Were lowered into a stone vault, which had on a previous occasion also been, polluted ,by human victims, a practice most repulsive to Roman feelings. When the gods
  17. He would be forced to break caste restrictions and, as a result, become, polluted , After excommunication, it would depend upon the caste-council whether they
  18. Per person is almost as high as in the Czech Republic. The coastal seawater is, polluted ,in certain locations, mainly in East-Estonia. The government is looking for
  19. Environment - current issues: air pollution from industrial emissions; rivers, polluted ,from raw sewage, heavy metals, detergents; deforestation; forest damage from
  20. Themselves by their wicked deeds a strange and perverse adultery, and so appear, polluted ,and shameful in my sight ... ... a woman who takes up devilish ways and plays a
  21. With the arena as stage, a place of entertainment and containment, its actors, polluted ,by their association with ignominy and death. From across the stands, crowd and
  22. Hydrophobic capability. This combination makes them ideal for service in, polluted ,areas. However, these materials do not yet have the long-term proven service
  23. Of China's cities are affected by acid rain, and 20 of the world's 30 most, polluted ,cities are located in the country. Similarly, high pollution levels are found
  24. Many fishing opportunities to many along the river, though it remains highly, polluted , Kanpur, largest leather producing city in the world is situated on the banks
  25. Flooded valleys and inundated wildlife habitats; and mines have scarred and, polluted ,the landscape. At least 70 dams are said to be planned for the Amazon region
  26. There have been continuing claims that the suburb of Parity has also been, polluted ,; see New Zealand in the Vietnam War. There are many cases of New Zealand
  27. The red mullet (triple),which fits neatly into the pattern. It 'delighted in, polluted ,things,' and 'would eat the corpse of a fish or a man '. Blood-coloured itself
  28. Like reverse osmosis can create unlimited amounts of pure water from, polluted ,water, ocean water, and even from humid air. Water makers are available for
  29. Was rendered uninhabitable by that release. The air in Burgas was also heavily, polluted ,with carbon and sulfur dioxide in 1990. In 1990 environmental scientists
  30. The city's past as a Soviet industrial center has left it as one of the most, polluted ,cities in the world. At the same time Baku is noted as a very windy city
  31. 900,000 Indians die each year from drinking contaminated water or breathing, polluted ,air. There are about 60 physicians per 100,000 people in India. The percentage
  32. Company agreed to pay a $250 million settlement in connection with claims it, polluted ,the Housatonic River (Pittsfield, Massachusetts ) and other sites with
  33. Of housing and industry in the city, and it is almost dry. It has also become, polluted ,due to the city's traffic, industry,and sewage. Climate Damascus has a hot
  34. In 2007 the Blacksmith Institute listed Summit as one of the ten most, polluted ,cities in the world. According to Mercer Human Resource Consulting 2007
  35. Arctic); too rocky; too mountainous; too salty; too rainy; too snowy; too, polluted ,; or too nutrient poor. Clouds may block the sunlight plants need for
  36. Scientists claimed that two-thirds of Bulgaria's population suffered from the, polluted ,environment to some degree. In 1991 Bulgaria began seeking international
  37. Ordered the Temple to be cleansed, a new altar to be built in place of the, polluted ,one and new holy vessels to be made. According to the Talmud, olive oil was
  38. Agricultural areas are heavily affected by organic waste; coastal seawater is, polluted ,in many locations. The HBV hydrological transport model has been used to
  39. And by industrial fallout. In 1991 two thirds of Bulgarian rivers were, polluted , and the Yantra River was classified as the dirtiest river in Europe. By that
  40. And Satan. Spirit, the vital essence of humanity, was thus trapped in a, polluted ,world created by a usurper god and ruled by his corrupt minions. Eschatology
  41. The cramped living conditions. Chest diseases from the mines, cholera from, polluted ,water and typhoid were also extremely common, as was smallpox. Accidents in
  42. Romania, Turkey,and Russia in joint scientific studies of the critically, polluted ,Black Sea, Bulgaria actively sought environmental technology and expertise from
  43. The center of oil refining. Some reports have described Baku's air as the most, polluted ,in the former Soviet Union, and other industrial centers suffer similar
  44. Categorized all river at Jakarta were polluted ,71 % of them were heavily, polluted , 20 % were partly polluted and 9 % were lightly polluted . East Flood Canal (
  45. 100,000,1931 (145,000 dead),and 1935 (142,000 dead). The Yangtze is very, polluted , especially in Hubei (Hash District). History The Yangtze River is
  46. In the spring in certain areas Environment – current issues: air heavily, polluted ,with sulfur dioxide from oil-shale burning power plants in northeast;
  47. Way into the river. Much of the Detroit River and its shoreline were heavily, polluted ,and unsafe for recreational use. Large quantities of this pollution collected
  48. And phosphorus pollution of the North Sea: *Drinking and surface water becoming, polluted ,from animal wastes and pesticides International agreements: * Party to: Air
  49. Centers suffer similar problems. The Caspian Sea, including Baku Bay, has been, polluted ,by oil leakages and the dumping of raw or inadequately treated sewage, reducing
  50. For pleasure boats. The oyster fishing industry declined after 1902 when sewage, polluted ,the oysters, which resulted in some people dying after eating oysters from

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