Examples of the the word, lounge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lounge ), is the 6290 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is usually provided for premium/status passengers. A third party arrivals, lounge ,is provided at Gatwick Airport within the Softer hotel. Incidents and
  2. Of the First lounge . At airports in which BA does not operate a departure, lounge , a third party departure lounge is usually provided for premium/status
  3. Have access to departure lounge s at most airports and an exclusive arrival, lounge ,at London Heathrow Terminal 5. On 13 November 2006,British Airways launched a
  4. Invited to Buckingham Palace in the daytime choose to wear service uniform or, lounge ,suits, a minority wear morning coats, and in the evening, depending on the
  5. By tenderness and wicked gallows humor. "" 'Po Boy ', scored for banjo with, lounge ,chord jazz patterns,'almost sounds as if it could have been recorded around
  6. Contains a late night diner called Ike's (open until 4am),a large study, lounge , a handful of small group study rooms, HDTV lounge with a pool table and
  7. An increased number of BA miles per flight and access to the Concorde Room, lounge ,regardless of travel class. It is given only by the BA board and has 1,200
  8. Her past romance with Bletch in a black-and-white flashback to her days as a, lounge ,singer. The flatulence from the cake causes Heidi to lay waste to the set
  9. The chamber. The current speaker, John Below, has chosen to wear a gown over a, lounge ,suit, a decision which has sparked much debate and opposition. The Speaker or
  10. Hotel added a lounge in the basement that featured jazz. In the 1980s,when the, lounge ,was revived, it was catered to late night blues performers. In 2002,the Subway
  11. Services. The library now features wireless capability, a redesigned student, lounge ,and circulation desk, improved lighting, and expanded electronic resources.
  12. Premises. The airline then procured a liquor license and began operating the, lounge ,as the" Admirals Club" in 1939. The second Admirals Club opened at Washington
  13. During the summers, she would frequent the prime minister's house, so she could, lounge ,about on his veranda during the hot Delhi days. Personal correspondence between
  14. Patrons can illicitly smoke without repercussions. Pub architecture Saloon or, lounge ,By the end of the 18th century a new room in the pub was established: the
  15. Model" ), and " Chaise tongue" ( LC-4," Long chair ", English:" chaise, lounge ,"). The LC-2 and LC-3 are more colloquially referred to as the and (
  16. Airlines began to use the upper-deck for premium passenger seating instead of, lounge ,space, Boeing offered a ten-window upper deck as an option. Some −100s were
  17. Until 4am),a large study lounge , a handful of small group study rooms, HDTV, lounge , with a pool table and vending machines. Rappahannock (formerly Central):
  18. In which BA does not operate a departure lounge , a third party departure, lounge ,is usually provided for premium/status passengers. A third party arrival
  19. Are being replaced by Galleries First lounge s, an upgraded version of the First, lounge , At airports in which BA does not operate a departure lounge , a third party
  20. And staffed by many of the same employees, the AA Flagship Lounge is a separate, lounge ,specifically designed for customers flying on premium flights both within the
  21. Longue: a long chair for reclining; (also rendered chaise lounge or chase, lounge ,by folk etymology).; Champs-Élysées: literally" Elysian Fields "; Avenue DES
  22. Machines, more people within the industry saw karaoke as a profitable form of, lounge ,and nightclub entertainment. It is not uncommon for some bars to have karaoke
  23. For maintenance of avionics ** Passenger service agents (such as airline, lounge ,employees) ** Reservation agents, usually (but not always) at facilities
  24. Call it piano bars. North America and Europe A karaoke bar, restaurant,club or, lounge ,is a bar or restaurant that provides karaoke equipment so that people can sing
  25. Preparations, or for other membership privileges (e.g., access to a club, lounge ,in airports, using a frequent flyer card). Loyalty programs are predominantly
  26. Before desegregation when it opened in 1943. In the 1960s,the hotel added a, lounge ,in the basement that featured jazz. In the 1980s,when the lounge was revived
  27. 27 March 2011. It is KLM's new premium product on shorter sectors. It offers, lounge ,access, a pitch with more recline, in-seat power output on all Boeing 737-700
  28. Cabin crew. Airport lounge s British Airways operates several types of, lounge ,for passengers travelling in the premium cabins and passengers with Silver or
  29. As Continental Army soldiers carry the eponymous log from the sun-dial to the, lounge ,of John Jay Hall, where it is lit amid the singing of seasonal carols. The
  30. Except WBC Holiday Fare which may have restrictions) check-in desks, lounge ,access, priority boarding and 125 % to 175 % Flying Blue miles. Onboard
  31. Built with six upper-deck windows (three per side) to accommodate upstairs, lounge ,areas. Later, as airlines began to use the upper-deck for premium passenger
  32. The opening of the new Eastern Extension, doubling the size of the departure, lounge ,and creating additional seating as well as retail space. With an area of
  33. Being offered for lease to airline tenants; after a reporter asked whether the, lounge ,would be leased as well, LaGuardia replied that it would, and a vice president
  34. Incorrect.; chaise tongue: a long chair for reclining; (also rendered chaise, lounge ,or chase lounge by folk etymology).; Champs-Élysées: literally" Elysian
  35. To a hundred hippies greeted the Swami chanting Hare Krishna in the airport, lounge ,with flowers in hands. To further support and promote Bhaktivedanta Swami's
  36. Customers preparing for long flights to London and Tokyo. While the Dallas, lounge ,is no longer open, Flagship Lounges are now available at four airports:
  37. Fight the Battle of Bosworth Field on-stage while those with lesser roles, lounge ,at the back, showing no interest in the proceedings. In Laurence Olivier's
  38. Suite. All rooms are fully furnished, and each floor contains a single study, lounge , Renovations are currently being planned. *Eastern Shore - Freshmen Honors
  39. York City, and partly as a result became owner of the world's first airline, lounge ,at the new LaGuardia Airport (LGA),which became known as the Admirals Club.
  40. Boeing designed the 747's hump-like upper deck to serve as a first class, lounge ,or (as is the general rule today) extra seating, and to allow the aircraft to
  41. To be used in a rape scene in a Robert Rodriguez movie. The reference is to a, lounge ,cover of the song, recorded by the band Novella Vague, played during a scene
  42. S Wake, an Irish pub with NIN imports/microbrews on tap; and Alex 1805,a jazz, lounge ,featuring local art and live music. Across the street is the Hotel Bentley
  43. The French chaise tongue (" long chair" ) became the American" chaise, lounge ," by metathesis (transposition of letters and/or sounds). It has also been
  44. Baggage screening, three large alliance-aligned lounge s plus one unaligned, lounge ,(to replace the multiple airline specific lounge s) and fully face lifted
  45. Were not intelligent. Duke also explored the downtempo end of electronic, lounge ,music, with sister label Cooking' and the Earth series of compilations. Some of
  46. Change based on time of day),as well as a less crowded, more comfortable, lounge ,space. Additionally, complimentary Lenovo computer terminals with free internet
  47. The same cabin as UK Domestic but with a fully flexible ticket and pre-flight, lounge ,access. Euro Traveler is British Airways' economy class offering on flights
  48. airport's construction, New York Mayor Fiorella LaGuardia had an upper-level, lounge ,set aside for press conferences and business meetings. At one such press
  49. And quicklime. Beyond the outer wall was a water-filled moat. Golden Gate, lounge ,In the middle of Baghdad, in the central square was the Golden Gate Palace. The
  50. Suite. All rooms are fully furnished, and each floor contains a single study, lounge , Renovations are currently being planned. *Hampton Roads - All Students -

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