Examples of the the word, slowdown , in a Sentence Context

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  1. From portrayal of historical population data. This is in part due to the, slowdown ,of manufacturing in the region and the growth of Dayton's affluent suburbs
  2. exception to Metal Slug 2,which is quite notorious for its copious amounts of, slowdown ,). By the mid-1990s,SNK was trying to move onto a new platform, notably the
  3. Detailed graphics for the time. Top Hunter, and Fatal Fury 2 do contain some, slowdown , but later games largely avoided slowdown issues (except Metal
  4. To 0.4 % in 2002 and in 2003 the real GDP contracted by 0.2 %. That economic, slowdown ,had a noticeable impact on the labor market. Many companies announced mass
  5. Boosted Bhutan's overall growth, even though GDP fell in 2008 as a result of a, slowdown ,in India, its predominant export market. Macroeconomic trend This is a chart
  6. Average household income experienced a drop of 2.7 % in 1999 due to economic, slowdown , Source: Singapore Department of Statistics. Measured in 1990 dollars, the
  7. End of the 19th century with a peak some time between 1928 and about 1950 with, slowdown ,beginning in the 1970s. Productivity allowed the work week to be reduced from
  8. And Fatal Fury 2 do contain some slowdown , but later games largely avoided, slowdown ,issues (except Metal Slug 2,which is quite notorious for its
  9. May favor the economics of nuclear power. In recent years there has been a, slowdown ,of electricity demand growth and financing has become more difficult, which has
  10. GDP growth had been strong and steady from 1993 to 2000 with only a short, slowdown ,from 2001 to 2002. The economy had growth of 3.7 % annually in 2003,a rise
  11. Late 2007 accompanied by stiffer competition from Vietnam and emerging risks (, slowdown ,in the US economy and lifting of safeguards on China’s exports). Although
  12. For their products and U. S. consumers are responding to their general housing, slowdown ,by slowing their spending. Furthermore, China,the Middle East,Central Europe
  13. This: *The frame rate can be slowed from 25 to 23.976 frames per second (a, slowdown ,of about 4 %) to subsequently apply. *Interpolation of the contents of
  14. That a (multi-tape) universal Turing machine only suffers a logarithmic, slowdown ,factor in simulating any Turing machine. No such result has been proved in
  15. Layoffs and dismissals by enterprises resulting from the global economic, slowdown , major management scandals and different foreign investment attitudes have
  16. Growth of 5–6 % per year from the 1950s to the early 1970s,and a progressive, slowdown ,in the 1980s and 1990s,the last decade's average annual growth rates poorly
  17. Between Qatar’s economy and the Gulf region, as well as the wider world,a, slowdown ,in business and banking activity seemed inevitable. Nevertheless, Qatar’s
  18. Resorts, and residences had led to solid GDP growth in recent years, but the, slowdown ,in the US economy and the attacks of September 11, 2001 held back growth in
  19. In its international price competitiveness. However, despite the economic, slowdown ,in Europe in 2001–03,Slovenia maintained 3 % GDP growth. Keeping labor costs
  20. Average. Growth slowed considerably from 2001 to 2005 with the global economic, slowdown , but accelerated to 4.1 % in the third quarter of 2007. Inflation is 1.3 %, and
  21. With the emulation of the game, as the Virtual Console release preserves the, slowdown ,problems of the original NEW version, but has its cheat codes removed. Provo
  22. As well as pressure from the deepening Great Depression led to a production, slowdown ,at National, and this ultimately resulted in part of the company's fractured
  23. Of Spanish influenza in Spain and elsewhere, along with a major economic, slowdown ,in the postwar period, hit Spain particularly hard, and the country went into
  24. A mix of growth in services (mainly tourism) and construction combined with a, slowdown ,in garment exports. Export growth, especially to the US, began to slow in late
  25. Practices. In economics, a recession is a business cycle contraction, a general, slowdown ,in economic activity. During recessions, many macroeconomic indicators vary in
  26. Since 2001,economic growth declined caused by adverse shocks such as a, slowdown ,in the global economy and natural disasters. To deal with the shocks, fiscal
  27. Economic growth met with little success and were further hampered by the global, slowdown ,in 2000., Japan is the third-largest national economy in the world, after the
  28. On this growth, though. Poor market conditions have contributed to a marked, slowdown ,of Islamic bond, or sunk, activity in 2008 throughout the Gulf. But other
  29. Growth. " The increase in the money supply rate of growth coupled with the, slowdown ,in the rate of growth of goods produced is what the increase in the rate of
  30. Mexico is now firmly established as an upper middle-income country. After the, slowdown ,of 2001 the country has recovered and has grown 4.2,3.0 and 4.8 percent in
  31. The Moroccan economy in only a limited way. Morocco may be affected, by the, slowdown ,of international economy, stirred by the global financial crisis, and whose
  32. Of Western Europe and the United States, Switzerland was not able to escape the, slowdown ,felt in these countries. After the worldwide stock market crashes in the wake
  33. Of the five largest investors in the United States. The economy experienced a, slowdown ,in 2005,but in 2006 recovered to the fastest pace in six years on the back of
  34. Because substantial resources were invested in education facilities. With the, slowdown ,in the population growth rate and a rise in the median age (from 18.7 years to
  35. While economic growth has declined since 2001 due to adverse shocks, including, slowdown , in the global economy and natural disasters, fiscal policy became more
  36. Particularly dynamic in late 2010 and early 2011 but there are now signs of a, slowdown , both in the international economic environment and in terms of national
  37. In its international price competitiveness. However, despite the economic, slowdown ,in Europe in 2001-03,Slovenia maintained 3 % GDP growth. Keeping labor costs
  38. Causes mostly less-wealthy workers' wages to stagnate. There was a marked, slowdown ,in U. S. GDP growth after 1910. The slowdown was partly related to a decline in
  39. From the low 30s to about 16 %. Anecdotal evidence of the" Big Wave ", slowdown ,I like to call it the" New Yorker Game. " A few years ago the 'New Yorker '
  40. From foreign donors concerned with recent political developments has caused a, slowdown ,in PRGF disbursements. Similarly, private sector concerns surrounding Daniel
  41. Rate as of July 2009 stands at around 7.6 % and due to the global economic, slowdown ,inflation as of September 2009 reads 0.70 %. In 2004,public debt as a
  42. To stagnate. There was a marked slowdown in U. S. GDP growth after 1910. The, slowdown ,was partly related to a decline in investment in structures and partly due to
  43. Languages such as C and Pascal. For purely functional languages, the worst-case, slowdown ,is logarithmic in the number of memory cells used, because mutable memory can
  44. Inc. surpassed Microsoft in Q1 2011 quarterly profits and revenues due to a, slowdown ,in PC sales and continuing huge losses in Microsoft's Online Services Division
  45. Activity in the key agricultural sector, and contributed to an economic, slowdown ,in 1999. Favorable rainfalls have led Morocco to a growth of 6 % for 2000.
  46. To increase its fleet, but this has been put on hold due to the recent economic, slowdown , This trend is not restricted to traditional air carriers in India. IndiGo
  47. Expenses. The drop in GDP in 2001 was largely the result of the global economic, slowdown ,and lower oil prices. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the economy to a
  48. Fallen but piston and turboprop sales to business had not. " While the economic, slowdown ,has created a difficult business environment, we are encouraged by brisk
  49. Began a nationwide family planning program. Other factors that contributed to a, slowdown ,in population growth included urbanization, later marriage ages for both men
  50. Or negative. Economists at the IMF state that a global recession would take a, slowdown ,in global growth to three percent or less. By this measure, four periods since

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