Examples of the the word, opium , in a Sentence Context

The word ( opium ), is the 12420 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Became a part of the Republic of Turkey. The region was a major producer of raw, opium ,(hence the name Anyone) until the late 1960s when under international pressure
  2. Reexports (2007) country comparison to the world: 175 Exports - commodities:, opium , fruits and nuts, handwoven carpets, wool,cotton, hides and pelts, precious
  3. In 1998,cultivation of opium in remained steady at; potential production of, opium ,in 1997 – 66 metric tons, a 5 % increase over 1996; *Colombia maintains an
  4. Smaller clipper vessels also continued to be built predominantly for the China, opium ,trade and known as" opium clippers" such as the 1842 built Ariel,100 tons OM
  5. Of herbicide and manual eradication, Colombia has attempted to keep coca, opium ,poppy, and cannabis cultivation from expanding. The government has committed
  6. In 1428 or 1429. The area thrived during the Ottoman Empire, as the center of, opium ,production and Anyone became a wealthy city with the typical Ottoman urban
  7. Continued to be built predominantly for the China opium trade and known as ", opium ,clippers" such as the 1842 built Ariel,100 tons OM. During the time from 1859
  8. Drugs (NSAIDs) such as the salicylates, and opioid drugs such as morphine and, opium , They are distinct from anesthetics, which reversibly eliminate sensation. In
  9. In particular. As China opened up to foreign trade and missionary activity, opium ,produced by British India was forced onto Qing China. Two Opium Wars with
  10. Focal in) (used in treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder); * Opium and, opium ,tincture (laudanum),which is used as a potent antidiarrheal; * Methadone (
  11. English poet and philosopher * Coleridge and opium , article concerning the, opium ,usage of Samuel Taylor Coleridge * Coleridge (surname),other people with the
  12. 2003 was recalculated by the IMF to $6.1 billion, after adding proceeds from, opium ,products. Mean graduate pay was $0.56 per man hour in 2010. Agriculture and
  13. British vessels were the result. An early example, which is today known as an, opium ,clipper, was the Transit of 1819. She was followed by many more. Meanwhile
  14. Est. ) GDP - composition by sector: note: data excludes, opium ,production Population below poverty line: Household income or consumption by
  15. Fentanyl and most other strong pure opioid agonists,i.e. levorphanol, opium , or xylophone; * Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine) Dextromethamphetamine (
  16. When the U. S. and China completed an agreement that prohibited the shipment of, opium ,between the two countries. Over a century later, the Foreign Relations
  17. Led to the Treaty of Nanjing (1842),under which Hong Kong was ceded and, opium ,import was legitimized. Subsequent military defeats and unequal treaties with
  18. Fast ships were ideally suited to low-volume, high-profit goods, such as tea, opium , spices, people,and mail. The return could be spectacular. The Challenger
  19. To be built, and were built specifically for the China opium trade running, opium ,between India and China, a trade that only became unprofitable for American
  20. Cancelled, he began work on his final novel, The Mystery of Edwin Druid. In an, opium ,den in Shadwell, he witnessed an elderly pusher known as" Opium Sal ", who
  21. Birthright—freedom ". As a consequence of this opinion, Burke objected to the, opium ,trade, which he called a" smuggling adventure" and condemned" the great
  22. 1839,the confiscation by the Chinese authorities at Canton of 20,000 chests of, opium ,led Britain to attack China in the First Opium War, and resulted in the seizure
  23. Important irrigated crops include barley, corn,cotton, various fruits, grapes, opium , poppies,sugar beets, roses,and tobacco. There also is extensive grazing
  24. Military and police. Cambodia is also a possible site of small-scale, opium , heroin, and amphetamine production. The country is a large producer of
  25. And also maintained a meticulous record of his drug-induced experiences with, opium , cocaine, hashish,cannabis, alcohol,ether, mescaline,morphine, and heroin.
  26. An opioid receptor antagonist, is a derivative of Theban that is present in, opium , Widths" 200px" per row "/JJ"> 2"> File: Theban skeletal. SVG|Theban
  27. To disastrous results for the economy and the countryside. The flow of British, opium ,hastened the empire's decline. In the 19th century, the age of colonialism was
  28. With Colombia Transnational issues Illicit drugs Illicit producer of coca, opium ,poppies, and cannabis: *In 1998,Colombia was estimated to be the world's
  29. Paradise artificial: opium et hashish (French poets; Artificial Paradises:, opium ,and hashish) (1860); and UN Denier Chapter de l'history DES oeuvres de
  30. Sutures, nets,pads and swabs soaked with honey to prevent infection, while, opium , was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions were used regularly to promote good
  31. Written in 1st-3rd centuries BC mentioned a medical use of Ephemera and, opium ,poppies. Also, coca leaves were used by South American Indians since ancient
  32. Ship, Afium-Kara-hissar and Anyone Karabiner. The city was known as Anyone (, opium ,), until the name was changed to Afyonkarahisar by the Turkish Parliament in
  33. Contributed to Eugene Crepet's Poets Français; Les Paradise artificial:, opium ,et hashish (French poets; Artificial Paradises: opium and hashish) (1860)
  34. And an important supplier of heroin to the US market. *In 1998,cultivation of, opium ,in remained steady at; potential production of opium in 1997 – 66 metric tons
  35. Trade amongst the British Isles. Then followed the vast clipper trade of tea, opium , spices and other goods from the Far East to Europe, and the ships became known
  36. Source of much inspiration, never produced any lasting satisfaction. He smoked, opium , and in Brussels he began to drink to excess. Baudelaire suffered a massive
  37. 2010 census) 173,100 Etymology The name Anyone Kara His (literally, opium ,black castle in Turkish),since opium was widely grown here and there is a
  38. Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834),English poet and philosopher * Coleridge and, opium , article concerning the opium usage of Samuel Taylor Coleridge * Coleridge (
  39. Trees. As well, the narcotic analgesics such as morphine are derived from the, opium ,poppy. There may be many novel cures for diseases provided by plants, waiting
  40. For speed rather than cargo space. Fast speed was required for the Chinese, opium ,trade between England, India and China. Small, sharp-bowed British vessels were
  41. Now Poppies are grown under a strict licensing regime. They do not produce raw, opium ,anymore but derive Morphine and other opiates using the poppy straw method of
  42. Both the French and Japanese navies were heavily involved in running, opium ,and narcotics to Shanghai, where it was refined into morphine. It was then
  43. Cubic feet (2006 est. ) Agriculture - products:, opium ,poppies, wheat,fruits, nuts,karakul pelts Exports: $327 million; note - not
  44. CIA supported Hekmatyar's drug trade activities by giving him immunity for his, opium ,trafficking that financed operation of his militant faction. The MAK and
  45. Pain of castration, many were inadvertently administered lethal doses of, opium ,or some other narcotic, or were killed by overlong compression of the carotid
  46. The name Anyone Kara His (literally opium black castle in Turkish),since, opium ,was widely grown here and there is a castle on a black rock. Also known simply
  47. Clippers still continued to be built, and were built specifically for the China, opium ,trade running opium between India and China, a trade that only became
  48. Believed his death was due to tuberculosis. Bran well was also a suspected ", opium ,eater ", ( i.e. a laudanum addict). Emily and Anne both died of pulmonary
  49. Her Cretan cult to Eleusis, and it is certain that in the Cretan cult sphere, opium ,was prepared from poppies" ( Kearny 1976,p 24). In honor of Demeter of
  50. Jobs programs, medical care, and economic reform. The replacement of the, opium ,trade, which probably makes up about one-third of the country's GDP, is one of

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