Examples of the the word, scandinavian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scandinavian ), is the 12428 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Scania DC,Scandia DC - Washington DC area, scandinavian , folk dancing group *http://www.lk2011.no/resultat/hardingfeled.pdf Salford 2011
  2. Event took place between June 28 and July 3 - the same weekend as other major, scandinavian , festivals Hostile Festival and Hove Festival. The festival broke that record
  3. Discovery Channel, Animal Planet etc.) shares its teletext with the other, scandinavian , countries. Estonia Finland Germany Greece * Media text (Mega Channel, Star
  4. Places outside of Afghanistan, such as in America, France,Germany, and even in, scandinavian , countries such as Denmark and carry the surname of Zidane, which is itself a
  5. Is placed in the top 100. AU is also listed as number 2 of universities in, scandinavian , and Nordic countries. AUDIT division is located in Herding, Denmark. Several
  6. Distributed by NonStop to the Nordic and Baltic countries. *TNT7,a, scandinavian , version of TNT, previously named TV7 (Sweden) German Township is one of the
  7. Dialects lacking the politic definite marker entirely. Gender Originally the, scandinavian , languages,like modern German as well as Icelandic, had three genders. These
  8. Europe Scandinavian pancakes are similar to the French crêpes. In some, scandinavian , countries they are served with jam as a dessert with a variety of savory
  9. Most dialects of Norwegian. However, in all standard versions of the mainland, scandinavian , languages,there are only two genders. The masculine and feminine fell together
  10. Faeroese is similar to Icelandic, and also the Old Norse language spoken in the, scandinavian , area more than a millennium ago. Greenlandic is the main language
  11. And posing coach Mariana Berserk. After three Cycles of being part of the, scandinavian , co-production Norway had its first individual Cycle (officially counted as
  12. Bear park. Osama dialect About 500 people speak the Osama dialect, an old, scandinavian , language,which is a variant of dalecarlian also called Old Swedish in
  13. In lower frequencies the company has the largest geographical footprint of all, scandinavian , operators and approx,100,000 subscribers. http://www.net1.se/ MEDIA Access
  14. Strinning honored the classic award by sense form. 2004–2006: exhibition “, scandinavian , design beyond the myth ”; Berlin, milano, gent,prey, budapest, riga, glasgow
  15. Families described by Pace et al. in 2008. * Space Invaders, a song by, scandinavian , Eurodance group Hit'n'Hide Simo-Pekka Ollie (born November 13, 1985) is a
  16. Lyon. Orland is a name which means desert or fallow in German. It comes from a, scandinavian , tale and according to the member of the band it arouses dream and mystery.
  17. As condiments for several traditional dishes. Pickled capers are also common in, scandinavian , cuisine. In Ukraine, garden produce is commonly pickled using salt, dill
  18. e.g. fine 'find' = Standard Danish. Grammar One of the hallmarks of the, scandinavian , languages is the politic definite marker. For example: en and 'a man '
  19. The symbology it adopted drew from Gothic revivalist notions of ancient, scandinavian , roots,and the lodges for instance were called by a more archaic Scandinavian
  20. To the Latin American game General, the English game of Poker Dice,the, scandinavian , Yatzy, and the Cheerio (dice game). It is also known as the predecessor of
  21. Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia centers its operations around the, scandinavian , capitals Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm. It also has operations out of Helsinki
  22. External links Krogstad (Krogstad from the old Norse kaupstaðr) is an old, scandinavian , term for" Market town" notably Norwegian. Kjobstad's were places of trade
  23. Traditional material for the sheath is reindeer leather. The blade is always in, scandinavian , ( or stand) grind. The blade should be strong enough to split (reindeer)
  24. Alternate of the STD that occurs only with high vowels. In the other mainland, scandinavian , languages as well as Sandy there are two different tone mes which distinguish

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