Examples of the the word, disseminate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disseminate ), is the 6295 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Developing and implementing new laws, policies and action plans • Develop and, disseminate ,guidance and training materials on key aspects of forced labor and trafficking
  2. Africa and South America. Category B agents are moderately easy to, disseminate ,and have low mortality rates. * Food safety threats (for example, Salmonella
  3. Pro-evolution bias or conspiracy, Dembski himself has said that he prefers to, disseminate ,his ideas in non-peer-reviewed media:" I've just gotten kind of blasé about
  4. Which" fell stillborn from the press," as he put it, and so tried again to, disseminate ,his more developed ideas to the public by writing a shorter and more polemical
  5. Use language to frame their message and thereby valuate it, helping to further, disseminate ,the adoption of their message. This phenomenon of language influencing thought
  6. To foster continuous advancement in the practice of software engineering and to, disseminate ,insights, experiences,and proven practices throughout the relevant research
  7. Ordinary citizens, the educational system, the media networks that control and, disseminate ,information. Sartre systematically refused to keep quiet about what he saw as
  8. German or opposing forces required time to gather information, make a decision, disseminate ,orders to subordinates, and then implement this decision through action.
  9. Of work, coordinate with other international organizations, and collect and, disseminate ,information. Subsidiary body for Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
  10. Include those in the Federal Government who do not normally encounter or, disseminate ,foreign intelligence in the performance of their duties, and State and local
  11. Research institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico—to study complex systems and, disseminate ,the notion of a separate interdisciplinary study of complexity theory. Personal
  12. Putnam’s administration would need time in order to collect, organize,and, disseminate ,all the material within the Library of Congress’ collection, the task was
  13. Assessments (ON) ). It stated that" the BASIS role is to collect and, disseminate ,facts only. It is not supposed to be in the analytical or policy advising
  14. Intelligence Department, a British clandestine body created to produce and, disseminate ,propaganda during WWII. Other *Pathways Into Darkness, a 1993 video game by
  15. Its) are a“ diverse set of tools and resources used to communicate, create, disseminate , store, and manage information. ” These technologies include computers, the
  16. Object of which was to keep the various stations in touch with one another, and, disseminate , information as to progress in the different parts. The various printing presses
  17. Or untrue, but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to, disseminate ,the propaganda. More in line with the religious roots of the term, it is also
  18. Takes advantage of this mating arrangement to get the male bee to collect and, disseminate ,its pollen; parts of its flower not only resemble the appearance of sand bees
  19. He added that at that time, the object of the MB in Britain was only to, disseminate ,information on Islam, Islamic issues and movements, and to rectify the
  20. The location of the book to Smith and instructing him to translate and, disseminate ,it as evidence of the restoration of Christ's true church in the latter days.
  21. To generate new knowledge, enhance individual and institutional capacities, and, disseminate , its useful information to relevant audiences. Within the scope of these five
  22. Fungi. Rather, the invention of the printing press allowed some authors to, disseminate ,superstitions and misconceptions about the fungi that had been perpetuated by
  23. Has received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007" for their efforts to build up and, disseminate ,greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for
  24. In particular with OTC contracts, there is no central exchange to collate and, disseminate ,prices. Determining the arbitrage-free price The arbitrage-free price for a
  25. Book of the Bible, were commissioned in the early ninth century by Louis to, disseminate ,scriptural knowledge to the masses. A council of Tours in 813 and then a synod
  26. Data dissemination standards with the view of guiding IMF member countries to, disseminate ,their economic and financial data to the public. The International Monetary and
  27. Of proof lies when unfounded allegations are made. The power of the internet to, disseminate ,comment, which may include malicious comment, has brought a new focus to the
  28. S Prudence Tabular or Prussian Tables. These astronomical tables helped to, disseminate ,calculation methods of Copernicus throughout the Empire, however,Gingrich
  29. His sexual partner. The virions can then infect numerous cellular targets and, disseminate ,into the whole organism. However, a selection process leads to a predominant
  30. Delivery of a chemical agent from an aircraft, allowing aerodynamic stress to, disseminate ,the agent. This technique is the most recent major development in chemical
  31. Proactive; it uses Hello and Topology Control (TC) messages to discover and, disseminate ,link state information through the mobile ad-hoc network. Using Hello messages
  32. Promote portfolio performance; (ix) evaluate business processes; and (x), disseminate , findings and recommendations and ensure their use. OED's work program has also
  33. Sacred musical compositions. The introduction of commercial printing helped to, disseminate ,musical styles more quickly and across a larger area. Prominent composers from
  34. Of classical works, and he employed a large workshop to copy his books and, disseminate ,their content across Europe. He supported the development of humanism through
  35. Website, DSD has two principal functions: * to collect and, disseminate ,foreign signals intelligence; * to provide information security products and
  36. Topics of Hindu philosophy. The first Hindu teacher to actively advocate and, disseminate ,aspects of Yoga to a western audience was Swami Vivekananda, who toured Europe
  37. In view of increasing the level of self-protection of citizens *To collect and, disseminate ,validated emergency information *To pool information on national civil
  38. Fruits (in either sense of the word) are the means by which many plants, disseminate ,seed. Most plants bearing edible fruits, in particular, coevolved with animals
  39. Facilitate the trades by committing their own capital and as a matter of course, disseminate ,information to the crowd that helps to bring buyers and sellers together. The
  40. And the aircraft when it is beyond line-of-sight and is a link to networks that, disseminate ,secondary intelligence. The RQ-1A system needs 1,500 by 40 meters (5,000 by
  41. Do period. Magical powers were sometimes rooted in the ninja's own efforts to, disseminate ,fanciful information. For example, Nakagawa Shoshujin, the 17th century founder
  42. Warheads) that allow dissemination at a distance and spray tanks which, disseminate ,from low-flying aircraft. Developments in the techniques of filling and storage
  43. Special programs SET Partner Network The SET Partner Network helps the SET, disseminate ,software engineering best practices. Organizations and individuals in the SET
  44. Laboratory in India in the field of physical sciences. NPAI continues to, disseminate ,standard time and frequency signals (STFS) via geostationary satellite INSAT
  45. Institutes, and Catholic schools throughout Bulgaria. The main aims were to, disseminate ,French culture and the French language and to gain prestige and business for
  46. Management systems. Their decentralized nature allows them, in principle, to, disseminate , needed information across an organization more rapidly and more cheaply than a
  47. The IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize" for their efforts to build up and, disseminate ,greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for
  48. Residence. Often fulfill the role of neighborhood meeting points and places to, disseminate ,community news. While offering a more limited, and sometimes varied, assortment
  49. A slip, a cutting of a vine" and refers to the gardener's practice to, disseminate ,plants by planting shoots. The term is not pejorative in origin and its
  50. Stated in its Constitution, became " to advance parapsychology as a science, to, disseminate , knowledge of the field, and to integrate the findings with those of other

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