Examples of the the word, filibuster , in a Sentence Context

The word ( filibuster ), is the 12626 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The threat of the so-called nuclear option that would have eliminated the, filibuster ,entirely. Under the agreement, the senators retained the power to filibuster a
  2. On January 26, 1922. The bill was defeated in the Senate by a Democratic, filibuster , Harding had previously spoken out publicly against lynching on October 21
  3. The bill for 14 hours, a move he later said he regretted. Despite an 83-day, filibuster , in the Senate, both parties in Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the
  4. In" extraordinary circumstances ". The compromise took the steam out of the, filibuster ,movement, but some Republicans remained disappointed that the compromise did
  5. Cuba from Spanish rule. In 1849,López visited Davis and asked him to lead his, filibuster ,expedition to Cuba. He offered an immediate payment of $100,000,plus the same
  6. Of bills to be defeated in hopes that opposition would eventually end their, filibuster , Among the defeated bills was one allowing merchant ships to arm themselves
  7. A regular trade route was established. In 1856,William Walker, an American, filibuster ,began incursions into Central America. After landing in Nicaragua, he
  8. 10 – The U. S. Senate votes cloture of the Civil Rights Bill after a 75-day, filibuster , ** Greece rejects direct talks with Turkey over Cyprus. ** In Cologne, Germany
  9. The Three Kingdoms *Battle of Rivas 1856 - Central American coalition defeats, filibuster ,William Walker *The Battle of the River Plate - 1939 - World War II *Battle of
  10. Filibuster entirely. Under the agreement, the senators retained the power to, filibuster ,a judicial nominee in only an" extraordinary circumstance. " It ensured that
  11. Some of these are internationally used (for example, caucus,gerrymander, filibuster , exit poll). The rise of capitalism, the development of industry and material
  12. Act of 1957; he stopped speaking 24 hours and 18 minutes later, the longest, filibuster ,ever conducted by a single Senator. *1963 – March on Washington for Jobs and
  13. To Hayes. The dispute, however,did not end, as some Democrats threatened to, filibuster ,in the Senate. Eventually, enough were dissuaded from this action. Some say
  14. Are violated, and the government is brought to a halt. " Nevertheless,Smith's, filibuster ,and the tacit encouragement of the Senate President are both emblematic of the
  15. His vote was necessary, so Democrats could obtain cloture to break a Republican, filibuster , At the final vote on December 24, 2009,Byrd referenced recently deceased
  16. In case a Member wishes to speak in Māori. In 2009,Opposition parties held a, filibuster ,against a local government bill, and those who could record their voice votes
  17. Party switch. Thurmond vehemently supported racial segregation with the longest, filibuster ,ever conducted by a single senator, speaking for a total of 24 hours and 18
  18. Merged into the United Province of Canada. * February 18 – The first ongoing, filibuster ,in the United States Senate begins and lasts until March 11. * March 4 – Martin
  19. American Civil Rights Movement. *1957 – U. S. Senator Storm Thurmond begins a, filibuster ,to prevent the Senate from voting on Civil Rights Act of 1957; he stopped
  20. Act of 1964 Byrd joined with other Southern and border-state Democrats to, filibuster ,the Civil Rights Act of 1964,personally filibuster ing the bill for 14 hours, a
  21. On an FEC bill which calls for an end to discrimination in the workplace. A, filibuster ,prevents it from passing. * January 19 – The Bell X-1 is launched for the first
  22. Recipe. Other Southern senators, who had agreed as part of a compromise not to, filibuster ,this bill, were upset with Thurmond because they thought his defiance made them
  23. In the House for passage. After Kennedy's death, it was Johnson who broke a, filibuster ,by Southern Democrats begun in March 1964 and pushed the bill through the
  24. Past, and strongly opposed the Obama health care plan. McCain led a successful, filibuster ,of a measure that would allow repeal of the military's" Don't ask,don't
  25. Commission vote of 8 to 7,and the decision held after a Democratic attempt to, filibuster ,the final result. Since James G. Blaine moved from the House to the United
  26. Act. On September 21, 2010,John McCain led a successful (Yea 56,Nay 43), filibuster , against the debate on the Defense Authorization Act. The bill languished in the
  27. American inventor (b. 1800) * September 12 – William Walker, American, filibuster , who was briefly President of Nicaragua (executed) * September 21 – Arthur
  28. Limits which rewards those who bare soft money is killed by a Republican, filibuster , The BRA was a mixed bag for those who wanted to remove big money from
  29. New York City and San Francisco. Civil war in Nicaragua and an invasion by, filibuster ,William Walker intervened to prevent the canal from being completed. Continued
  30. Who became known as the" Gang of 14" ) to forge a compromise on the judicial, filibuster , thus securing up and down votes for many judicial nominees and ending the
  31. In attempt to rally enough votes for Cannon, the Speaker's allies initiated a, filibuster ,in the form of a point of order debate. When Cannon supporters proved difficult
  32. Fair Elections Bill in the House in 1890. The bill was later defeated in a, filibuster ,in the Senate when Silver Republicans in the West traded it away for the
  33. Filibusters. After considerable parliamentary maneuvering and 54 days of, filibuster ,on the floor of the United States Senate, President Johnson got a bill through
  34. A cloture motion to pass. ) The procedure for" invoking cloture," or ending a, filibuster , is as follows: *A minimum of sixteen senators must sign a petition for cloture
  35. An American institution, as deeply sacred and messed up as pro wrestling or the, filibuster , Musically, though,Spears will always have to measure up to her own gold
  36. Which established a compromise that preserved the ability of senators to, filibuster ,judicial nominees, but only in" extraordinary circumstances ". The compromise
  37. For the first time on November 15, 1919,during the 66th Congress, to end, filibuster ,on the Treaty of Versailles. The cloture rule originally required a
  38. Annexation were made by Spanish Army General Narcs López, who prepared four, filibuster ,expeditions to Cuba in the US. The first two, in 1848 and 1849,failed before
  39. Landlord to keep his apartment building from being demolished and resorts to a, filibuster ,of a City Council meeting to successfully make his point. Anouchka is a 1939
  40. Were Irish and spent the day at various St. Patrick's Day celebrations),the, filibuster ,continued for 26 hours, with Cannon's present friends making repeated motions
  41. 20, 2001 – June 6,2001) **Set record for the longest one-man Congressional, filibuster ,(1957) **Set record for oldest serving member at 94 years (1997) **Set the
  42. The United States Senate in U. S. history at 14 years. He conducted the longest, filibuster ,ever by a lone senator, in opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1957,at 24
  43. Jean Arthur),has come to believe in him, and talks him into launching a, filibuster ,to postpone the Works bill and prove his innocence on the Senate floor just
  44. This was a misdemeanor, based on the Neutrality Act of 1794 passed to block, filibuster ,expeditions like those questionable enterprises of George Rogers Clark and
  45. Opposition and war Laurie led the opposition during World War I. He led the, filibuster ,to the Conservatives' own Naval Bill which would have sent contributions
  46. 1964 – The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is approved after surviving an 83-day, filibuster , in the United States Senate. *1966 – Shiv Sent a political party in India is
  47. United States Senator Storm Thurmond (D-SC) sets the record for the longest, filibuster ,with his 24-hour,18-minute speech railing against a civil rights bill. *
  48. Overall campaign spending by candidates were shelved after a Republican, filibuster , In addition, a constitutional amendment to override a Supreme Court decision
  49. The Bush presidency and the war in Iraq. Operation Iraqi Freedom Byrd led a, filibuster ,against the resolution granting President George W. Bush broad power to wage a
  50. Response to the actions of isolationist senators who attempted to talk out, or, filibuster , a bill to arm U. S. merchant ships. President Woodrow Wilson urged the Senate

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