Examples of the the word, divergence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( divergence ), is the 12730 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. History is the Resistance series of first-person shooter games. The point of, divergence ,is in the years following World War I, where an isolationist Russian Empire -
  2. And late Eocene, with taxa from both North America and Eurasia involved. The, divergence ,of carnivorans from other mi acids, as well as the divergence of the two clades
  3. Testing has placed the Afghan Hound breed among those with the least genetic, divergence ,from the wolf on some markers; this is taken to mean that such dogs are
  4. Mu is the shear viscosity and \lambda is the bulk viscosity. Therefore,the, divergence ,of \bold symbol is given by: \begin \tabla\dot\bold symbol \equiv \COFRAC & = \mu
  5. Implicitly forming a new time branch. Time travel as the cause of a point of, divergence ,(creating two histories where before there was one, or simply replacing the
  6. Operator and the cross product) for curl and curl F. Unlike the gradient and, divergence , curl does not generalize as simply to other dimensions; some generalizations
  7. Its history into four periods. Pre-Angkorian Khmer, the language after its, divergence ,from Promotion–Khmer until the ninth century, is only known from words and
  8. A partly familiar European history for which the author provides a point of, divergence ,is Randall Garrett's" Lord Darcy" series: a monk systemizing magic rather
  9. Alternate history requires three things: 1) the story must have a point of, divergence ,from the history of our world prior to the time at which the author is writing
  10. Vectors \math bf_r, \math bf_\theta, \math bf_z, then the gradient of p and the, divergence ,of \math bf are given by: \begin \tabla p & = \COFRAC~\math bf_r +
  11. Romance languages. This is an apt comparison in a number of ways. The period of, divergence ,from a single spoken form is similar—perhaps 1500 years for Arabic,2000 years
  12. Involved. The divergence of carnivorans from other mi acids, as well as the, divergence ,of the two clades within Carnivora, Caniformia and California, is now inferred
  13. Thought in key places, and include Gnostic elements: * One central point of, divergence ,is Steiner's views on reincarnation and karma. * Steiner differentiated three
  14. Gene knockdowns are that, because the genome underwent a duplication after the, divergence ,of ray-finned fishes and lobe-finned fishes, it is not always easy to silence
  15. So that in BRE" I'm quite hungry" can mean" I'm somewhat hungry ". This, divergence ,of use can lead to misunderstanding. Frequency * In the UK the word whilst is
  16. Method, which seeks to reconstruct the chronology of the languages ', divergence ,from each other in phonology and lexicon. Language kinship is generally
  17. In Thailand, is referred to in Khmer as Khmer Turin and, although it only began, divergence ,from standard Khmer within the last 200 years, is considered by some linguists
  18. S term" natural selection ", it did outline the mechanics of an evolutionary, divergence ,of species from similar ones due to environmental pressures. In this sense, it
  19. Network aired a show called Stroke of Fate that posited different point of, divergence ,creating an alternate time-line for each episode and dramatized the results
  20. Males may fight for females using very elongated mandibles, causing a strong, divergence ,between males and females in sexual dimorphism. Etymology Coleoptera comes from
  21. Two children, and people familiar to him are radically changed. One historical, divergence ,in this world, exploited mostly for comedy, was the decision of King Edward
  22. Particular, divergence s show up as poles in the complex s plane, with the bulk, divergence ,at s 4. This sum may be analytically continued past this pole, to obtain a
  23. Vastly changed the topography of that region in the late Paleogene, when their, divergence ,presumably occurred. Subfamilies & Genera Subfamily Acheilognathinae –
  24. Of the troubles which clouded the closing years of Albert's reign. Osiander's, divergence ,from Luther's doctrine of justification by faith involved him in a violent
  25. Enantiornithines and hesperornithiforms. Several analyses of bird fossils show, divergence ,of species prior to the K–T boundary, and that duck, chicken and rat ite bird
  26. And the possible effect of natural selection on hybridization and the, divergence ,of species. In 1865,he began investigating spiritualism. After a year of
  27. Citizens of the United States ", and " American Citizens ". Semantic, divergence ,among Anglophones did not affect the Spanish colonies. In 1801,the document
  28. Include the infamous of Central and South America and the rates. The basal, divergence ,from the remaining Neonates was that of the Galloanserae, the super order
  29. In different times or base them on different genres with some based on a, divergence ,in their fictional history, such as the Age of Apocalypse, where Professor X
  30. Because of changes in the Anglican ordination rites of the 16th century and, divergence ,in understanding of the theology of priesthood, episcopacy and Eucharist.
  31. Involve a short position. If the assets used are not identical (so a price, divergence ,makes the trade temporarily lose money),or the margin treatment is not
  32. Frac + \franc=0. Owing respectively to Green's theorem and the, divergence ,theorem, such a field is necessarily conserved and free from sources or sinks
  33. Date of Easter. As to his paschal cycle he says:" I am not the author of this, divergence , I came as a poor stranger into these parts for the cause of Christ, Our
  34. Highly conserved, reflecting much of the early Eutheria arrangement before the, divergence ,of the major modern taxa. Ecology and behavior Aardvarks live in sub-Saharan
  35. Is Command & Conquer: Red Alert. Released in 1996,the game presents a point of, divergence ,in 1946 where Albert Einstein goes back in time to prevent World War II from
  36. Of the Arawak from other dog populations near the base of the dog family tree, divergence ,from wolves or perhaps a uniquely African cross-breeding with local African
  37. Pocket billiards game, is generally classified separately based on its historic, divergence ,from other games, as well as a separate culture and terminology that
  38. Bears and should be considered a member of the family Upside. Estimates of, divergence ,dates place the giant panda as the most ancient offshoot among living taxa
  39. Somewhat similar to our own world, but with magic added. Some posit points of, divergence , but some also feature magic altering history all along. One example of a
  40. That make it possible to trace the evolutionary processes responsible for the, divergence ,of two genomes. A multitude of evolutionary events acting at various
  41. Red Dawn and Red Alert 2,though less comically than the latter. The point of, divergence ,is during World War II, where the Soviet Union develops an atomic bomb first
  42. Writers usually have all changes flow from a particular historical point of, divergence ,(often abbreviated 'POD' by fans of the genre). Prior to Everett
  43. Achaemenid Empire, local vernaculars became increasingly prominent, fanning the, divergence ,of an Aramaic dialect continuum and the development of differing written
  44. Spoke a different dialect from Britain, much like a regional accent. This, divergence ,between American English and British English once caused George Bernard Shaw to
  45. Amplify random differences at the atomic or subatomic level into a macroscopic, divergence ,at some specific point in history; either way, science fiction writers usually
  46. Exp (-t|\omega_n |) where the limit t\to 0^+ is taken in the end. The, divergence ,of the sum is typically manifested as: \angle E (t) \range = \franc +
  47. Has a vanishing curl and the magnetic field (B-field) has a vanishing, divergence , The E-modes arise naturally from Thomson scattering in a heterogeneous plasma.
  48. Is set in 1989,with the Soviet Union on the verge of collapse. The point of, divergence ,is several months before the opening of the game, when Warsaw Pact forces
  49. Several scenarios recreate a particular period which becomes the" point of, divergence ," in an alternate history shaped by the player's actions. Popular examples in
  50. The extinction of the other dinosaurs. This disagreement is in part caused by a, divergence ,in the evidence; molecular dating suggests a Cretaceous radiation, while fossil

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