Examples of the the word, daisy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( daisy ), is the 12623 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Depositing the ink on the page and thus printing a character. By rotating the, daisy ,wheel, different characters are selected for printing. These printers were also
  2. Printing at its very edge. For text-only labels (e.g., mailing labels),a, daisy ,wheel printer or band printer may offer better print quality and a lesser
  3. Of 1969,463rd crews commenced COMMANDO VAULT bombing missions dropping ", daisy ,cutter" M-121 10,000 lb (4,534 kg) bombs to clear" instant Los" for
  4. Audience appeal. Her main outfit usually included a feminine bowler hat with a, daisy ,sticking out of it, white gloves and a short dress. In the 1929 cartoon The
  5. Atari's peripherals used the proprietary SO port, which allowed them to be, daisy ,chained together into a single string. These" intelligent" peripherals were
  6. Unit contained only one controller port and the controllers could be physically, daisy ,chained together via a port on the back of each controller. Up to eight
  7. Include, typewriter-derived printers, teletypewriter-derived printers, daisy ,wheel printers, dot matrix printers and line printers. Dot matrix printers
  8. Allioideae of Amaryllidaceae sense late. Asteraceae or Composite, ( the aster, daisy , or sunflower family),comprise the largest family of vascular plants. The
  9. The study of this family is known as synantherology. In addition, the name, daisy ,is derived from its Old English meaning, dægesege, from doges age meaning "
  10. Olympic signed an agreement to use a different starting position (the Belgian, daisy ,) to revitalize the game. This has been used for top tournaments since then
  11. Can process all three types of data, others not. * Character printers, such as, daisy ,wheel printers, can handle only plain text data or rather simple point plots. *
  12. With color tape, and plastic or rubber" squids" with various colors. A, daisy ,chain is a chain of plastic lures which have no hooks. Their purpose is to
  13. Pin and a daisy —the school flower of UNC—after student convocation. The, daisy ,was the inspiration for the original two school colors: gold and white. (Navy
  14. Of various types; dot matrix, thermal,4-color plotter and letter-quality, daisy ,wheel. * Modems, including one model with an acoustic coupler and other
  15. To be reflected back to the transmitter. This is a fundamental problem with the, daisy ,chain method of connecting electronic components. When a returning reflection
  16. Well. The classic, simple way to prioritize interrupts or bus access was with a, daisy ,chain. Early microcomputer bus systems were essentially a passive back-plane
  17. Or use low-altitude extraction for Sheridan tanks or even dropping improvised ", daisy ,cutter" bombs. A key feature was the introduction of the T56 turboprop, first
  18. Like a typewriter ribbon, onto the paper. It was originally contrasted with, daisy ,wheel printers and line printers. Almost all modern computer printers also
  19. Daisy may refer to: Names * Asteraceae or Composite, known as the aster, daisy , or sunflower family * Daisy (given name),a feminine given name, commonly
  20. Valve arrangement is commonly a" daisy valve" also known as a reed valve. The, daisy ,valve is less effective than a rectangular valve grid, although it is easier to
  21. Broadcast the" Daisy ad ". It portrayed a little girl picking petals from a, daisy , counting up to ten. Then a baritone voice took over, counted down from ten to
  22. And other peripherals such as printers were connected to the computer via a, daisy ,chain scheme, necessitating only a single connector on the computer itself.
  23. A Democratic campaign advertisement known as Daisy showed a young girl counting, daisy ,petals, from one to ten. Immediately following this scene, a voice over counted
  24. Of a 24-pin was still visibly inferior to a true letter-quality printer—the, daisy ,wheel or laser-printer, the typical 24-pin impact printer outpaced most
  25. The" Daisy Girl" ad, which featured a little girl picking petals from a, daisy ,in a field, counting the petals, which then segues into a launch countdown and
  26. A genus of about 12–20 species of annual or perennial herbaceous plants in the, daisy ,family Asteraceae, native to the area from Micronesia east through the
  27. Much like the print mechanism on a typewriter. However, unlike a typewriter or, daisy ,wheel printer, letters are drawn out of a dot matrix, and thus, varied fonts
  28. Rice. Lettuce (Lactic sativa) is a temperate annual or biennial plant of the, daisy ,family Asteraceae. It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable. It is eaten
  29. Referred to as the" cracker" ) is included with each mine. When the mines are, daisy ,chained together, one firing device can initiate several mines. The mine can be
  30. For ASCII-character input. These were later replaced by application-specific, daisy ,wheel printers (Diablo, which became a Xerox company, and Hume -- both now
  31. Flowers that were open at each given hour. For example, among members of the, daisy ,family, he used the hawk's beard plant which opened its flowers at 6:30 am and
  32. Plant could be many other members of the same family, which includes the common, daisy , chamomile, and many other species from all over the world. The basins and
  33. An acoustically resonant exhaust pipe. The valve arrangement is commonly a ", daisy ,valve" also known as a reed valve. The daisy valve is less effective than a
  34. International Bird Protection Council. Latvia's national flower is the ox eye, daisy ,(Leucanthemum vulgar also known as Chrysanthemum leucanthemum),Latvian:
  35. Consisting of a base spirit, lemon juice, sugar,grenadine. The most common, daisy ,cocktail is the Brandy Daisy. Other commonly known daisies are the Whiskey
  36. Also had a serial bus (a serial version of the PET's IEEE-488 bus) for, daisy ,chaining disk drives and printers; a TTL-level" user port" with both RS-232
  37. Porn star client in Cali fornication * Daisy, animated tall orange/yellow/green, daisy ,in Oswald * Daisy Buchanan, a character in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novella The
  38. Unplug the C64 itself from the drives (i.e. from the first drive in the, daisy ,chain) and do something else with the computer as the drives proceeded to copy
  39. PC motherboards to this day. The PCI standard supports Bridging, as many as ten, daisy ,chained PCI buses have been tested. Card bus, using the PCMCIA connector, is a
  40. Connections, and can be wired in either a multidrop (electrical parallel) or, daisy ,chain topology, or connected by switched hubs, as in the case of USB. History
  41. War II" para frag ", which was an 11 kg fragmentation bomb, the Vietnam-era, daisy ,cutters, and the bomb lets of some modern cluster bombs. Parachutes slow the
  42. Damselfish, and the flying guard. Flora Common wildflowers include: chamomile, daisy , gladioli, hyacinth,iris, poppy,and tulip. There are more than 200 different
  43. Were often converted to this type of printout. Even manual typewriters or, daisy ,wheel printers could be used. The technique has fallen from popularity since
  44. Leucanthemum),Latvian: pinene. In Latvian conditions, the common or wild, daisy ,blossoms from June till September. Daisies are a very popular flower and are
  45. The Great Leap Forward in power. | | | | | | | Seneca () is a genus of the, daisy ,family (Asteraceae) that includes ragwort and groundless. The flower heads
  46. The same fashion as a typewriter. A hammer strikes a wheel with petals, the ", daisy ,wheel ", each petal containing a letter form at its tip. The letter form
  47. Great an advantage to the first player. One popular attempt is the Marguerite (, daisy ,) positions, two versions of which are displayed on the left and on the right.
  48. Typewriter. Most of these replaced the type ball with a metal or plastic, daisy ,wheel mechanism (a disk with the letters molded on the outside edge of the "
  49. Having to jump. Hunters have a long, flat-kneed trot, sometimes called ", daisy ,cutter" movement, a phrase suggesting a good hunter could slice daisies in a
  50. Is pressed, the foil tightly clings to the surface of the PC board, forming a, daisy ,chain of two capacitors between contact pads and itself separated with thin

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