Examples of the the word, skeletal , in a Sentence Context
The word ( skeletal ), is the 12433 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Questioned later. Intermediate levels of expression are found in human heart, skeletal ,muscle, trachea,stomach, small intestine, pancreas,testis, prostate,placenta
- CD, deposits of" prion protein (scrapie)," Press, can be found in the, skeletal ,muscle and/or the spleen. Diagnosis of CD can be supported by biopsy of the
- In population due to consistent and regular rainfall patterns. Studies of, skeletal ,remains show that this growth was due to increased fertility rather than
- Did set out various options for the network including, at their most extreme,a, skeletal ,system of less than 2000 route km. This report was not welcomed, and even the
- The proteins action and myosin ultimately are responsible for the contraction of, skeletal ,muscle. One property many proteins have is that they specifically bind to a
- Shape — bones provide a frame to keep the body supported. * Movement — bones, skeletal ,muscles, tendons,ligaments and joints function together to generate and
- Been one of the first to settle North America. This theory is based largely on, skeletal ,and cultural evidence among tribes living in the western part of North America
- These actinopterygian fin rays attach directly to the proximal or basal, skeletal ,elements, the radials, which represent the link or connection between these
- Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate,65 % of which is stored in, skeletal ,muscles and the remainder, in the liver (totaling about 2,000 kcal in the
- 84 %),theobromine (12 %),and theophylline (4%)|alt=A diagram featuring 4, skeletal , chemical formulas. Top (caffeine) relates to similar compounds paraxanthine
- Harness, allowing the horse to haul greater weight without heavy burden on its, skeletal ,structure. The horse warfare of Korea was first started during the ancient
- Not only are there concerns about the weight to frame ratio on the horse's, skeletal ,system, but the massive build is also linked to HYPE. (See Genetic diseases
- Californium with boron nuclei. Precautions Californium that bioaccumulates in, skeletal ,tissue releases radiation that disrupts the body's ability to form red blood
- Of soft tissues reflects the relative rate of formation and dissolution of, skeletal ,mineral. In humans changes in the calcium isotopic composition of urine have
- For the building is Casey deals losses (House of Bones),as it has a visceral, skeletal ,organic quality. It was originally designed for a middle-class family and
- That had no gene duplication by measuring distances on various points on their, skeletal ,structure and comparing them to the normal mice (Olson et al. 687). The exact
- And Justice are either distracted by Patti or lost in contemplation, while, skeletal , Death actively writes the epitaph. Algardi's tomb is much less dynamic. The
- By an animator. In order to manipulate a mesh, it is given a digital, skeletal ,structure that can be used to control the mesh. This process is called rigging.
- Referred to as the most common ailment of prehistoric peoples. It was noted in, skeletal ,remains of Native Americans found in Tennessee and parts of what is now Olathe
- But, unlike other benzodiazepines, it does not have anticonvulsant, sedative, skeletal , muscle relaxant, motor skill-impairing, or amnesic properties. SSRIs Selective
- From her captor Wolfgang Priklopil, after 8 years of captivity. *2007 – The, skeletal ,remains of Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia, and his sister Anastasia
- Into a Dead ite. Ash becomes determined to lead the humans against the, skeletal ,Dead ite army. Reluctantly, the people agree to join Ash. Using scientific
- The simplicity of the prose is deceptive. Zoe Todd believes Hemingway crafted, skeletal ,sentences in response to Henry James's observation that World War I had" used
- By a growing zone of cartilage (the epiphyses plate). When the child reaches, skeletal ,maturity (18 to 25 years of age),all the cartilage is replaced by bone
- In the daily environment. Practicing the Alexander technique cannot affect, skeletal ,deformities once they occur (such as arthritis, osteoporosis ) or halt the
- Characters, many parts of the skeletal model correspond to actual bones, but, skeletal , animation is also used to animate other things, such as facial features (
- S ability to disrupt the formation of red blood cells by bioaccumulating in, skeletal ,tissue. Characteristics Physical properties Californium is a silvery white
- Ketones, while also metabolizing body protein (including but not limited to, skeletal ,muscle) to be used to synthesize sugars for use as energy by the rest of the
- Lacking an enzyme necessary for storing glycogen, the horse's heart muscle and, skeletal ,muscles cannot function, leading to rapid death. The disease occurs in foals
- Oxygenated blood. Additional return flow may be generated by the movement of, skeletal ,muscles, which can compress veins and push blood through the valves in veins
- Including 100 Avers in the face. The computer does not usually render the, skeletal ,model directly (it is invisible),but uses the skeletal model to compute the
- Is excreted. In all these organs' berkelium might promote cancer, and in the, skeletal ,system its radiation can damage red blood cells. The maximum permissible body
- Derived from paleography, the ancient Greek for" old jaws" in reference to the, skeletal ,anatomy of the palate, which is described as more primitive and reptilian than
- Analogous to a skeleton or stick figure. The position of each segment of the, skeletal ,model is defined by animation variables, or Avers. In human and animal
- Heat. Even so, biogenic silica is used by some Earth life, such as the silicate, skeletal ,structure of diatoms. This suggests that extraterrestrial life forms may have
- As the head was dissected in the late 19th century, and the foot is in a, skeletal ,state. Until recently, few associated dodo skeletons were known, most of the
- The Oxford University Museum of Natural History, were one individual's partly, skeletal ,foot and head which contain the only known soft tissue remains of the species.
- Confluence of the Pa louse and Snake rivers in eastern Washington. In 1996,the, skeletal ,remains of a 9,000-year-old prehistoric man (dubbed Kennewick Man) were found
- Usually render the skeletal model directly (it is invisible),but uses the, skeletal ,model to compute the exact position and orientation of the character, which is
- By which they grow, the variety of zoo ids present and the type and amount of, skeletal ,material they secrete. Many species form colonies which consist of sheets of
- Oxygen affinity than hemoglobin. The higher the myoglobin concentration in, skeletal ,muscle, the longer the animal can stay underwater. * Increased body size also
- Hallucinations, or psychosis may occur, and rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of, skeletal ,muscle tissue) can be provoked. The LD50 of caffeine in humans is dependent on
- Large amounts of oxygen. Gluconeogenesis In vertebrates, vigorously contracting, skeletal ,muscles (during weightlifting or sprinting, for example) do not receive
- That is present in opium. Widths" 200px" per row "/JJ"> 2"> File: Theban, skeletal , SVG|Theban File: Naloxone. SVG|Naloxone In agriculture Prior to the
- Variables, or Avers. In human and animal characters, many parts of the, skeletal ,model correspond to actual bones, but skeletal animation is also used to
- Have interpreted such late dates as artifacts resulting from redeposition of, skeletal ,material into more recent strata. Causes of extinction There are three theories
- And sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners at Abu Grain prison. *2008 – Two, skeletal ,remains found near Yekaterinburg, Russia are confirmed by Russian scientists to
- Of chiropractic medicine involves a range of diagnostic methods including, skeletal ,imaging, observational and tactile assessments, and orthopedic and neurological
- Parasites in the genus Guardian, which have two nuclei per cell. In humans, skeletal ,muscle cells, called monocytes, become poly nucleated during development; the
- For extended periods without breathing: * Mammalian myoglobin concentrations in, skeletal ,muscle have much variation. New Zealand white rabbits have +/- myoglobin in of
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