Examples of the the word, portsmouth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( portsmouth ), is the 12625 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For the large asymmetric spinnaker. The boat is in the fast handicap, with a, portsmouth , yardstick of 880,designed with racing in mind. For this reason it is highly
  2. Memorial Bridge at night, as seen from Prescott Park pier File: Memorial bridge, portsmouth , panorama. JPG|A 270 degree view of the bridge from the Piscataway River
  3. PCBP from:1892 till:1926 color: Portsmouth bar: PCP from:1926 till:1967 color:, portsmouth , bar: SBP from:1836 till:1892 color: Southampton bar: SCBP from:1892 till:1966
  4. Common and embarkation to Grand Turk: 2000 Images from the day Image: Red arrows, portsmouth ,06.05. JPG|Red, white & blue trails - The Red Arrows Image: International Fleet
  5. Increment:10 start:1830 Colors = ID: main value: blue legend: Hampshire ID:, portsmouth , value: powder blue legend: Portsmouth ID: Southampton value: red legend:
  6. Hints on racing, with a view to winning. Griffin and Co. The Hard, portsmouth ,1883 (available online at internet archive
  7. Are based on this sum. Popular handicapping systems in 2006 include PHRF, portsmouth , yardstick,IRC (Sailing),and ORR. Earlier popular rating systems include IOR
  8. PBP from:1836 till:1892 color: Portsmouth bar: PCBP from:1892 till:1926 color:, portsmouth , bar: PCP from:1926 till:1967 color: Portsmouth bar: SBP from:1836 till:1892
  9. Textcolor: black font size: S width:10 bar: PBP from:1836 till:1892 color:, portsmouth , bar: PCBP from:1892 till:1926 color: Portsmouth bar: PCP from:1926 till:1967

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