Examples of the the word, renounce , in a Sentence Context

The word ( renounce ), is the 12731 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interests of the State Party ". Article 8 provides nationals with the right to, renounce ,their nationality, providing they do not thereby become stateless. States may
  2. Really be removed from their place for the sake of Job? And shall necessity, renounce ,its sacred rights? This would truly be the summit of human audacity, this would
  3. Wing who fired the rockets. Human Right Watch called Hamas to" publicly, renounce ," the rocket attacks against Israeli civilians and hold those responsible to
  4. To restore his faith, but Alonso Equiano, for that is his true name, can only, renounce ,his previous existence and apologize for the harm he has caused. He dictates
  5. To Judaism a convert must accept basic Jewish principles of faith, and, renounce , all other religions, the process is more like a form of adoption, or changing
  6. 4. A series of questions is then asked, to which the reply is always" I, renounce ,them ":: Do you renounce Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that
  7. For him, but soon due to the pressure of Quraish, Ad-Dughna was forced to, renounce ,his protection. Once again the Quraish were free to persecute Abu Bakr. In 620
  8. Was deposed anyway and put in the monastery of Judges. In 794,he was made to, renounce ,any claim to Bavaria for himself and his family (the Agilolfings) at the
  9. By the Naturalization Act 1870,it was made possible for British subjects to, renounce ,their nationality and allegiance, and the ways in which that nationality is
  10. Would not develop an interest in the family business and was willing to, renounce ,his inheritance. Alfred arranged for the firm to be reorganized as a
  11. As a terrorist organization, and have pressured Hamas to recognize Israel, renounce ,violence, and make good on past agreements. Prior to disengagement,120,000
  12. Adhara, and son, Rahula. In order to pursue an ascetic life, he needed to, renounce ,aspects of the impermanent world, including his wife and son. Later on both his
  13. Relations by signing basic treaties with Romania, Slovakia,and Ukraine. These, renounce ,all outstanding territorial claims and lay the foundation for constructive
  14. The States-General in the royal session of 23 June 1789 (art. 15) it did not, renounce ,it absolutely. Abolition and reinstatement Letters de cachet were abolished
  15. Been unable to accept the change and had been executed in 1535 for refusing to, renounce ,papal authority. Critical for the Meridian reformation was the new political
  16. In that work, Heraclius is portrayed as declining the Prophet's command to, renounce ,his false belief in Christianity; he is therefore defeated by the Muslim forces
  17. From either side would be far too costly; the nationalist leaders had to, renounce ,the idea of a direct assault on Madrid, and prepare for a siege of the capital.
  18. From Eritrea into the more fertile Abyssinian hinterland. Menelik would later, renounce ,the Whale Treaty as he had been tricked by the translators to agree to making
  19. Pippin),and the king had to drag Tassel out of imprisonment to formally, renounce ,his rights and titles at the Assembly of Frankfurt in 794. This is the last
  20. He also forced the French to surrender all of their concessions in China and to, renounce ,their extraterritorial privileges in exchange for the Chinese withdrawing from
  21. In his father's plans. Alexei wrote a pitiful reply to his father, offering to, renounce ,the succession in favor of his baby half-brother Peter. Furthermore, in
  22. Agreement that Constantine, Owen of Strathclyde, Hywel DDA, and Alfred would ", renounce ,all idolatry ": that is, they would not ally with the Viking kings. William
  23. It was the first time he felt totally at peace with God. Still, he did not, renounce ,the slave trade until later in his life. After his return to England in 1750
  24. Reservations about Bergson below. ) The influence of Bergson had led James" to, renounce ,the intellectualism method and the current notion that logic is an adequate
  25. As both in awe of and insanely jealous of Mozart, going so far as to, renounce ,God for blessing his adversary;" Amadeus" means love of God, or God's love
  26. Starting with the 'Svadhisthana Chakra ', these Yogis aren't expected to, renounce ,sex or certain foods, and by virtue of this they do not need to remove
  27. Of Kampuchea in 1979. In 1981,the Khmer Rouge went as far as to officially, renounce ,Communism While Vietnam proposed to withdraw in return for a political
  28. Of Spain, a title which he himself claimed; in return, Philip V had refused to, renounce ,his claims to Naples, Milan,and the Netherlands, all of which had transferred
  29. Criminal, but the trials never proceeded. After the war, the firm was forced to, renounce ,arms manufacturing. Gustav attempted to reorient to consumer products, under
  30. Ruled by Savoy dynasty, until popular pressure compelled the Savoy dynasty to, renounce ,the title of bishop. In 1457,a major government organ was established in
  31. And all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God?: Do you, renounce ,the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?:
  32. The Magna Carta and the Charter of the Forest. Measures were taken to, renounce ,the increasing veneration of the fallen Simon de Montfort, whom some were
  33. Colonial demands were just a negotiating tactic that would see Germany ", renounce ," her colonial claims in exchange for a British alliance. In the fall of 1935
  34. The incompatibility of the two aims grew: whoever chose Rome and the West must, renounce ,the East, and vice versa. Justinian entered the arena of ecclesiastical
  35. Edward III, although in practice the English kings were generally prepared to, renounce ,this claim if the French would acknowledge the English claim on Aquitaine and
  36. Then be considered retroactively invalid. He must be informed of his right to, renounce ,his conversion if he wishes. If he does not make such a statement it is
  37. The governments of Bern and Fribourg to the point of suggesting to Geneva to, renounce ,the alliance treaty of 1526 and accept Savoy rule, which the council of Geneva
  38. Can apply for PRC citizenship at the Immigration Department, though they must, renounce ,their original nationality in order to acquire the PRC citizenship.
  39. Is then asked, to which the reply is always" I renounce them ":: Do you, renounce ,Satan and all the spiritual forces of wickedness that rebel against God?: Do
  40. End of the First Sino-Japanese War, and the defeated Qing Empire is forced to, renounce ,its claims on Korea and to concede the southern portion of the Lengthen
  41. Oswald appeared at the United States embassy in Moscow, declaring a desire to, renounce ,his U. S. citizenship. Oswald told the interviewing officer at the U. S.
  42. S deathbed sent another Cartesian (Geocaching CIASI) to urge him to, renounce ,his worldly studies. Petrarch then dissuaded Boccaccio from burning his own
  43. Powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?: Do you, renounce ,all sinful desires that draw you from the love of God? 5. The second half of
  44. The ability of all but the top 20 to 30 percent of students. The claims clearly, renounce ,historical research that shows that all ethnic and income groups score
  45. On the Parliament of Scotland increased attempts to force the Covenants to, renounce ,their faith and accept Episcopalian rule of the church by the monarch. When
  46. He descended into hell. " The Danish National Church still uses the phrase" We, renounce ,the devil and all his works and all his ways" as the beginning of this creed
  47. Treaty of the Pyrenees. The marriage treaty specified that Maria Theresa was to, renounce ,all claims to Spanish territory for herself and all her descendants. However
  48. In persuading Hitler to recognize the Japanese puppet state of Manchu and to, renounce ,German claims upon her former colonies in the Pacific, which were now held by
  49. Wanted to regain the throne of Sweden and tried to force Gustavus Adolphus to, renounce ,the title. In a round of this dynastic dispute, Gustavus invaded Livonia when
  50. Would attempt to create dialog with the gang members in order to sway them to, renounce ,their violence and re-integrate into society. However, this program has relied on

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