Examples of the the word, shutter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shutter ), is the 12427 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The active area. Frame-transfer devices typically do not require a mechanical, shutter ,and were a common architecture for early solid-state broadcast cameras. The
  2. Caused by the lens, and align the image with the viewfinder. When the, shutter ,is released, the mirror moves out of the light path, and the light shines
  3. With the shutter slit moving horizontally. The slit would get narrower as, shutter ,speeds were increased. Initially these shutter s were made from a cloth material
  4. First opening shutter curtain to produce a narrow, vertical opening, with the, shutter ,slit moving horizontally. The slit would get narrower than shutter speeds were
  5. Across the film gate: an opening shutter curtain followed by a closing, shutter ,curtain. During fast shutter speeds, the focal-plane shutter would form a 'slit
  6. One pixel shift has to occur to transfer from image area to storage area; thus, shutter ,times can be less than a microsecond and smear is essentially eliminated. The
  7. Lacey continues to use them in their M-System rangefinders. Other focal-plane, shutter ,designs, such as the Coal Square, travelled vertically - the shorter
  8. Of two curtains that travelled horizontally across the film gate: an opening, shutter ,curtain followed by a closing shutter curtain. During fast shutter speeds, the
  9. Amount of light. Image capture can be achieved through various combinations of, shutter ,speed, aperture,and film or sensor speed. Different (but related) settings
  10. Exhibit less" noise ", while higher film and sensor speeds allow for a faster, shutter ,speed, which reduces motion blur or allows the use of a smaller aperture to
  11. Referred to as shutter speed, often even in cameras that do not have a physical, shutter , and is typically measured in fractions of a second. It is quite possible to
  12. By a closing shutter curtain. During fast shutter speeds, the focal-plane, shutter ,would form a 'slit' whereby the second shutter curtain was closely following
  13. Opening the lens aperture, using a faster film or detector, or reducing the, shutter ,speed. # Using the red-eye reduction capabilities built into many moderns
  14. Mechanisms Focal-plane shutter s Almost all contemporary SLRs use a focal-plane, shutter ,located in front of the film plane, which prevents the light from reaching the
  15. The CCD by a fiber optic or a lens. An image intensifier inherently includes a, shutter ,functionality: If the control voltage between the photocathode and the MCP is
  16. Whereby the second shutter curtain was closely following the first opening, shutter ,curtain to produce a narrow, vertical opening, with the shutter slit moving
  17. The light from reaching the film even if the lens is removed, except when the, shutter ,is actually released during the exposure. There are various designs for focal
  18. With the CCD shutter closed and opened. The average of images taken with the, shutter ,closed is necessary to lower the random noise. Once developed, the dark frame
  19. Of the CCD over the EM CCD cameras. The highest performing CCD cameras enable, shutter ,times as short as 200 microseconds. CCD cameras are in general somewhat higher
  20. The company's Film Pattern Retarder coating that ditches the heavy active, shutter ,glasses used by many other manufacturers for the lighter passive variety will
  21. Shutter speeds, the focal-plane shutter would form a 'slit' whereby the second, shutter ,curtain was closely following the first opening shutter curtain to produce a
  22. An opening shutter curtain followed by a closing shutter curtain. During fast, shutter ,speeds, the focal-plane shutter would form a 'slit' whereby the second shutter
  23. With interchangeable parts, allowing customization. They also have far less, shutter ,lag, allowing photographs to be timed more precisely. Also, the pixel resolution
  24. Cannot tolerate an expensive, failure-prone,power-intensive mechanical, shutter , an interline device is the right choice. Consumer snapshot cameras have used
  25. Amplified microscopy (STEAM) is an imaging method that provides ultrafast, shutter ,speed and frame rate, by using optical image amplification to circumvent the
  26. It to be lifted so that it rests horizontally above the opening. A roller, shutter ,or sectional overhead door is one variant of this type. A Seymour door is an
  27. 35 mm SLR system, manufactured by Olympus in Japan, used a rotary focal-plane, shutter ,mechanism that was extremely simple and elegant in design. This shutter used
  28. Of the image area is active, and there is no electronic shutter . A mechanical, shutter ,must be added to this type of sensor or the image smears as the device is
  29. Cameras were arranged along a track parallel to the horse's, and each camera, shutter ,was controlled by a trip wire which was triggered by the horse's hooves. They
  30. Design) 2 - Reflex mirror at 45-degree angle 3 - Focal plane, shutter ,4 - Film or sensor 5 - Focusing screen 6 - Condenser lens
  31. And film or sensor speed. Different (but related) settings of aperture and, shutter ,speed enable photographs to be taken under various conditions of film or sensor
  32. Rate changed to 29.97 Hz for color, it was nearly as easy to trigger the camera, shutter ,from the video signal itself. The actual figure of 525 lines was chosen as a
  33. Array. To counter such effects, astronomers take several exposures with the CCD, shutter ,closed and opened. The average of images taken with the shutter closed is
  34. Intensifier. In this case no light falls onto the CCD, which means that the, shutter ,is closed. The process of reversing the control voltage at the photocathode is
  35. Frames per second or slower (as in a flip book),but the flicker caused by the, shutter ,of a film projector is distracting below the 16-frame threshold. Modern
  36. As there is rarely enough room above and below the frame for a one-piece, shutter , Vertical shutter s became very common in the 1980s (though Monica, Mamiya, and
  37. That dumped oil into Prince William Sound. * Exposure value, a combination of, shutter ,speed and aperture in photography * Extended Validation Certificate, a type of
  38. Used during film development * Duration of print exposure – equivalent to, shutter ,speed * Printing aperture – equivalent to aperture, but has no effect on depth
  39. Photographers in many situations. The duration of an exposure is referred to as, shutter ,speed, often even in cameras that do not have a physical shutter , and is
  40. Full-frame device,all the image area is active, and there is no electronic, shutter , A mechanical shutter must be added to this type of sensor or the image smears
  41. And a lower aperture for more light. If a subject is in motion, then a high, shutter ,speed may be needed. A tripod can also be helpful in that it enables a slower
  42. Bleach bypass, a process that reduces brightness and color saturation. The, shutter ,timing was set to 90 or 45 degrees for many of the battle sequences, as opposed
  43. Burn" time code or other items of DV metadata (such as date and time, iris, shutter , speed,gain, white balance mode, etc.) into DV AVI files. Some modern editing
  44. From its resting position in the direction of the arrow, the focal plane, shutter ,(3) opens, and the image is projected onto the film or sensor (4) in
  45. Speed may be needed. A tripod can also be helpful in that it enables a slower, shutter ,speed to be used. For example, f/8 at 8 ms (1/125th of a second) and f/5.6 at
  46. To pull down the film frame, and this pulling-down needs to be obscured by a, shutter ,to avoid the appearance of blurring; therefore, there needs to be at least one
  47. Shutter mechanism that was extremely simple and elegant in design. This, shutter ,used titanium foil but consisted of one piece of metal with a fixed opening
  48. Cameras use materials such as carbon-fibre and Kevlar). Rotary focal-plane, shutter ,One unusual design, the Olympus Pen half-frame 35 mm SLR system, manufactured
  49. Is set in St Albany. * From 1808 to 1814 St Albany hosted a station in the, shutter ,telegraph chain which connected the Admiralty in London to its naval ships in
  50. Such as bleach bypass or cross processing),compensation for filters or, shutter ,angle, as well as intended under- and over-exposure may cause the

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