Examples of the the word, niece , in a Sentence Context
The word ( niece ), is the 12415 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of the International Phonetic Association, and in 1911 married Passy's, niece ,Grille Motto. He briefly took private lessons from the Great British
- Who he had specially ordered, the General came to the realization that his, niece ,was being visited by a vampire. He hid in a closet with a sword and waited
- And zoology of the island. Aristotle married Hermias's adoptive daughter (or, niece ,) Pythias. She bore him a daughter, whom they named Pythias. Soon after Hermits
- His head. *Ruth Warrick as Emily Monroe Norton Kane: Kane's first wife and the, niece ,of the President. She leaves him after discovering his affair with Susan
- Tears after Declared demonstrates that her memories are implanted from Tyrell's, niece , Paris meets J. F. Sebastian at his apartment in the Bradbury Building, where he
- Woman named Millard and her enigmatic mother at a costume ball. The General's, niece ,was immediately taken with Millard. The mother convinced the General that she
- From his friend General Beiersdorf. The General was supposed to bring his, niece , Bertha Seinfeld, to visit the two, but the niece suddenly died under
- About any indiscretions of ours ”, her Aunt Eliza repeatedly reminded her, niece ,to avoid the temptations of Paris,“ Remember you are first a Christian
- Adoptive granddaughter of the Emperor Tiberius, sister of the Emperor Caligula, niece ,and fourth wife of the Emperor Claudius, and mother of the Emperor Nero.
- Where he had got inspiration for this work from, Lynch stated that" Peggy's, niece ,was having a bad dream one night and was saying the alphabet in her sleep in a
- Named Gains Octavius, had been governor of Macedonia. His mother Asia was the, niece ,of Julius Caesar. In 59 BC, when he was four years old, his father died. His
- Out by a freedman of Arrhenius named Maximus, and a steward of Domitian's, niece ,Flavia Domicile, named Stephan us. The precise involvement of the Praetorian
- War; his first marriage to Emily Monroe Norton (Ruth Warrick),a President's, niece ,; and his campaign for the office of governor of New York State, for which
- At age thirty-five, he met his future wife, Maria Bran well, the headmaster's, niece , Anne's mother, Maria Bran well (1783–1821),was the daughter of a successful
- From the Bulgarian Empire. In February 1215,Andrew married Yolanda,the, niece ,of Henry I, the Emperor of Constantinople. When the Emperor Henry I died on 11
- Weeks while she attended to a secret matter of great importance. The General's, niece ,fell mysteriously ill and suffered exactly the same symptoms as Laura. After
- Was supposed to bring his niece , Bertha Seinfeld, to visit the two, but the, niece ,suddenly died under mysterious circumstances. The General ambiguously concludes
- King had to deliver his only child and daughter Reimann Aboard, as well as his, niece , the daughter of the IPAM Raja to the harem of the Mughal emperor. Thus
- V was keen to interfere with the succession in Castile. In 1475, he married his, niece ,Joan, La Beltane, whom he considered the legitimate heir to the crown. Since
- The deification of his brother Titus. Upon their deaths, his infant son, and, niece , Julia Flavia, were likewise enrolled among the gods. To foster the worship of
- Ebert of Wessex, is sometimes claimed to be his sister (or sister-in-law or, niece ,), and the legendary material makes him Roland's maternal uncle through a lady
- Out of love or due to rumors that he was carrying on a relationship with his, niece ,Julia Flavia. Jones argues that most likely he did so for her failure to
- Sophia of Hanover – a granddaughter of James VI of Scotland and I of England, niece ,of Charles I of Scotland and England – and her Protestant descendants who had
- Harm he has caused. He dictates his will, which includes a provision that his, niece ,will be disinherited if she marries a man who reads books of chivalry. After
- Epidemic. Following Castle’s death, Christine was left to support her mother,a, niece , and her two children. When she tried to collect money from her husband’s
- Be overconfident in himself and underestimates Miss Marple's mental powers. A, niece ,named Mabel, widow of the mysteriously dead Geoffrey Den ham, stars in the 1927
- So she takes Bane with her to Gotham. Meanwhile, butler Alfred Pennyworth's, niece , Barbara Wilson, makes a surprise visit and is invited by Bruce Wayne to stay
- The film adaptation of Stephen King's novel Pet Seminary. In 2006,Crosby's, niece , Carolyn Schneider, published the laudatory book" Me and Uncle Bing. " Failing
- Form of Millard. She fled through the locked door, unharmed. The General's, niece ,died immediately afterward. When they arrive at Bernstein the General asks a
- To Ella, Philip fell in love with and married Cleopatra Eurydice,the, niece ,of one of his generals, Attalus. This marriage made Alexander's position as
- Osama bin Laden *Weight Du four (née bin Laden, born 1975),American model and, niece ,of Osama bin Laden *Ye slam bin Latin (born 1950),Swiss businessman and the
- Nearing fifty years of age, living in an unnamed section of La Manchu with his, niece ,and housekeeper. While mostly a rational man of sound reason, reading Romances
- The son of Audion and the king's wife Rosalinda. She may have been the, niece ,of King Theodoric and betrothed to Audion through the mediation of Emperor
- His first wife, Julia Arnold, who founded Prior's Field School. Julia was the, niece ,of poet and critic Matthew Arnold and the sister of Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Aldous
- He cried at the sight of the British dead in the breaches. Viva Montgomery, niece ,to the third Duke of Wellington, relates an anecdote that Holman, valet to the
- Was Agrippa’s second child from his second marriage to Augustus’ first, niece ,and the paternal cousin of Julia the Elder, Claudia Marcella Major. Visalia
- The banks of the Goose River, is marked by a cross he made himself. His grand, niece ,Anne-Marie Schweitzer Sartre was the mother of Jean-Paul Sartre. Schweitzer was
- In the public interest. In Roman society, an uncle (Claudius) marrying his, niece ,(Agrippina) was considered an incestuous relationship, and a subject of
- He saw Theodora Someone, the beautiful widow of the late King Baldwin III and, niece ,of the emperor Manuel. Although Androids was at that time fifty-six years old
- To arrange the marriage between the son of King Alfonso VIII of Castile and a, niece ,of King Waldemar II of Denmark. At that time the south of France was the
- Peasant, Pedro Crest. Second quest Don Quixote plots an escape. Meanwhile, his, niece , the housekeeper, the parish curate, and the local barber secretly burn most of
- Jacksons after the death of their father. The widower Jackson invited Rachel's, niece ,Emily Donelson to serve as host at the White House. Emily was married to Andrew
- A second alliance with Alexander I by giving him his daughter (Alexander I's, niece ,) Cleopatra in marriage (336 BC). At the wedding Philip was assassinated by
- Which lasted to the end of the sculptor's life. After Hallowell's death, her, niece , the painter Harriet Hallowell, inherited the Rodin's and after her death, the
- The country that she was murdered to pave the way for Richard to marry his, niece , Elizabeth. The gossip alienated Richard from some of his northern supporters
- Musician Thomas Morley) it might indicate that he was a spy, since Arabella, niece ,of Mary, Queen of Scots, and cousin of James VI of Scotland, later James I of
- General Beiersdorf. He tells them his own ghastly story. Beiersdorf and his, niece ,had met a young woman named Millard and her enigmatic mother at a costume ball
- A sword and waited until seeing a fiendish cat-like creature stalk around his, niece ,'s bedroom and bite her on the neck. He then leapt from his hiding place and
- Manuel I Comments, with whom he was a great favorite. Here are the charms of his, niece , Eudora, attracted him, and she became his mistress. In 1152,accompanied by
- And seeming to favor Dress. However, Drusus' marriage to Antonia, Augustus ', niece , was a relationship far too embedded within the family to disturb over
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