Examples of the the word, critically , in a Sentence Context
The word ( critically ), is the 6285 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Michael Bluth's (Jason Batsman) love interest, on the third season of Fox's, critically ,acclaimed television series Arrested Development. She also received Golden
- The next 30 hours saw four major counterattacks against a sole company, critically ,low on supplies and out of water. The Marines soon had to resort to
- Dhaka also has a vibrant commercial industry and more recently has been home to, critically ,acclaimed directors like Marque Maud. Mainstream Hindi films of Bollywood are
- And Holly Halley (shared role Fredrika) and Kasia Hammarlund (Petra). This, critically ,acclaimed production transferred to the Garrick Theatre in the West End for a
- Appearing on" Sabra Casaba. " In November 1973,Black Sabbath released the, critically ,acclaimed Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. For the first time in their career, the band
- Largely because of the difficulties involved in marketing the film),yet was, critically ,acclaimed and subsequently revitalized by video releases. Then, by the time
- While a box office success, failed to outgrows any of its predecessors and was, critically ,panned, causing Warner Bros. to cancel the planned fifth film, Batman
- Computer program that can produce that string. This definition of randomness is, critically ,dependent on the definition of Kolmogorov complexity. To make this definition
- To high school basketball, commonly called Hoosier Hysteria in Indiana; the, critically ,acclaimed film Hoosiers shows high school basketball's depth of meaning to
- And in Madeira. Santiago Island holds the only breeding site of the endemic and, critically ,endangered Bourne's Heron. The 11 endemic reptile species include a giant
- About 80 Federal cannons added to the din. The Army of Northern Virginia was, critically ,low on artillery ammunition, and the cannonade did not significantly affect the
- To be a drama film about the rise of a Las Vegas stripper, that flopped both, critically ,and commercially when released theatrically; afterward, it enjoyed success on
- For Indian independence as a backdrop for their plots. Some of the most, critically ,acclaimed Hindi films of all time were produced during this period. Examples
- Significant amount of blood. He required an emergency splenectomy and remained, critically ,ill in hospital for many months, at times close to death. The public response
- Earlier success as an action hero, the film was a failure both financially and, critically , ABEL was the main sponsor of the 1996 Miss World beauty pageant, Bangalore but
- Copies. The 1993" Nightfall" story arc introduced a new villain, Bane,who, critically ,injures Bruce Wayne. Jean-Paul Valley, known as Israel, is called upon to wear
- Film appearance in the role of Erroneous. Broadway revivals In 1972 there was a, critically ,well-received Broadway revival, directed by co-author Burt Shelve and
- S Last Sigh as 'Roman Fielding '. Surety Meta interviews Thackeray in his, critically ,acclaimed, Pulitzer-nominated,non-fiction 2004 book Maximum City. The Parker (
- Biff, and Cameron Mitchell as Happy. The play was commercially successful and, critically ,acclaimed, winning a Tony Award for Best Author, the New York Drama Circle
- In Copenhagen. The radial arterial roads leading to Copenhagen city center are, critically ,congested during peak hours. Cycling Copenhagen is known as one of the most
- Character Autofocus (" the King of Thieves" ) on both. Campbell made a, critically ,acclaimed dramatic guest role as a grief-stricken detective seeking revenge for
- The Weird stone of Brisingamen proved to be a" resounding success ... both, critically ,and commercially ", later being described as" a tour de force of the
- 1957 – Far hat Basis Khan, Indian Photography and Media Activist Academician,a, critically ,acclaimed Media Professional. * 1959 – Apollonian Otero, American singer and
- Was soon called to Hollywood for character parts in early talkies. Despite his, critically ,acclaimed performance on stage, Lugosi was not Universal Pictures’ first
- Her bows. Mores by rejoined Champion convinced she had scored a hit. Sailing, critically ,damaged and very nearly sinking, barely survived the return voyage and after
- Underground artist Jack Smith appears in the film Camp. His most popular and, critically ,successful film was Chelsea Girls (1966). The film was highly innovative in
- Some ABBA classics. In 2004,she made a successful comeback, releasing the, critically ,acclaimed album My Coloring Book, which debuted at number 1 in Sweden (
- Wonderful appearances to the immediate agency of the gods. " In the work, Smith, critically , examines the moral thinking of his time, and suggests that conscience arises
- Areas of Cuba, and the Isla de la Juventus. Among other notable fauna is the, critically ,endangered Blue Iguana, which is endemic to Grand Cayman. Also, present are the
- Be independent in politics and religion; liberal, industrious,enterprising, critically ,concerned with literacy and dramatic matters, and diligent in its mission to
- Popular action film Sanskrit Sugar (a. k. a. Judo Saga). After the war,the, critically ,acclaimed Drunken Angel (1948),in which Kurosawa cast then-unknown actor
- Then with twice daily antibiotics. Sub optimum antibiotic concentrations in, critically ,ill people increase the frequency of antibiotic resistance organisms. While
- Are mainly island species that have evolved specialized traits and include the, critically ,endangered Sri Lankan relict ant (Aneurysms Simon) and Adetomyrma Beatrix
- Temples" from Laurel Records). Despite being well received by fans and, critically ,acclaimed and nominated in 1983 for a BAFTA and Golden Globe as best original
- Extensive topside damage from gunfire of US cruisers and destroyers, but,more, critically , her steering gear was incapacitated by an 8-inch shell. The next day, Hiei was
- The largest amount of feedback in its history to that point. Eskimo was, critically ,acclaimed and released worldwide; as a result, Mala became an international
- Of the shooting schedule. Batman & Robin was released on June 20, 1997,and was, critically ,panned. Observers criticized the film for its poetic and camp approach, as
- And 1990s,as well as touring regularly. In 1995,Brian Wilson appeared in the, critically ,acclaimed documentary I Just Wasn't Made for These Times, which saw him
- Perfect bodies. They are anatomically erotic. " Clooney himself has spoken, critically ,of the film, saying," I think we might have killed the franchise ", and called
- While working on Not the Nine O'Clock News. Eager to avoid comparisons to the, critically ,acclaimed Faulty Towers, they proposed the idea of a historical sitcom. An
- Worldwide. They are one of the most well known groups in West Coast rap and are, critically ,acclaimed for their first three groundbreaking albums. History Formation (1988
- Marriage in Saint-Tropez in May 1958. In 1963, she starred in Jean-Luc Godard's, critically ,acclaimed film Contempt. Bar dot was featured in many other films along with
- Eraser head (1977),an example of shoe-string surrealism was a flop both, critically ,and commercially, yet was saved from obscurity thanks to home video in the late
- Who Cares Who Killed Roger Across? " Aside from Roger Across, the most, critically ,acclaimed Poirot novels appeared from 1932 to 1942,including such acknowledged
- 1968) directed by George A. Romero earned moderate box office takings but was, critically ,polarized at the time. However, the culture of Vietnam-era United States had a
- May be already extinct, and the Christmas Island Pipistrelle, a small bat, is, critically , endangered and possibly also extinct. The annual red crab mass migration (
- Large-scale cotton production in 1929. The colonial administration in Chad was, critically ,understaffed and had to rely on the dregs of the French civil service. Only the
- Besides joining Romania, Turkey,and Russia in joint scientific studies of the, critically ,polluted Black Sea, Bulgaria actively sought environmental technology and
- During slurring between high and low registers. While bassoons are usually, critically ,tuned at the factory, the player nonetheless has a great degree of flexibility
- Bye Africa, was made in 1999 by Bahamas Sale Around. His later film Abound was, critically ,acclaimed, and his Draft won the Grand Special Jury Prize at the 63rd Venice
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