Examples of the the word, vase , in a Sentence Context
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- Consequences. Other fatal accidents involve children drinking the water in a, vase ,containing digitalis plants. Drying does not reduce the toxicity of the plant.
- In 1152,of whom Bernard wrote to Eugenics III," If there is any precious, vase ,adorning the palace of the King of Kings it is the soul of the venerable Sugar
- AD) Image: Jaguar vase . JPG|Painting on the Lord of the jaguar pelt throne, vase , a scene of the Maya court,700-800 AD. Image: Bonanza painting. JPG|A Mayan
- S Hunt. From later periods, highlights include Madame de Pompadour's Sevres, vase ,collection and Napoleon III's apartments. The collection began with Francis
- Crown of Louis XIV, Charles V's scepter, and the 12th century porphyry, vase , The Renaissance art holdings include Giambologna's bronze Census and Dania
- Brittle and crystalline metal, which could hardly be fashioned into a useful, vase , and therefore this remarkable 'find' must represent the lost art of rendering
- 460 BC) is Isidora, which similarly means" she who sends up gifts. " This, vase ,painting clearly depicts Hephaestus and Athena putting the finishing touches on
- Robe and sometimes a veil covered her head. Her darker side is revealed in some, vase ,paintings, where she is shown as the death-bringing goddess whose arrows fell
- In the Greek tradition, the constellation became represented as simply a single, vase ,from which a stream poured down to Pisces Austrians. The name in the Hindu
- Of leaves are replaced by a creamy yellow. This unusual flower has a long, vase ,life in flower arrangements, and makes for an excellent dried flower. Protean
- The fragments of the two tablets, rods,robes, shoes,mites of Moses and the, vase ,of manna. Rumored current locations Since its disappearance from the Biblical
- Art depends on what function it plays in a particular context; the same Greek, vase ,may play a non-artistic function in one context (carrying wine),and an
- Glimpse into the way society in Ancient Greece functioned. Black-figure, vase ,painting and Red-figure vase painting gives many surviving examples of what
- Known as thermosphere, in a representation taken from a black-figure pottery, vase ,of the Archaic period. In mathematics,Hilbert's basis theorem, states that
- Mute survivors of some rustic comedy tradition that is impenetrable to us. The, vase ,collection of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece holds a 5th
- Donna Cornelia Barberini-Colonna, Princess of Palestrina. She had inherited the, vase ,from the Barbering family. Hamilton brought it to England on his next leave
- S obsession was to duplicate the Portland Vase, a blue and white glass, vase ,dating to the first century BC. For three years he worked on the project
- Makers from about the beginning of the 18th century onwards. Since 1810 the, vase ,has been kept almost continuously in the British Museum in London. It was
- Earliest works of Cerberus as" the most imaginative," that being a Laotian, vase ,created around 560 BC in which Cerberus is shown with three-heads and with rows
- Woman, as in the Theology. Written above this figure (a convention in Greek, vase ,painting) is the name Isidora. More commonly, however,the epithet Isidora
- Society in Ancient Greece functioned. Black-figure vase painting and Red-figure, vase ,painting gives many surviving examples of what Greek painting was. Some famous
- This massive chryselephantine sculpture is now lost and known only from copies, vase ,painting, gems,literary descriptions and coins. Older Parthenon The first
- Is shown while starting off his jump, as he is seen on a black-figure, vase ,of the 5th century BC. Luke () is a common male given name, and less commonly
- 50 BC) was still in its infancy. Recent research has shown that the Portland, vase , like the majority of cameo-glass vessels, was made by the dip-overlay method
- Torment by the eagle and his rescue by Heracles were popular subjects in, vase ,paintings of the 6th–4th c. BC. He also sometimes appears in depictions of
- Andromache, an Amazon who fought Heracles and was defeated; only known from, vase ,paintings. Not to be confused with Andromache, wife of Hector. * Antiquary
- Mayan mural from Guatemala, Pre-Classical period (1–250 AD) Image: Jaguar, vase , JPG|Painting on the Lord of the jaguar pelt throne vase , a scene of the Maya
- 30 BC and 20 BC. Dr Jerome Eisenberg has argued in Minerva magazine that the, vase ,was produced in the 16th century AD and not antiquity, because the iconography
- Or ἀλάβαστος (alabaster). The latter was a term used to identify a, vase ,made of alabaster. This name may derive further from the Ancient Egyptian word
- Were usually on horseback but sometimes on foot. They can also be identified in, vase ,paintings by the fact that they are wearing one earring. The battle between
- To his general invulnerability or his famous weakness (heel); in the latter, vase ,paintings presenting Achilles' death, the arrow (or in many cases, arrows )
- In Bordeaux by the Archbishop of Bordeaux. Typically, Louis soon gave the, vase ,to the church. This vase is the only object connected with Eleanor of Aquitaine
- Birthplace Museum, which is located within Stewart Park, was opened. A granite, vase ,just to the south of the museum marks the approximate spot where he was born.
- Saab' III (678–730s?, r. 722–729). Image: Mayan vase . JPG|Painting on a Maya, vase ,from the Late Classical Period (600–900),from Copán, Honduras Image:
- Arranged and stands for the four directions (north, south,east, and west). A, vase ,of the seasons' flowers is put on tea table. Sometimes if four tea masters are
- The pentagram, a non-convex regular polygon (star polygon),appears on the, vase ,of Aristophanes, Caere, dated to the 7th century B. C. Non-convex polygons in
- As well as a variety of others. The Portland Vase is a Roman cameo glass, vase , currently dated to between AD 5 and AD 25,which served as an inspiration to
- And it's the same picture of some person walking out of some building with a, vase , and you see it 20 times, and you think," My goodness, were there that many
- Archbishop of Bordeaux. Typically, Louis soon gave the vase to the church. This, vase ,is the only object connected with Eleanor of Aquitaine still surviving; it is
- Pandora properly means" all-giving" rather than" all-gifted. " Certain, vase ,paintings dated to the 5th century BC likewise indicate that the pre-Hesiodic
- Reference - GR 1945,0927.1); on display in Room 70,Rome: City & Empire). The, vase ,is about 25 centimeters high and 56 in circumference. It is made of violet-blue
- To the bottom from at least 1826. Iconography The meaning of the images on the, vase ,is unclear and controversial. Interpretations of the portrayals have included
- Excavated some time around 1582. The first possible historical reference to the, vase ,is in a 1601 letter from the French scholar Nicolas Claude Fabric de Peiresc to
- Represents the god Ea himself, who is commonly depicted holding an overflowing, vase , The Babylonian star-figure appears on entitlement stones and cylinder seals
- Basis of the Phrygia cap it wears. This roundel clearly does not belong to the, vase , and has been displayed separately since 1845. It may have been added to mend a
- In Homer's Odyssey and perhaps also in the Iliad (and supported by Attic, vase ,paintings),Hephaestus was born of the union of Zeus and Hera. In another
- Monster, often shown with an elephant-like trunk),the rumba (an overfull, vase ,), various overhead parasol-like coverings, and a gradually increasing retinue
- Burgundy) buried with a 1100 liter (290 gallon) bronze Greek, vase , the largest ever found. *The silver" Gundestrup cauldron" ( 3rd or 2nd
- Between men and women. Historian Nancy Rabinovitz argues that ancient Greek red, vase ,images portraying women with their arms around another woman's waist, or
- Glazed figures and tiles that show the splendid work of the first dynasty. A, vase ,of Menes with purple hieroglyphs inlaid into a green glaze and tiles with
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