Examples of the the word, bewilder , in a Sentence Context
The word ( bewilder ), is the 12419 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Lanes without using a three-point maneuver (see bootleg turn),for example to, bewilder ,a pursuer. It can also be used to quickly negotiate tight corners. Usage in
- It. Seduce This GU meaning 2.7 of" seduce; bewitch; attract; confuse; mislead;, bewilder ," is evident in the Standard Chinese words you 妖蠱" bewitch by seductive
- To get back into the game after a slow start. With a tendency that continues to, bewilder ,fans, the Crows again managed to find a way to lose the 'unlosable' game, in
- Interviews Harrison has said that he was pleased with the book. It may however, bewilder ,a few science fiction fans and threaten the illusions of a few self-styled
- He apparently knows about Alison. His presence is said to shock, devastate and, bewilder ,the girls. On April 8,2011, Annabeth Gish was cast for the role of Anne
- Wang-liang are spirits (using) of the hills, who by imitating human voices, bewilder ,people. (try. Groot 1910:5:498) Fungi The (early 3rd century BCE)
- As" a little demon who uses her lovely form and her clear mind as weapons to, bewilder ,men ", which she used for her business in cosplay dating, learning everything
- Cafe. The lengths she goes to avoid being fired for her natural clumsiness, bewilder ,other people, along with her neurotic attention to detail and frequent streaks
- White freezing beams, a red/white energy ball, or basic beams. To confuse and, bewilder ,an enemy, Baltan-Seijins can also project multiple, fake illusions of their
- A girl a proper let down. Generally seen as a kind person, his cutting remarks, bewilder ,Water, whom he treats with contempt.; Karin Fuji: Wataru's younger sister.
- Moves in your position. This will enable you to control the situation and, bewilder ,and exhaust your opponent. ** Make plans that keep your opponent in check and
- Encountered two Japanese destroyers and pressed home an attack which seemed to, bewilder ,the reluctant enemy. She succeeded in damaging both targets by delivering a "
- Essay of couplets" An Essay on Criticism," Pope writes of Marius: Some are, bewilder ,'d in the Maze of Schools, And some made Coxcombs Nature meant but Fools. In
- Of eccentric stranger Johan Nagel. An eccentric stranger who proceeds to shock, bewilder , and beguile its bourgeoisie inhabitants with his bizarre behavior, feverish
- Go on a date to a nearby owl sanctuary, where Alan's attempts at conversation, bewilder ,Jill.: In the evening, the two attend a Valentine's Day dinner at the Travel
- States his origin in Arabia and as an incarnation of Tripurasura. He is said to, bewilder ,king Bhojraj's intelligence who watches his acts of illusion. The Ahmadi
- Of secret and illegitimate writings, which they themselves have forged, to, bewilder , the minds of foolish people, who are ignorant of the true scriptures" —
- From Dover to Wrath, have glazed us over? Simplest tales will then, bewilder ,The questioning children,“ What was a chestnut? Say what it means
- Prongs each. During a battle, it can run as if gliding from the ground that may, bewilder ,its enemies. It evades attack by passing overgrown plants and then whipping the
- Phoenix, and Happy Hairs ton was back on the boards. Gail Goodrich continued to, bewilder ,critics with a 25.3 scoring average, trying and making more free throws than
- To shock the morality of his contemporaries (as did avant-garde artists),to, bewilder ,the upper and middle class by the squalid tragedy of the streets. His art was
- Knocks off one of those Neil Young/Mission cryogenic guitar solos and to, bewilder ,us completely there is a nutty body-stomp midway through" Is This the Life "
- What it has not failed to do to every other eleven that has played here —, bewilder ,it. " The prediction could not have been more on the mark; the 12,000 fans in
- At the bounce. This variety of trajectories achievable by a spin bowler can, bewilder ,inexperienced or poor batsmen. Spin bowlers are generally given the task of
- Of gifts. " Rhymed threats of murder, accompanied by symbolic objectives, bewilder ,the guests and annoy the reader. The pervasive vulgarity renders the trick plot
- The change up can also possess a significant amount of movement, which can, bewilder ,the batter even further. The very best change ups utilize both deception and
- Accused of adultery by him, escaped to the forest. This forest could easily, bewilder ,the knights. Despite many references to its ruthlessness, the forest repeatedly
- Confuse an effective cognitive mapping, its pastiche of superficial reflections, bewilder ,co-ordination and encourage submission instead. Entry by land is forbidding to
- Nymph represents the contact of the bodies with the spirits. It is intended to, bewilder ,the evil spirits so that they go away and cease harming human beings. Andreas
- To stun, confuse,confound" < GMC, cf OE (ā)Asian" to confuse, stupefy, bewilder ,", ON mass" to struggle, be confused ", Norw mas" exhausting labor ", Norw
- The study of His work, but through attempts to ascertain His own essence, bewilder ,and confound the mind,to impair man's reason. To reflect on the
- At You" ). She excuses herself when talk of the Pimpernel comes to fluster and, bewilder ,the women in her parlor (" The Scarlet Pimpernel" ). Armand,Marguerite's
- Rick, The Greatest Stories Never Told: 100 tales from history to astonish, bewilder , & stupefy, A&E Television Networks,2003,ISBN 0-06-001401-6 * Cavendish
- Himself with dreamy, symbolist works and abstractions that tended to, bewilder ,viewers. He also scandalized conservative audiences with numerous lithographs
- Trials. Castro explains that the Queen of the Night has attempted to, bewilder ,the people with superstition and groundless fears. He then sings a prayer to
- Nominated by a party composed almost exclusively of carpetbaggers was enough to, bewilder ,most voters as well as the modern student. " On November 6,1872,the day after
- Thought-out ideas for new programs (such as" monkey tennis" ) that bore, bewilder , and eventually upset Layers.: When he is told that he is not to be
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