Examples of the the word, piper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( piper ), is the 12417 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Minister * Henry Western,3rd Baron Ross more (1792–1860),politician and, piper ,19th century * Thomas Henry Lister (1800–1842),novelist and first Registrar
  2. Form of the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/Montenegrin paper, derived from the Latin, piper ,or Modern Greek piper . It came into currency in the 19th century. Many
  3. Of the chanter is that it can produce staccato notes, because the, piper ,seals it off at the bottom; with all the finger holes closed, the chanter is
  4. The quartermaster (pentēkontarchos),the shipwright (paupers),the, piper ,(athletes) who gave the rowers' rhythm and two toicharchoi, in charge of the
  5. Invented. The first custom-built MIDI bagpipes were developed by the Asturian, piper ,known as He via (José Ángel He via Velasco). Modern usage Types of bagpipes
  6. The worst possible choice and had gone to 'Calvary' being presumed dead. The, piper ,in this sense being a good 'orator' able to convince a crowd as in religion.
  7. Many airs end a section on a G or A note in the first octave, at which point a, piper ,will often play one of these hand chords for dramatic effect. Chanter The
  8. Presenter Sue Barker – Born Painted April 1956. World War II Scottish, piper ,Bill Million died in Tor bay at the age of 88 on 17 August 2010. Twin towns
  9. Manchester City at Old Trafford, both teams were led onto the pitch by a lone, piper ,playing" The Red Flag ", and the managers – Alex Ferguson and Sven-Göran
  10. In Ireland were Protestant, possibly the best known being the mid-18th century, piper ,Jackson from Co Limerick and the 18th century Bandages pipe maker William
  11. Ancient Greek and Latin borrowed papal to refer to either via the Latin, piper ,which was used by the Romans to refer both to pepper and long pepper, as the
  12. Lower Saxony, Germany,in the Middle Ages. The earliest references describe a, piper , dressed in pied (multicolored) clothing, leading the children away from the
  13. Believe that the tale has inspired the common English phrase" pay the, piper ,". To" pay the piper " now means to face the inevitable consequences of one's
  14. Battle of Killiecrankie (1689). Soon thereafter, at a feast at Beauty,the, piper ,was playing" Bit tack" or" Mac Thomas ", a song which includes the lines "
  15. In the 16th century the story was expanded into a full narrative, in which the, piper ,is a rat-catcher hired by the town to lure rats away with his magic pipe. When
  16. Reeds is a demanding task. Villain pipe reeds are also often called" the, piper ,'s despair" for the immense difficulty of maintaining, tuning and especially
  17. 1372-73)::: :La student LI minstrel::: :Quit s'acquitting Bain et be::: :A, piper ,et tout de novel::: :Uses dances tells EU'IL sorest, ::: :Et is Preston Que
  18. Still with a largely military focus. The climax of the evening is the lone, piper ,on the castle battlements, playing a pibroch in memory of dead comrades in arms
  19. As part of the food display. In Paley, betel nut is chewed with lime, piper ,leaf and nowadays, with the addition of tobacco (cigarette). Older and
  20. It end-to-end. This was less susceptible to damage than the earlier design. The, piper ,is also able to switch on and off various drones individually (applying
  21. The tale has inspired the common English phrase" pay the piper ". To" pay the, piper ," now means to face the inevitable consequences of one's actions, possibly
  22. Often a fiddler will" tune down" his or her instrument to play with a, piper ,'s flat set, but the inflexibility of other instruments used in Irish music (
  23. Of the Pipe Band is champion piper Andrew Carlisle, a highly decorated solo, piper ,and long time member of six times World Pipe Band Champions Field Marshal
  24. Visited her Snowden cousins at Elton. Billy Pig, the celebrated Northumbrian, piper ,played" Derwentwater's Farewell" especially for her. The novel shows her
  25. With closed keys which can be opened by the piper 's wrist action enabling the, piper ,to play simple chords, giving a rhythmic and harmonic accompaniment as needed.
  26. Notable his long-term friendship with The Chieftains. *Susana Savage: virtuoso, piper , She descends from a family of pipe makers and stated she preferred pipes
  27. Identifiable. In his playing you can hear the evocation of the Scottish, piper ,'s drone and the melody of the chanter as well as echoes of Barney Kessell's
  28. Attributed to meaning to recompense a minstrel or similar musician (such as a, piper ,) in the medieval period for services rendered. If a minstrel was not paid for
  29. Anthropologist (b. 1858) *1939 – Charles Davidson Dunbar, British military, piper ,(b. 1870) *1940 – Elias Simojoki, Finnish clergyman and politician (b. 1899
  30. From Renwick Castle in procession, preceded by the Duke of Northumberland's, piper , The game is won by whichever team is first to score two" hales" or goals. *
  31. The bass regulator is attached to the side of the stock (furthest from the, piper ,), and is of complex construction. Another method of using the regulators is to
  32. At Hammer in Saxony, ann. 1484,20 Jun ii, the devil, in likeness of a pied, piper , carried away 130 children that were never after seen. ' He does not give his
  33. And then threatened to take their children. There is a possible theory that the, piper ,gave the children valerian and that this had a relaxing effect on them much
  34. In which a rat-catcher leads away an infestation with enchanted music—the, piper ,is later refused payment, so he in turn leads away the town's children. This
  35. Currently a member of punk/folk band The Bad Shepherds. He has been replaced by, piper ,and woodwind player Martin Nolan. In June 2010,Iowa went to the United States
  36. Drew his dirk. While he afterward maintained that he meant only to puncture the, piper ,'s bag and stop the music, he fatally stabbed the piper . A Jacobite who had
  37. British Telecom" T" symbol logo. Image: BT old logo. SVG|19912003 BT ", piper ," logo. Image: BT logo. SVG|2003present BT" Connected World" logo.
  38. Valerian can also be used to attract cats, leading one to believe that the, piper ,may have led the cats away first and then threatened to take their children.
  39. Chanter can also be played staccato by resting the bottom of the chanter on the, piper ,'s thigh to close off the bottom hole and then open and close only the tone
  40. Which date from around the time of the earliest appearance of the legend of the, piper , the early 13th Century. In the version of the legend posted on the official
  41. Saints John and Paul on 26 June 130 children born in Hamlin were seduced By a, piper , dressed in all kinds of colors, and lost at the place of execution near the
  42. Piper longum. The Romans knew of both and often referred to either as just ", piper ,". In fact, it was not until the discovery of the New World and of Chile
  43. Written by the Brothers Grimm and other creators of fairy tales, is that the, piper ,himself was executed on this day, perhaps because he had misled or abused the
  44. The regulators are equipped with closed keys which can be opened by the, piper ,'s wrist action enabling the piper to play simple chords, giving a rhythmic and
  45. Operatic soprano (d. 1977) Deaths *January 10 - Patsy They, Irish-American, piper , ( b. 1865) *March 8 - Frisians Barons, collector of Latvian folk songs (b.
  46. And Cape Breton music. A singer, fiddler,flutist, harpist,tin whistler, piper ,or a player of another instrument may add grace notes (known as 'cuts' in
  47. Stage director (d. 1944) *1870 – Charles Davidson Dunbar, British military, piper ,(d. 1939) *1871 – Lionel Fainter, German-American painter and caricaturist
  48. Bagpipes and performs at University events. Head of the Pipe Band is champion, piper ,Andrew Carlisle, a highly decorated solo piper and long time member of six
  49. Eventually forced to own up to his irresponsibility in that" everyone pays the, piper ,". The film has also had an effect on men. Glenn Close was quoted in 2008 as
  50. Haggis on a large dish. It is usually brought in by the cook, generally while a, piper ,plays bagpipes and leads the way to the host's table, where the haggis is laid

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