Examples of the the word, ravage , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ravage ), is the 12414 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The Meditations in Kline Greek. * The Costoboci cross the Danube (Dacia) and, ravage ,Thrace in the Balkan Peninsula. They reached Eleusinian, near Athens, and
- Dust storms blow a fine yellow powder across the plateau. Locusts occasionally, ravage ,the eastern area in April and May. In general, the plateau experiences high
- With the Sarmatians (from modern Iran),invade the Balkans and Greece. They, ravage ,Media and Thrace. * The Herald invade the Black Sea coast, they unsuccessfully
- Expedition was against King Andrew I of Hungary and the Achenes, who began to, ravage ,the northern frontiers in 1059. Shortly after this successful campaign, he
- Hadrian (Voorburg). * Fauci pirates led by the Roman deserter Damascus, ravage ,the Gallic coast; Corbels uses the Rhine fleet against them. The Frisian revolt
- Baptised. If you refuse,I'll have you killed on the spot and I swear I will, ravage ,every island with fire and steel. " Unsurprisingly, Sigurd agreed and the
- Lands - as Count Baldwin of Hainaut commented in 1184 on seeing enemy troops, ravage ,his lands from the safety of his castle," they can't take the land with them
- 911 The English defeat the Danes at the Battle of Tottenham. The Northumbrians, ravage ,Mercia but are trapped by Edward and forced to fight. 917 In return for peace
- Of the surviving constructs from this era. The Black Death, which would later, ravage ,Western Europe had its beginnings in Asia, where it wiped out large populations
- 2,300 injured, and a probable additional 2,000 die from the diseases which, ravage ,the island in the following months. * June 8 – During a famine in Mexico City
- The sea to Essex, and from the landing of the ships up the River Orwell went to, ravage ,Mercia. Completion of the Danish conquest On 18 October 1016,as the Danes
- 903 Æthelwald incites the East Anglican Danes into breaking the peace. They, ravage ,Mercia before winning a Pyrrhic victory that saw the death of Æthelwald and the
- Although Crispin was captured and exiled to Abyss, the Franks continued to, ravage ,the Armenian Theme for some time. In the meantime, the land around Caesar was
- The Danish fleet that had beaten Byrhtnoth at Malden that continued to, ravage ,the English coast from 991 to 993. In 994,the Danish fleet, which had swollen
- Boeotian's in the Battle of Neophyte, and then destroy the walls of Anagram and, ravage ,Loris and Phones. * Athens goes on to defeat Regina later in the year, and to
- Poseidon, brother to Zeus and god of the sea, sent a sea monster named Cetus to, ravage ,the coast of Ethiopia including the kingdom of the vain Queen. The desperate
- Rebellion against the Athenian control of these states. The revolting allies, ravage ,the islands of Lemons and Bros which are loyal to Athens. * The Athenian
- Fortified bridge into London was held by Saxon troops, he decided instead to, ravage ,Southward before continuing his journey around southern England. A series of
- Spanish law and open a foreign fair in the city to sell goods, planning to, ravage ,the port afterwards. The governor declined, and Hawkins besieged the city, but
- Site of the well-known Butter knife Pirates (of the Bay of Bengal),who would, ravage ,souls and celebrate their swashbuckling with champagne. Economy One of the
- The Armenian writers; and hence they are found issuing in the third century to, ravage ,the rich provinces of Asia Minor. In 376 the deluge of the Huns on its westward
- The Seljuk Turks; from the north Bulgarians and Places descended unchecked to, ravage ,the plains of Macedonia and Thrace, and Kalyan of Bulgaria annexed several
- Re-elected in a landslide victory. August * August – The 2002 European floods, ravage ,Central Europe. September * September 2 – The United Nations World Summit on
- Several dynasty (third century). In 276, it was sacked by the Vandals. Further, ravage ,was brought by the same Vandals in 409,the Visigoths in 414 and the Franks in
- Proclaims himself king of Sweden in Zealand. * The Venetians pillage Rhodes, ravage ,Amos and Lesbos, and occupy Chaos. * Saracen pirates raid the city of Antigen
- City by the Magyars in 899. It was many years before Padua recovered from this, ravage , During the period of episcopal supremacy over the cities of northern Italy
- Fell to the Attain dynasty of Pegasus. Its last king avoided the spoils and, ravage ,of a Roman conquest war by leaving the realm by testament to the Roman Empire.
- Dr. Kwame Nkrumah is elected Prime Minister of the Gold Coast. ** Tornadoes, ravage ,the lower Mississippi River Valley, leaving 208 dead, through March 22. * March
- Many instances of the Visigoths' clemency: Christian churches saved from, ravage ,; protection granted to vast multitudes both of pagans and Christians who took
- Epiphany. The Caucasus-based Turks responded by sending 40,000 of their men to, ravage ,the Persian empire in 626 to start the Third Perso-Turkic War. Joint Byzantine
- Marines (Sons of Mars). The city becomes a base from which they will, ravage ,the Sicilian countryside. Sri Lanka * The Sri Maya Bod hi Sacred Fig tree is
- Range. In retaliation, Arnulf ordered his illegitimate son Twentyfold to, ravage ,Burgundy. In the meantime, Lambert and his mother Gertrude travelled to Rome
- Christian area. Periodic raiding expeditions were sent from Landaus to, ravage ,the Iberian Christian kingdoms, bringing back booty and slaves. In raid against
- Age. Never again would massive flotillas of Scandinavians meet each year to, ravage ,the rest of Christian Europe. Medieval Denmark From the Viking age towards the
- On condition that he slew the Tennessean fox which had been sent by Dionysus to, ravage ,the country. The Mafias, however,remained invincible until Compete, the
- That includes cannons. Mural and the Ottoman governor of Thessaly, Turakhan Beg, ravage ,the Peloponnese peninsula at will, with the Sultan devastating the northern
- Stepmother, the widowed Empress Child, and,as a sign of their displeasure, ravage ,the country. Boss is the brother of Child and duke of Provence. Hugh had
- Age. Never again would massive flotillas of Scandinavians meet each year to, ravage ,the rest of Christian Europe. Christianity, expansion and the establishment of
- Of Zhou becomes King of the Zhou Dynasty of China. *696 BC: The Commercials, ravage ,Phrygia, possible migration of the Armenians. *691 BC: King Sennacherib of
- Battle against the Vikings at Tottenham where the last large Viking army to, ravage ,England suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the combined Mercia and
- Died shortly afterwards at Rome in November 450,and did not live to see Attila, ravage ,Italy in 451–453,in a much more brutal campaign than the Goths had waged
- Siege and his starving troops, unpaid and left without a guide, felt free to, ravage ,Rome from 6 May 1527. The many incidents of murder, rape,and vandalism that
- His Gascony subjects fought all the way to the Loire, and the Danes returned to, ravage ,the Frisian coast (sacking Dorsal for a second time). Lot hair, for the first
- Baptised. If you refuse,I'll have you killed on the spot and I swear I will, ravage ,every island with fire and steel. " Unsurprisingly, Sigurd agreed and the
- Wang becomes the Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty of China. * 696 BC—The Commercials, ravage ,Phrygia, possible migration of the Armenians. * 692 BC—Kari'IL Water of Saga '
- An effort to relieve allied garrisons in central France, as well as to raid and, ravage ,the countryside. His sortie met little resistance, his Anglo-Saxon forces
- Falsis no minibus imperium, atque FBI solitude facing, pacem appellant. (To, ravage , to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they
- Two serious defeats by the Quasi and Marconi, who could cross the Alps, ravage ,Opitergium (Oder) and besiege Aquila, the main Roman city of north-east
- Competitors) find themselves on the rise. The increased number of herbivores, ravage ,the local trees, shrubs,and grasses. Elephants themselves have few naturals
- Dust storms blow a fine yellow powder across the plateau. Locusts occasionally, ravage ,the eastern area in April and May. In general, the plateau experiences extreme
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