Examples of the the word, secretariat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( secretariat ), is the 6304 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Disgruntled at the lukewarm reforms, were then made subordinate to the, secretariat ,of the party, headed by Roberto Fibonacci, although gradual women's suffrage
  2. The definitive text in Latin of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Its, secretariat ,was in the building that houses the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
  3. For radio communications and telecommunications matters **The permanent, secretariat ,of the ECC is the European Communications Office (ECO) * European Committee
  4. Of national standards institutes from 157 countries, coordinated through a, secretariat ,in Geneva, Switzerland. ISO is the world's the largest developer of standards. ISO
  5. Leaders harbor long-term hopes of having the city serve as the home of the, secretariat ,of a future Free Trade Area of the Americas. Atlanta is also home to a growing
  6. The Federation is its constitution. The executive body of the Federation is a, secretariat , led by a Secretary General. The secretariat is supported by four divisions
  7. Convention and to provide them with services as required. One key task of the, secretariat ,is to compile and transmit reports submitted to it. The secretariat also
  8. The General Assembly of the detailed consideration of those questions and whose, secretariat ,could carry out more substantive work than the existing Industry Section of the
  9. The central administrative pillar of the Benelux Economic Union. It handles the, secretariat ,of the Committee of Ministers, the Council of Economic Union and the various
  10. That several FARC-leaders were ready to surrender and liberate hostages,the, secretariat ,of the FARC sent out a communiqué emphasizing the death of their founder would
  11. Staff officer to the president in the supervision and conduct of the war. The, secretariat ,of the committee serves as the principal link between the service headquarters
  12. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPU),and the entire politburo and, secretariat ,resigned. This was followed by the Supreme Soviet vote declaring independence
  13. The Politburo by Zingier, who had supported Lenin. Krestinsky's place in the, secretariat ,was taken by Vyacheslav Molotov. The congress also adopted a secret resolution
  14. Body of the Federation is a secretariat , led by a Secretary General. The, secretariat ,is supported by four divisions labeled" Support Services "," National Society
  15. Frequency coordination, notification and registration. ITU-R has a permanent, secretariat , the Radio communication Bureau, based at the ITU HQ in Geneva, Switzerland. The
  16. From the Parliament of each member state, and the Secretary General heading the, secretariat ,of the Council of Europe. The Commissioner for Human Rights is an independent
  17. The Treasurer. The day-to-day running of the EPP Group is performed by its, secretariat ,in the European Parliament, led by its Secretary-General. The Group runs its
  18. Political makeup of the whole Parliament) including a Chairman, a bureau and, secretariat , They meet twice a month in public to draw up, amend to adopt legislative
  19. Promoted to official ministers of the government and independence for the party, secretariat , Finally, in January 1942,Verboten announced that the German administration
  20. To the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNF CCC), secretariat , the overwhelming direct cause of deforestation is agriculture. Subsistence
  21. The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (iPad),established its, secretariat ,in Djibouti. iPad’s mandate is for regional cooperation and economic
  22. Henry V (reigned 1413–1422). 1500–1707 The standing Navy Royal, with its own, secretariat , dockyards and a permanent core of purpose-built warships, was created in the
  23. One Kubuabola said, and for the first three years of its presence in Fiji, its, secretariat , would be financed by the New Zealand government. World Trade Organization
  24. Brussels but would meet in Luxembourg during April, June,and October. The CSC, secretariat ,moved from Luxembourg to the merged body Council secretariat in the Ravenstein
  25. Secretariat in the Ravenstein building of Brussels. In 1971 the Council and its, secretariat ,moved into the Charlemagne building, next to the Commission's Beaumont, but
  26. On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Each treaty body receives, secretariat ,support from the Human Rights Council and Treaties Division of Office of the
  27. To found the International Union of American Republics, served by a permanent, secretariat ,called the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics (renamed the "
  28. Had no administrative ability, left the party organization to the head of the, secretariat , Philipp Bowler, the party treasurer Franz Xavier Schwarz and business manager
  29. Labour standards. Its headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland. Its, secretariat ,— the people who are employed by it throughout the world — is known as the
  30. On setting policy. Secretariat The work under the UNF CCC is facilitated by a, secretariat ,in Bonn, Germany,which from July 2010 is headed by Executive Secretary
  31. The position of Princes, he began to depend more and more upon the limited, secretariat ,left to him by Augustus, and specifically upon Sedans and the Praetorian's. In
  32. Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SPARC) and is the site of its, secretariat , On international issues, Nepal follows a nonaligned policy and often votes
  33. And laity chosen by the thirty-eight provinces. The body has a permanent, secretariat , the Anglican Communion Office, of which the Archbishop of Canterbury is
  34. 2008 meeting of the British-Irish Council, it was agreed to set up a standing, secretariat ,that would serve as a permanent 'civil service' for the Council. Leading on
  35. October. The CSC secretariat moved from Luxembourg to the merged body Council, secretariat ,in the Ravenstein building of Brussels. In 1971 the Council and its secretariat
  36. Sakharov defects through Iran. He is the only assistant of Joseph Stalin's, secretariat ,to have defected from the Eastern Bloc. *1929 – The former municipalities of
  37. The Secretary of the State of New Mexico. ** Warsaw Treaty Organization joint, secretariat ,established. December ** José López Portillo takes office as President of
  38. Magistrates to have to serve under him, as if they were not peers. The, secretariat ,was divided into bureaus, with each being placed under the leadership of one
  39. Name suggests, hosted in Uruguay). Montevideo is home to the headquarters (, secretariat ,) of Mercosur, the Common Market of the South, whose full members are Uruguay
  40. And is responsible for the invitations to it. He acts as president of the, secretariat ,of the Anglican Communion Office, and its deliberative body, the Anglican
  41. Provide technical recommendations for WHO and the national services. * The, secretariat ,headed by the Secretary-General coordinates the activities of WHO with a
  42. Task of the secretariat is to compile and transmit reports submitted to it. The, secretariat ,also provides assistance to affected developing country Parties, particularly
  43. Which undertake most of the work of the Sector. ITU-T has a permanent, secretariat , the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB),based at the ITU HQ in
  44. Held its Luxembourg meetings in the Circle Municipal on Place d’Arms. Its, secretariat ,moved on numerous occasions but between 1955 and 1967 it was housed in the
  45. In Has Castanet to the new UN campus in July 2006. The functions of the, secretariat ,are to make arrangements for sessions of the Conference of the Parties (COP)
  46. Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE) as its, secretariat , Since 1979 the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution has
  47. Leader. Major sections within the political wing include International peace, secretariat , led by Policeman, LTTE Police, LTTE court, Eelam bank, Sports division and "
  48. And laity chosen by the thirty-eight provinces. The body has a permanent, secretariat , the Anglican Communion Office, of which the Archbishop of Canterbury is
  49. Offices in Has Castanet, Bonn,Germany. From 2006 to 2010 the head of the, secretariat ,was YVO de Boer; on May 17, 2010 his successor, Christiana Figures from Costa
  50. Precursor Naturals Renováveis--Ibama) joined together the federal environment, secretariat ,and the federal agencies specializing in forestry, rubber,and fisheries. In

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