Examples of the the word, certificates , in a Sentence Context

The word ( certificates ), is the 12624 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Which could give reason to refuse members of this group work- or safety, certificates , adoption possibilities, custody or other social rights or privileges. The
  2. Studies at an intermediate level. Less than 1 % of Roma hold higher educational, certificates , * Poverty: most of the Roma people live in significantly worse conditions than
  3. Authority server, wrong evaluation of the signer identity when issuing, certificates , and known applet publishers still doing something that the user would not
  4. Was granted the rank of journeyman and was given documents (letters or, certificates ,from his master and/or the guild itself) which certified him as a journeyman
  5. Unless they are completing a course of study, are not awarded degrees but, certificates ,of completion of a course of study. The degrees granted by Kepler are not
  6. That presents it. Web browsers are generally distributed with a list of signing, certificates ,of major certificate authorities so that they can verify certificates signed by
  7. Set by Alberta Education, and they may grant high school graduation, certificates ,endorsed by Alberta Education. Universities The University of Alberta
  8. Of Unit's of Competency from various Training Packages. Most First Aid, certificates ,are issued at one of three levels:: * Provide Basic Emergency Life Support.
  9. Equivalent programs, the Cert TESOL and the LTCL Dip TESOL. They offer initial, certificates ,in teaching, in which candidates are trained in language awareness and
  10. Including new aviation technology *Issuing, suspending,or revoking pilot, certificates ,*Regulating civil aviation to promote safety, especially through local offices
  11. Abandoned and unclaimed property ", such as unwashed checks and unredeemed gift, certificates , if the corporation does not have information about the location of the owner
  12. From the European demand for spices. Investors in the VOC were issued paper, certificates ,as proof of share ownership, and were able to trade their shares on the
  13. Certificates signed by them. Acquiring certificates Authoritatively signed, certificates ,may be free or cost between US$13 and $1,500 per year. Organizations may also
  14. Also had 4 children by Thornton Leigh Hunt. Since Lewis was named on the birth, certificates ,as the father of these children despite knowing this to be false, and was
  15. Were taken and some were sold around the world. Appearing both with and without, certificates ,of authenticity, these fragments are now a staple on the online auction service
  16. Community programs. Australia In Australia, Nationally recognized First Aid, certificates ,may only be issued by Registered training organizations who are accredited on
  17. Most countries and regulated by each National Aviation Authority. The existing, certificates ,or pilot licenses are: * PPL (Private Pilot License) conferred by the FAA (
  18. Signing certificates of major certificate authorities so that they can verify, certificates ,signed by them. Acquiring certificates Authoritatively signed certificates may
  19. Arts, or applied science school. These are post-secondary institutions granting, certificates , diplomas,associate's degree, and bachelor's degrees. In Quebec, the term is
  20. Because of inhalant abuse. Inhalant use or abuse was mentioned on 144 death, certificates ,in Texas during the period 1988–1998 and was reported in 39 deaths in Virginia
  21. Developer itself, and has not been independently confirmed. Such self-signed, certificates ,are usually only used during development prior to release where third-party
  22. The site's security information in the address bar. Extended validation, certificates ,turn the address bar green in newer browsers. Most browsers also display a
  23. Also offers five undergraduate programs; a minor in business and management, certificates ,in the College of Education and Human Development, a BS in health science, a
  24. Colleges" or" Colleges of TAKE ". Some private institutions offering TAKE, certificates , university bridging courses, or theological courses of study (i.e. Bible
  25. Completion of tertiary education generally results in the awarding of, certificates , diplomas, or academic degrees. Higher education includes teaching, research
  26. Ownership of all or part of companies all over the world, forged end user, certificates ,and other methods to hide what it was acquiring. At this time, the
  27. Oil it consumes; it has halved its domestic debt through exchange rate-linked, certificates ,and has seen exports grow, on average, by 20 % a year. The exchange rate does
  28. Authority that became Version. Diffie–Hellman cannot be used to sign, certificates , although the Enamel and DSA signature algorithms are related to it. However
  29. Points can be redeemed in house or into corporate partners' gift cards and, certificates , Points can also be converted to Air Miles. HBC is involved in community and
  30. By reason of any act or fact of defection. " Not even those who provide the, certificates ,consider them as having legal or canonical effect. The Church of England
  31. Against the British practice of importing produce from northern Cyprus based on, certificates ,of origin and phytosanitary certificates granted by the de facto authorities.
  32. Of ammunition held, and where and how the firearms are used. Historically, most, certificates , approved for handguns listed" self-defense" as a reason. Since 1968 in
  33. Settings, including colleges, conservatories,and universities. Colleges offer, certificates ,and diplomas in bass performance. Conservatories, which are the standard
  34. CPR-HCP certification is considered AED certified. France In France, first aid, certificates ,are delivered by organizations that are approved by the Minister of the
  35. National debt totaling $80 million. Everyone received face value for wartime, certificates , so that the national honor would be sustained and the national credit
  36. Institution providing higher education and tertiary education, granting, certificates , diplomas,associate's degrees, and bachelor's degrees. Only in Western
  37. Are bastions of several aspects of cultural conservatism in the country. Gift, certificates ,for prestigious department stores are frequently given as formal presents in
  38. Produce from northern Cyprus based on certificates of origin and phytosanitary, certificates ,granted by the de facto authorities. The ECG decided that only goods bearing
  39. They can easily add copies of their own signing certificate to the trusted, certificates ,distributed with the browser. There also exists a peer-to-peer certificate
  40. Providing higher education and lower-level tertiary education, granting, certificates , diplomas, and associate's degrees. After graduating from a community college
  41. Optometry, dentistry,etc. Such institutions may also offer nondegree, certificates , which indicate completion of a set of courses comprising somebody of
  42. Granted by the de facto authorities. The ECG decided that only goods bearing, certificates ,of origin from the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus could be
  43. For bulk encryption using shared keys, and public-key encryption using digital, certificates ,can provide a practical solution for the problem of securely communicating when
  44. Of a set of courses comprising somebody of knowledge, but the granting of such, certificates ,is not the primary purpose of the institutions. Tertiary education is not a
  45. Instruction for those interested in sport pilot, private,and commercial, certificates , The Cadillac Institute of Cosmetology (formerly Cadillac Academy of Beauty)
  46. His own printing plates. Therefore," he proposed a system to pay people with, certificates ,indicating how many hours of work they did. They could exchange the notes at
  47. Authorities so that they can verify certificates signed by them. Acquiring, certificates ,Authoritatively signed certificates may be free or cost between US$13 and
  48. Fleet have been grounded, drained of hydraulic fluid and their airworthiness, certificates ,withdrawn. Jock Lowe, ex-chief Concorde pilot and manager of the fleet
  49. Sheet reveals a number of facts: * The Fed has over $11 billion in gold stock (, certificates ,), which represents the Fed's financial interest in the statutory-determined
  50. Tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of, certificates , diplomas, or academic degrees. Higher education includes teaching, research

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