Examples of the the word, coerce , in a Sentence Context
The word ( coerce ), is the 12431 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or, coerce ,a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance
- This provision was inserted by Democratic Virginia Senator James M. Mason to, coerce ,border-state Whigs, who faced the greatest danger of losing slaves as fugitives
- Bovine, and eastern Poland. In late November of the same year, unable to, coerce ,the Republic of Finland by diplomatic means into moving its border back from
- By the imposition of troops. 2. To compel by violent measures or threats;, coerce , The verb is from 1689,lit. " To force by the agency of dragoons" ( which
- Invasion, Caesar took with him a substantially larger force and proceeded to, coerce ,or invite many of the native Celtic tribes to pay tribute and give hostages in
- Been hanged. Another man, Giles Corey was tortured to death in an attempt to, coerce ,a guilty plea from him by crushing him with rocks. July–December * September 14
- Threat to repressive political leaders and greatly diminish power to, coerce , Friedman's view was also shared by Friedrich Hayek and John Maynard Keynes
- The holy names of God in the sacred languages, he could use divine powers to, coerce ,demons into appearing and serving his usually lustful or avaricious magical
- A corps of 150,000 black slaves, called his Black Guard. He used them to, coerce ,the country into submission. Invention of modern conscription Modern
- Against the French and he paid little attention to Scotland, trying to bribe or, coerce ,the clan leaders. His demands that each chief put in writing the submission
- Interests among free, rational humans, such that no moral agent can rationally, coerce ,another person consistently with his own actual, long-term self-interest. Rand
- Break ", as the commercial encourages. Meanwhile, a frantic Jeff Tracy tries to, coerce ,Scott into launching the ship:" Thunderbirds! GO! " At the same time in the
- Unlike totalitarian systems, where physical force can readily be used to, coerce ,the general population. In an often-quoted remark, Chomsky states that "
- Examples include an organized government attempt to, coerce ,workers to leave independent trade unions in -era trade union centers, with the
- Laws of the United States or of any State" and are intended to" intimidate or, coerce ,a civilian population,"" influence the policy of a government by intimidation
- Morpheus is held in a government building in the Matrix. The Agents try to, coerce ,him into revealing the access codes to the mainframe of Zion, the humans '
- As Reichskommissar for Norway. On Hitler's orders, Terboven attempted to, coerce ,the Starting to depose the King; Parliament declined, citing constitutional
- Khrushchev's foreign and military policies, argued that the strategy did, coerce ,the West in a limited manner. The agreement that the United States would not
- High and low for her daughter. Because of her distress, and in an effort to, coerce ,Zeus to allow the return of her daughter, she caused a terrible drought in
- Foster parents, Casey and Emily Griggs, conspire to embezzle his insurance, and, coerce , their daughter, Lena,into seducing Led in order to learn the location of the
- Only during mating time. When they are with a herd of females, males do not, coerce ,them or try to restrict their movements as do some other antelopes. Although
- Unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to, coerce ,or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are
- In 1702. This successful invasion enabled Charles XII to dethrone August II and, coerce ,the Polish seem to replace him with Stanislav Leszczyński in 1704. August II
- Testifying, Friendly decides that Terry must be killed unless Charley can, coerce ,him into keeping quiet. Charley tries bribing Terry with a good job, and
- Mutual consent of sellers and buyers. By definition, buyers and sellers do not, coerce ,each other, in the sense that they obtain each other's property rights without
- To Cleveland by 1999,several NFL franchises used the threat of relocation to, coerce ,their respective cities to build new stadiums with public funds. Such
- Trespass into Nicaraguan airspace;::: efforts by direct and indirect means to, coerce ,and intimidate the Government of Nicaragua.: :2. Using force and the threat of
- Norms. People may find such law acceptable, but the use of State power to, coerce ,citizens to comply with that law lacks moral justification. More recent
- British Minister Richard Dagenham that charged the British with attempting to, coerce ,Texas into abolishing slavery. This claim was used to justify the annexation as
- Teachers who opposed curricular Ratification were dismissed. Furthermore, to, coerce , popular obedience to the state, the Nazis established the Gestapo (secret
- Did not want war, and was convinced that the United States had the power to, coerce ,the European powers by economical methods rather than war. Accordingly, in
- In chief by Admiral Alexander Cochrane, with reinforcements and orders to, coerce ,the Americans into a favorable peace. Governor-in-chief of British North
- Journalists, and the perceived use of diplomatic channels in an attempt to, coerce ,the Finnish government into interfering with KYLE editorial policy, drew
- Out to prove a girl can do anything a boy can. The boys challenge the idea and, coerce ,Peter into joining Marcia's club, the Sunflower Girls, to make a point.
- And Kurosawa's illustrations, leveraged his influence over 20th Century Fox to, coerce ,the studio that had fired Kurosawa just ten years earlier to produce Kagemusha
- Their industries—provisions inserted by Democratic Party legislators to, coerce ,New Englanders to sink the legislation. Those in Western states and
- In the mother's death),the group encounters Panoramas, who attempts to, coerce ,Ce'Near to come within killing distance. At the last moment the supposedly
- The strongest and most unscrupulous mind, someone who, like a hypnotist, could, coerce , a more impressionable psyche to submission. His view on psychological power
- In many instances by torture or murder, and indiscriminate terror designed to, coerce ,the civilian population. His testimony was similar to various reports including
- And just wait for the surrender of the enemies inside, or quite commonly, to, coerce , someone inside to betray the fortification. During a siege a surrounding army
- Act. It was an acknowledgment of the failure of economic pressure to, coerce ,the European powers. Trade with both Britain and France was now thrown open
- Like his father David, according to the written and oral Torah, and he will, coerce ,all Israel to follow it and to strengthen its weak points, and will fight The
- Killing a man and his family. Through a mock execution, the Coast Guardsmen, coerce ,the executioners to confess to the murders. It is later learned that the
- Person of a crime). Natural-law theory Justifying the State's use of force to, coerce ,compliance with its laws has proven a consistent theoretical problem. One of
- Only conveniently find a Nazi war criminal in his hometown but also instantly, coerce ,and control him? " Accolades Reno won the Best Actor award at the Tokyo
- When he determines that Mohism inflicted him with the disease, he attempts to, coerce ,her into revealing the cure, but soon discovers that there is none. The Baron
- Tucker did not have a Utopian vision of anarchy where individuals would not, coerce ,others. He advocated that liberty and property be defended by private
- About that as the two females are leaving the area. DOM follows and tries to, coerce ,Kimono into joining SEGA for protection from fans, but she refuses. Drained
- The propensity of criminal organizations to develop protection rackets, to, coerce , through the use of violence, aggression and threatening behavior (at times
- It from a string to a numeric value. (Concatenating an empty string is to, coerce ,from a number to a string,e.g. s" ". Note,there's no operator to
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