Examples of the the word, cutting , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cutting ), is the 7080 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His economic plan. The plan focused on reducing the deficit rather than on, cutting ,taxes for the middle class, which had been high on his campaign agenda. Clinton
  2. On the other side of the road when the airplane flew over his head. " I was, cutting ,the grass, and it came in screaming over my head. I felt the impact. The whole
  3. Cascade through the gorges of the coastal ranges. A few larger rivers, those, cutting , back through the Poetic Alps, have tributaries that flow in broad, elevated
  4. With the 40-wire cable it was very common to implement cable select by simply, cutting ,the pin 28 wire between the two device connectors; putting the slave device at
  5. Lead surface area which in turn affects the degree of leaching. In addition, cutting ,operations can smear the lead globules over the surface. These effects can lead
  6. Pi r^2. Surface area Most basic formulae for surface area can be obtained by, cutting ,surfaces and flattening them out. For example, if the side surface of a
  7. May be made either by omitting certain portions from the interior or by, cutting ,off a part. A contraction is an abbreviation, but an abbreviation is not
  8. Has created several versions of a portable 2600,created by, cutting ,apart full-sized vintage units, adding screens and putting them into new
  9. Faces of the crystal. One aspect in the art of lapidary involves the correct, cutting ,to place the color correctly in order to make the tone of the cut stones
  10. Then saw the cloud of smoke from the Pentagon. Omar Camp, another witness, was, cutting , the grass on the other side of the road when the airplane flew over his head. "
  11. Which has undergone mechanical treatment only (for instance: grinding, cutting , turning or polishing) without any change to its natural properties *Modified
  12. The North Alabama region is mostly mountainous, with the Tennessee River, cutting ,a large valley creating numerous creeks, streams,rivers, mountains,and lakes.
  13. Brother of the 1996 Olympics bomber Eric Robert Rudolph, videotaped himself, cutting ,off one of his own hands with an electric saw in order to" send a message to
  14. Abatis can be quickly formed in forested areas. This can be done by simply, cutting ,down a row of trees so that they fall with their tops toward the enemy. An
  15. Its high price and was never really a sales success, but it planted Audi as a, cutting ,edge manufacturer. The model, a Mercedes-Benz A-Class competitor, sold
  16. Between two Egyptian Armies. He then headed north towards Ismail, intent on, cutting ,the Egyptian second army's supply lines, but his division was halted south of
  17. The collapse had meant that successive governments had enacted lean budgets, cutting ,spending, which had been a setback to the further economic development of the
  18. Horse is well-suited to the intricate and speedy maneuvers required in reining, cutting , working cow horse, barrel racing, calf roping, and other western riding events
  19. Paper drawing to the block. Either way, his drawings were destroyed during the, cutting ,of the block. His famous series of sixteen great designs for the Apocalypse are
  20. Elbe Day: United States and Soviet troops meet in Organ along the River Elbe, cutting ,the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany in two, a milestone in the approaching end of
  21. Rather than risk the possibility of Al Jazeera editors editing the videos and, cutting ,out anything critical of the Saudi royal family. Bin Laden's December 2004
  22. French naval forces defeated a British fleet at the Battle of the Chesapeake, cutting ,off Cornwallis' escape. When Washington arrived outside Yorktown, the combined
  23. Quarter Horse is best-known today as a show horse, race horse, reining and, cutting ,horse, rodeo competitor, ranch horse, and all-around family horse. Quarter
  24. Him. Kurosawa chooses to film this simple action in two shots rather than one (, cutting ,between the two only after the action of kneeling has begun) to fully convey
  25. Mini born from the Al2 concept. It featured many features that gave Audi the, cutting ,edge technology that it had lacked for years, like the aluminum space frame
  26. From taking the life of a sentient being (). Buddhist monks should avoid, cutting ,or burning trees, because some sentient beings rely on them. War Unlike the
  27. Comedy-drama in a sitcom style. It also focused only on Ally's personal life, cutting ,all the courtroom plots. The repackaged show did not catch on and was canceled
  28. For Apple II users to extend the capacity of a floppy disk to 280 KB – by, cutting ,out a second write-protect notch on the side of the disk using a" disk notcher
  29. Stock type, more closely resembling the Thoroughbred. Stock type Reining and, cutting ,horses are smaller in stature, with quick, agile movements and very powerful
  30. Be used in areas where electricity is not readily accessible. As well, oxy-fuel, cutting ,is still very popular and oxyacetylene cutting is utilized in nearly every
  31. In the stone, or that the color is not homogeneous often makes for a difficult, cutting , Widths" 220px" heights" 180px "/NP"> per row="3> File: Amethyst.
  32. On the screen is exceptional and how everyday events such as a Samurai, cutting ,bread with his sword are elevated to something special and put into the
  33. Accessible. As well, oxy-fuel cutting is still very popular and oxyacetylene, cutting ,is utilized in nearly every metal fabrication shop. For use in welding and
  34. Materials with cubic boron nitride crystals are often used in the tool bits of, cutting ,tools. For grinding applications, softer binders,e.g. resin, porous ceramics
  35. To within 101 kilometers of Cairo. His division managed to encircle Suez, cutting ,off and encircling the Third Army, but did not force its surrender before the
  36. Simple formulae for area follow from the method of dissection. This involves, cutting ,a shape into pieces, whose areas must sum to the area of the original shape.
  37. Celebration, the Maratha skilled Shasta Khan's son and maimed Shasta Khan by, cutting ,off the fingers of his hand. Shasta Khan, however,survived and was
  38. The term produced anemic derivatives or shortcuts, so the FRQ (meaning, cutting ,) was seen as the etymological explanation for Farouk: so the Saver was one
  39. June 1876,they arranged for Sultan Abdulaziz to kill himself with scissors, cutting ,his two wrists at the same time. It was unclear how the Sultan got hold of a
  40. Other specific geological places of interest include the State Circle, cutting ,and the Deakin anticline. The oldest rocks in the ACT date from the Ordovician
  41. Knee using his pocketknife after the leg got stuck beneath a fallen tree he was, cutting ,in California. * In 2003,27-year-old Aron Alston amputated his forearm using
  42. 20 percent of acetylene is consumed for oxyacetylene gas welding and, cutting ,due to the high temperature of the flame; combustion of acetylene with oxygen
  43. Is utilized in nearly every metal fabrication shop. For use in welding and, cutting , the working pressures must be controlled by a regulator, since above 15 psi
  44. Some species of ants will also fight off competing plants around the acacia, cutting ,off the offending plant's leaves with their jaws and ultimately killing it.
  45. Tooth-gift in ancient times. A tooth-gift was a gift given to an infant on the, cutting ,of the first tooth. In the 12th century Eddie prose Gylfaginning Sorry
  46. Common term before the 17th century for limb loss or removal),or simply ", cutting ,", but by the end of the 17th century" amputation" had come to dominate as
  47. And team roping; and gymkhana or Look-see. Other stock horse events such as, cutting ,and reining are open to all breeds but also dominated by American Quarter Horse
  48. And lay people. He achieved this through various means of generosity and a, cutting ,back of lavish excess. In the year 29 BC, Augustus paid 400 sentences each to
  49. And may reflect the animal's diet. The dust created through the grinding and, cutting ,of abalone shell is dangerous; appropriate safeguards must be taken to protect
  50. Of the town, with the construction of a new rampart with pentagonal towers, cutting ,through the middle of the remaining monuments. The acropolis, the Roman baths

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