Examples of the the word, cis , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cis ), is the 12422 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Denoting whether the methyl groups are on the same side of the double bond (, cis ,or Z) or on the opposite sides from each other (trans or E). Polymers For
  2. Priority substituent are on the same side of the double bond,i.e. in the, cis ,configuration, then the stereo isomer is assigned a Z or Dustmen configuration.
  3. This is the relationship between Olaf acid and elastic acid; Olaf acid,the, cis ,isomer, has a melting point of 13.4 degrees Celsius, making it a liquid at room
  4. Or MER. A MER isomer can be considered as a combination of a trans and a, cis , since it contains both trans and cis pairs of identical ligands.
  5. Side of the double bond can occur in a cis or trans configuration.; cis : A, cis ,configuration means that adjacent hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the
  6. But was consistent with nucleosomes being able to“ slide” along the DNA in, cis , In 2008,It was further revealed that CTCF binding sites act as nucleosome
  7. Trends can be attributed to the fact that the dipoles of the substituent in a, cis ,isomer will add up to give an overall molecular dipole. In a trans isomer, the
  8. Is 37 °C in the cis isomer and 36 °C in the trans isomer. The differences between, cis ,and trans isomers can be larger if polar bonds are present, as in the
  9. As a combination of a trans and a cis , since it contains both trans and, cis ,pairs of identical ligands. Image:
  10. Groups are oriented in the same direction, the diastereomer is referred to as, cis , whereas, when the substituent are oriented in opposing directions, the
  11. Formula. The expression: \cos (x) + i \sin (x)\, is sometimes referred to as, cis ,(). Differential equations The general function: y (x) = Cell\, is the
  12. Freedom of the fatty acid. The more double bonds the chain has in the, cis ,configuration, the less flexibility it has. When a chain has many cis bonds, it
  13. While 'β-' means that they are on the same side of the plane (a, cis ,arrangement). Therefore, the open isomer D-glucose gives rise to four distinct
  14. Or FAC/MER) isomerism, in which different numbers of ligands are, cis ,or trans to each other. Grímnismál (Sayings of Grimmer) is one of the
  15. Can be larger if polar bonds are present, as in the 1,2-dichloroethenes. The, cis ,isomer in this case has a boiling point of 60.3 °C,while the trans isomer has a
  16. And function of cell membranes. Most naturally occurring fatty acids are of the, cis ,configuration, although the transform does exist in some natural and partially
  17. And sulfur. Where a double bond exists, there is the possibility of either a, cis ,or trans geometric isomerism, which significantly affects the molecule's
  18. Coordination complexes. The terms cis and trans are from Latin, in which, cis ,means" on the same side" and trans means" on the other side" or" across ".
  19. Complexes with octahedral or square planar geometries, there are also, cis ,isomers in which similar ligands are closer together and trans isomers in which
  20. Rigidity of the double bond freezes its conformation and, in the case of the, cis ,isomer, causes the chain to bend and restricts the conformational freedom of
  21. Buffer life. Borate is problematic; Borate can polymerize, and/or interact with, cis ,idols such as those found in RNA. TAE has the lowest buffering capacity but
  22. Be facial, or FAC. In a FAC isomer, any two identical ligands are adjacent or, cis ,to each other. If these three ligands and the metal ion are in one plane, the
  23. Typical: 8 Hz) isomers. Stability Usually, trans isomers are more stable than, cis ,isomers. This is due partly to their shape; the straighter shape of trans
  24. Stability. In the Benson heat of formation group additivity dataset, cis ,isomers suffer a 1.10 kcal/MOL stability penalty. Exceptions to this rule exist
  25. The chain that are bound next to either side of the double bond can occur in a, cis ,or trans configuration.; cis : A cis configuration means that adjacent hydrogen
  26. Are larger for trans – (range: 12–18 Hz; typical: 15 Hz) than for, cis ,– (range: 0–12 Hz; typical: 8 Hz) isomers. Stability Usually, trans isomers
  27. Using Euler's formula this can be written as: z = r ex. Using the, cis ,function, this is sometimes abbreviated to: z = r \ \operator name \ \var phi. \
  28. Part of a phospholipid in a lipid bilayer, or triglycerides in lipid droplets, cis ,bonds limit the ability of fatty acids to be closely packed, and therefore
  29. Be used. Z (from the German) means" together" and corresponds to the term, cis ,; E (from the German) means" opposite" and corresponds to trans. Whether a
  30. Each double bond has three n carbon atoms after it, for some n, and all are, cis ,bonds. Most fatty acids in the trans configuration (trans fats) are not found
  31. Point of 60.3 °C,while the trans isomer has a boiling point of 47.5 °C. In the, cis ,isomer the two polar C-Cl bond dipole moments combine to give an overall
  32. X given in radians. This complex exponential function is sometimes called, cis ,(x). The formula is still valid if x is a complex number, and so some authors
  33. To either side of the double bond can occur in a cis or trans configuration.;, cis ,: A cis configuration means that adjacent hydrogen atoms are on the same side of
  34. Fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats can be further divided into, cis ,fats, which are the most common in nature, and trans fats, which are rare in
  35. And reactivities that they were actually given completely different names. The, cis ,isomer is called Malay acid and the trans isomer numeric acid. Polarity is key
  36. Cis isomer is more stable than the trans isomer. This phenomenon is called the, cis ,effect. E/Z notation The cis /trans system for naming isomers is not effective
  37. Point of straight-chain alkenes, such as 2-pentene,which is 37 °C in the, cis ,isomer and 36 °C in the trans isomer. The differences between cis and trans
  38. Views the Golgi as a very stable organelle, divided into compartments in the, cis ,to trans direction. Membrane bound carriers transport material between the
  39. M is a metal atom, and X and Y are two different types of ligands. ) In the, cis ,isomer, the two Y ligands are adjacent to each other at 90°,as is true for the
  40. Several other halogen- and oxygen-substituted ethylene. In these cases,the, cis ,isomer is more stable than the trans isomer. This phenomenon is called the cis
  41. Of the ring, is called the β another. You can remember that the β another is, cis ,by the mnemonic," It's always better to he up ". Because the ring and
  42. Not tetrahedral). When two ligands are mutually adjacent they are said to be, cis , when opposite each other, trans. When three identical ligands occupy one face
  43. The vesicles that leave the rough endoplasmic reticulum are transported to the, cis ,face of the Golgi apparatus, where they fuse with the Golgi membrane and empty
  44. Of square planar Pt (NH3)2Cl2,as explained by Alfred Werner in 1893. The, cis ,isomer, whose full name is cis -diamminedichloroplatinum (II),was shown in
  45. During partial hydrogenation, unsaturated fatty acids can be isomerized from, cis ,to trans configuration. More forcing hydrogenation,i.e. using higher
  46. In inert solvents, as trans alkenes, in general, are more symmetrical than, cis ,alkenes. Victual coupling constants (3JHH),measured by NMR spectroscopy, are
  47. In which the CH2OH substituent and the anomeric hydroxyl are on the same side (, cis ,) of the plane of the ring, is called the β another. You can remember that the β
  48. In the cis configuration, the less flexibility it has. When a chain has many, cis ,bonds, it becomes quite curved in its most accessible conformations. For
  49. Of the molecule. Trans isomers also tend to have lower densities than their, cis ,counterparts. March observes that trans alkenes tend to have higher melting
  50. Both in organic molecules and in inorganic coordination complexes. The terms, cis ,and trans are from Latin, in which cis means" on the same side" and trans

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